Implementation of gMLP, an all-MLP replacement for Transformers, in Pytorch


gMLP - Pytorch

Implementation of gMLP, an all-MLP replacement for Transformers, in Pytorch


$ pip install g-mlp-pytorch


For masked language modelling

import torch
from g_mlp_pytorch import gMLP

model = gMLP(
    num_tokens = 20000,
    dim = 512,
    depth = 6,
    seq_len = 256

x = torch.randint(0, 20000, (1, 256))
emb = model(x) # (1, 256, 512)

For image classification

import torch
from g_mlp_pytorch import gMLPVision

model = gMLPVision(
    image_size = 256,
    patch_size = 16,
    num_classes = 1000,
    dim = 512,
    depth = 6

img = torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256)
pred = model(img) # (1, 1000)

You can also add a tiny amount of attention (one-headed) to boost performance, as mentioned in the paper as aMLP, with the addition of one extra keyword attn_dim. This applies to both gMLPVision and gMLP

import torch
from g_mlp_pytorch import gMLPVision

model = gMLPVision(
    image_size = 256,
    patch_size = 16,
    num_classes = 1000,
    dim = 512,
    depth = 6,
    attn_dim = 64

img = torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256)
pred = model(img) # (1, 1000)


    title   = {Pay Attention to MLPs}, 
    author  = {Hanxiao Liu and Zihang Dai and David R. So and Quoc V. Le},
    year    = {2021},
    eprint  = {2105.08050},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.LG}
  • Custom image sizes?

    Custom image sizes?

    Hi, Thanks for your great (and very fast) contribution! I was wondering if you could help me figure out how to apply this to a different image size? It's not really an image, but rather a 2D dimensional tensor of 4096X100.

    I saw that I can change the number of channels, so I could just set channels to be 1. But I see that firstly - your implementation is for squared images, and secondly, it requires that image size should be devisable by patch size.

    Since you've written this implementation perhaps you could help me to adapt it for my needs? (and maybe other users for their cases).

    Maybe I could pad the length to be 128 so both would be devisable by 16 for example? but then where do I set different h, w ?


    opened by danarte 3
  • Parameter count doesnt line up with paper

    Parameter count doesnt line up with paper

    Just a note (and correct me if I misunderstood the paper) -

    The parameter count for the Tiny gMLP doesnt line up with the param count from the paper for 30 layers and 128 dim and 6 ff_mult. Thats probably due to the doubling of parameters here -

    Halving this back to dim_ff + all 3 lines here need to halve their respective dims -

    Then param count is roughly 5.5 M params.

    opened by titu1994 2
  • Add Support for Stochastic Depth

    Add Support for Stochastic Depth

    This PR adds support for stochastic depth, which is used in the paper for the vision experiments. I went ahead an added it to gMLP as well for completeness.

    I tried my best to match your style. Let me know if there are any problems, or if you want me to refactor anything.

    opened by mlw214 2
  • Don't you think this is more legible?

    Don't you think this is more legible?

    ` class SpatialGatingUnit(nn.Module): def init(self, dim, dim_seq, causal = False, act = nn.Identity(), init_eps = 1e-3): super().init() dim_out = dim // 2 self.causal = causal

        self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim_out)
        #self.proj = nn.Conv1d(dim_seq, dim_seq, 1)
        self.dim_seq = dim_seq
        self.w_ = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(dim_seq, dim_seq), requires_grad=True)   ####
        self.b_ = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(dim_seq), requires_grad=True)  ####
        self.act = act
        init_eps /= dim_seq
        #nn.init.uniform_(self.proj.weight, -init_eps, init_eps)
        #nn.init.constant_(self.proj.bias, 1.)
    def forward(self, x, gate_res = None): # x -> bsz, len, hidden*6
        device, n = x.device, x.shape[1]
        res, gate = x.chunk(2, dim = -1)
        gate = self.norm(gate)
        weight, bias = self.w_, self.b_ # weight -> len, len, 1     bias -> len
        if self.causal:
            weight.unsqueeze(-1) # TODO
            weight, bias = weight[:n, :n], bias[:n]
            mask = torch.ones(weight.shape[:2], device = device).triu_(1).bool()
            weight = weight.masked_fill(mask[..., None], 0.)
            weight.squeeze(-1)# TODO
        gate = torch.matmul(weight, gate) + bias[None, :self.dim_seq, None]   # WZ + b
        #gate = F.conv1d(gate, weight, bias)   # WZ + b
        if exists(gate_res):
            gate = gate + gate_res
        return self.act(gate) * res


    opened by ZIZUN 0
  • Potentially missing the high way pass

    Potentially missing the high way pass


    Maybe I missed it, but would you mind pointing out where the high way pass of the gMLP block is in the code? Based on the paper, there is a high way path (addition) between the input and the output. I couldn't find it in the gMLPBlock code.

    Thank you

    opened by Vincent-Li-9701 1
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