py 3.10
Little Library REST API The only one requeriment it's to have Flask installed.
To run this, in ./src/
(if you're in PS):
> $env:FLASK_APP=""
> flask run
Default localhost:
py 3.10
The only one requeriment it's to have Flask installed.
To run this, in ./src/
(if you're in PS):
> $env:FLASK_APP=""
> flask run
Default localhost:
Connect is a Python Flask project within the cloud-native ecosystem. Second project of Udacity's Cloud Native Nanodegree program, focusing on documenting and architecting a monolith migration to micr
Flask Multiple Database Login Handle login with flask using two diferent databases: UE | European; BR | Brazilian; These databases are separed to resp
Talisman: HTTP security headers for Flask Talisman is a small Flask extension that handles setting HTTP headers that can help protect against a few co
Flask-MongoEngine Info: MongoEngine for Flask web applications. Repository: About Flask-MongoEngine i
Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-SQLAlchemy is an extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy to your application. It aims to simplify using SQLAlchemy
python-flask-example-keepalive How it works? Basically its just a python flask webserver which can be used to keep any repl/herokuapp or any other ser
flask-postgres-CRUD A basic CRUD application built in flask using postgres as database Taks list Dockerfile Initial docker-compose - It is working Dat
A team blog based on Flask This project isn't supported at the moment, please see a newer pypress-tornado Thanks for flask_website and newsmeme at [ht
Serverless Framework Python Flask API service backed by DynamoDB on AWS Python Flask API service, backed by DynamoDB, running on AWS Lambda using the
docker-compose uWSGI nginx flask Note that this was tested on CentOS 7 Usage sudo yum install docker
Build And Deploy A REST API with Flask This is code for a series of videos in which we look at the various concepts involved when building a REST API
Introduction-Page-Maker Setup the api Upload the flask api on your host Setup requirements Make pages file on your host and upload the css and js and
Open-source Flask Sample built on top of flask-dance library. The project implements the social login for Github and Twitter - Originally coded by TestDriven.IO.
flask-paginate Pagination support for flask framework (study from will_paginate). It supports several css frameworks. It requires Python2.6+ as string
Flask FeatureFlags This is a Flask extension that adds feature flagging to your applications. This lets you turn parts of your site on or off based on
Flask-API-Utils Flask-API-Utils helps you to create APIs. It makes responses in appropriate formats, for instance, JSON. All you need to do is to retu
Bunker-Website This is a GUI version of the Bunker-API along with some visualization charts to see your attendance progress. Website Link Check out th
Flask Project Template A full feature Flask project template. See also Python-Project-Template for a lean, low dependency Python app. HOW TO USE THIS
Flask-Pusher Flask extension for Pusher. It is a thin wrapper around the official client, binding Flask app to Pusher client. Installation Install Fla
subdomainer-flask A Flask application for Subdomain Enumeration steps to be done git clone pip3 install