This repository is used to simplify the process of cloning the SSM documents across the AWS regions.


SSM Cloner


  • This module is created in order to simplify the process of copying the SSM documents from one region to another regions.

  • As an organisation or team can have multiple regions in which they operate. And in order to replicate the SSM documents from one region to another.

  • It becomes a tedious task if you are developing or if you need to update a document and replicate the change across the regions.

  • To resolve this issue, ssm-cloner comes for your help.

  • Just execute this module and pass on the parameters and it will clone the documents for you.

  • You can also use it to unclone or create new version for your documents.


  • AWS CLI should be installed on the system. For installing AWS CLI, visit the link: Install AWS CLI

  • Python should be installed. For installing Python, visit this link: Installing Python

  • Python package boto3 should be installed.

    pip3 install boto3 #(Linux)
    pip install boto3 #(Windows)

How to setup environment

  1. For using it with AWS IAM users, set up the default profile using aws configure. The project will execute in that account.

  2. For AWS SSO users, copy and paste the temporary credentials in the terminal in which you want to execute the script.

  3. For IAM Role, this feature will be supported in future.

Execution Types

  1. Execute from command line as command line program

  2. Use it as a module - PENDING

  3. Use it as a installer - PENDING

Minimal Permission

  • In order to run the program, your user needs to have the sufficient permission.

  • Below is the permissions that is required for the program to run.

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
              "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": [
              "Resource": "*"

Execution Steps

  1. Clone the repo in your system

  2. Go to the directory where the repo is cloned

  3. Open the terminal in the directory and run the below commands.

  4. Execute the program using below syntax (For Linux):

     #For Cloning (Linux)
     python3 -c -d <doc_name> -sr <source_region> -dr <command_separated_destination_regions>
     #For Uncloning (Linux)
     python3 -uc -d <doc_name> -sr <source_region> -dr <command_separated_destination_regions>
  5. For windows, follow the below syntax:

     #For Cloning (Windows)
     python -c -d <doc_name> -sr <source_region> -dr <command_separated_destination_regions>
     #For Uncloning (Windows)
     python -uc -d <doc_name> -sr <source_region> -dr <command_separated_destination_regions>

Command Line Parameters Description

  1. -d / --doc-name (Required): This parameter is used to define the document name that needs to be cloned.

  2. -sr / --source-region (Required): This parameter is used to define the source region from which the main document will be fetched

    • Type: string
    • Example: us-east-1
  1. -dr / --destination-regions (Required): This parameter is used to define the destination regions to which the cloned documents will be created.

    • Type: Command Separated values
    • Example: us-east-1,us-east-2,us-west-1
  1. -c / --clone (Required): This parameter is used to specify program to clone the document. This parameter cannot be used together with "-uc / --unclone" parameter.

    • Type: None
    • Example: -c or --clone
    • Usage:
      python3 -c #(Short hand parameter)
      # OR
      python3 --clone #(Descriptive parameter)
  1. -uc / --unclone (Required): This parameter is used to specify program to unclone the document. This parameter cannot be used together with "-c or --clone" parameter.

    • Type: None
    • Example: -uc or --unclone
    • Usage:
      python3 -uc #(Short hand parameter)
      python3 --unclone #(Descriptive parameter)


  • Add the functionality to make the program, a module
  • Add the functionality to execute the program across the accounts/region
  • Support for gov cloud


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