An MkDocs plugin that simplifies configuring page titles and their order


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An MkDocs plugin that simplifies configuring page titles and their order

The awesome-pages plugin allows you to customize how your pages show up the navigation of your MkDocs without having to configure the full structure in your mkdocs.yml. It gives you detailed control using a small configuration file directly placed in the relevant directory of your documentation.

Note: This plugin won't do anything if your mkdocs.yml defines a nav or pages entry. To make use of the features listed below, you'll either have to remove the entry completely or add a ... entry to it.


Note: This package requires Python >=3.5 and MkDocs version 1.0 or higher.
If you're still on MkDocs 0.17 use version 1 of this plugin.

Install the package with pip:

pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin

Enable the plugin in your mkdocs.yml:

    - search
    - awesome-pages

Note: If you have no plugins entry in your config file yet, you'll likely also want to add the search plugin. MkDocs enables it by default if there is no plugins entry set, but now you have to enable it explicitly.

More information about plugins in the MkDocs documentation


Customize Navigation

Create a YAML file named .pages in a directory and use the nav attribute to customize the navigation on that level. List the files and subdirectories in the order that they should appear in the navigation.

    - subdirectory


Pages or sections that are not mentioned in the list will not appear in the navigation. However, you may include a ... entry to specify where all remaining items should be inserted.

    - ...

Furthermore, it is possible to filter the remaining items using glob patterns or regular expressions. For example to match only the Markdown files starting with introduction-.

    - ... | introduction-*.md
    - ...

Note: The pattern is checked against the basename (folder- / filename) of remaining items - not their whole path.

For more details refer to the Rest Filter Patterns section below.


You can optionally specify a title for the navigation entry.

    - ...
    - First page:

Note: Specifying a title for a directory containing a .pages file that defines a title has no effect.


You can also use the nav attribute to add additional links to the navigation.

    - ...
    - Link Title:

Change Sort Order

Create a YAML file named .pages in a directory and set the order attribute to asc or desc to change the order of navigation items.

order: desc

Note: Unlike the default order, this does not distinguish between files and directories. Therefore pages and sections might get mixed.

Collapse Single Nested Pages

Note: This feature is disabled by default. More on how to use it below

If you have directories that only contain a single page, awesome-pages can "collapse" them, so the folder doesn't show up in the navigation.

For example if you have the following file structure:

├─ section1/
│  ├─ img/
│  │  ├─ image1.png
│  │  └─ image2.png
│  └─ # Section 1
└─ section2/
   └─ # Section 2

The pages will appear in your navigation at the root level:

  • Section 1
  • Section 2

Instead of how MkDocs would display them by default:

  • Section 1
    • Index
  • Section 2
    • Index

For all pages

Collapsing can be enabled globally using the collapse_single_pages option in mkdocs.yml

For a sub-section

If you only want to collapse certain pages, create a YAML file called .pages in the directory and set collapse_single_pages to true:

collapse_single_pages: true

You may also enable collapsing globally using the plugin option and then use the .pages file to prevent certain sub-sections from being collapsed by setting collapse_single_pages to false.

Note: This feature works recursively. That means it will also collapse multiple levels of single pages.

For a single page

If you want to enable or disable collapsing of a single page, without applying the setting recursively, create a YAML file called .pages in the directory and set collapse to true or false:

collapse: true

Hide Directory

Create a YAML file named .pages in a directory and set the hide attribute to true to hide the directory, including all sub-pages and sub-sections, from the navigation:

hide: true

Note: This option only hides the section from the navigation. It will still be included in the build and can be accessed under its URL.

Set Directory Title

Create a YAML file named .pages in a directory and set the title to override the title of that directory in the navigation:

title: Page Title

Arrange Pages

Deprecated: arrange will be removed in the next major release - Use nav instead.

Create a YAML file named .pages in a directory and set the arrange attribute to change the order of how child pages appear in the navigation. This works for actual pages as well as subdirectories.

title: Page Title
    - subdirectory

If you only specify some pages, they will be positioned at the beginning, followed by the other pages in their original order.

You may also include a ... entry at some position to specify where the rest of the pages should be inserted:

    - ...

In this example is positioned at the beginning, at the end, and any other pages in between.

Combine Custom Navigation & File Structure

MkDocs gives you two ways to define the structure of your navigation. Either create a custom navigation manually in mkdocs.yml or use the file structure to generate the navigation. This feature makes it possible to combine both methods. Allowing you to manually define parts of your navigation without having to list all files.

Note: You can freely combine this with all the other features of this plugin. However they will only affect the part of the navigation that is not defined manually.

Use the nav entry in mkdocs.yml to define the custom part of your navigation. Include a ... entry where you want the navigation tree of all remaining pages to be inserted.

The following examples are based on this file structure:

└─ folder/

If you wanted, and to appear under their own section you could do this:

    - Start:
    - ...

Which would result in the following navigation:

  • Start
    • Introduction
    • Page 1
    • Page 2
  • Folder
    • Introduction
    • Page 3
    • Page 4

The ... entry can also be placed at a deeper level:

    - Rest:
        - ...

Which would result in the following navigation:

  • Page 1
  • Rest
    • Introduction
    • Page 2
    • Folder
      • Introduction
      • Page 3
      • Page 4

Furthermore, it is possible to filter the remaining items using glob patterns or regular expressions. For example to match only files named

    - Introductions:
        - ... | **/
    - ...

With the following result:

  • Introductions
    • Introduction
    • Introduction
  • Page 1
  • Page 2
  • Folder
    • Page 3
    • Page 4

Note: The pattern is checked against the path relative to the docs directory.

For more details refer to the Rest Filter Patterns section below.

Rest Filter Patterns

In all places where the rest entry (...) is allowed, you can also include a glob pattern or regular expression to filter the items to be displayed.

    - ... | page-*.md
    - ... | regex=page-[0-9]

The filter only operates on remaining items. This means it will not include items that are explicitly listed in the navigation or items that are matched by another filter that appears earlier in the configuration.

You may also include a rest entry without filter to act as a catch-all, inserting everything that is not matched by a filter.

Syntax Details

Unless the filter starts with regex= it is interpreted as glob pattern, however you may also explicitly say so using glob=. The spaces around ... are optional but recommended for readability.

Note: Depending on the characters in your filter, you might also need to use quotes around the whole entry.

    # equivalent glob entries
    - ... | page-*.md
    - ... | glob=page-*.md
    - ...|page-*.md
    - '... | page-*.md'

    # equivalent regex entries
    - ... | regex=page-[0-9]
    - ...|regex=page-[0-9]
    - '... | regex=page-[0-9]'


You may customize the plugin by passing options in mkdocs.yml:

    - awesome-pages:
        filename: .index
        collapse_single_pages: true
        strict: false


Name of the file used to configure pages of a directory. Default is .pages


Enable the collapsing of single nested pages. Default is false


Raise errors instead of warnings when:

  • arrange entries cannot be found
  • nav entries cannot be found

Default is true


From reporting a bug to submitting a pull request: every contribution is appreciated and welcome. Report bugs, ask questions and request features using Github issues. If you want to contribute to the code of this project, please read the Contribution Guidelines.

  • Feature request: do not render subdirectory as section

    Feature request: do not render subdirectory as section

    If this is a thing about MkDocs internal and has no way to address without change to MkDocs, that's OK, I will open a feature request in its repo.

    Sections are defined by using the following syntax in mkdocs.yml, which has nothing to do with any subdirectory inside docs

      - Section1:
      - Section2:

    The navigation will be rendered like:

      title of
    Section 2
      title of

    MkDocs doesn't allow specifying directory or using globbing, this is why awesome-plugin comes. With awesome-plugin in use and the following directory structure:

      |__ .pages
      |__ section1/
               |__ .pages
               |__ section2/
                        |__ .pages
                        |__ ...

    docs/.pages contains:

      - section1

    docs/section1/.pages contains:

      - section2

    docs/secton1/section2/.pages contains:


    We only need index files in the navigation, all non-index Markdown files will get linked from inside index files. After build, we get the navigation list like:

    title of docs/
      title of docs/section1/
        title of docs/section1/section2/

    My feature request is that I don' t need those section markers, it should look like:

    title of docs/
      title of docs/section1/
        title of docs/section1/section2/

    Why does this feature make sense? Suppose:

    • title of docs/ is "Chapter1"
    • title of docs/section1/ is "Section1"
    • title of docs/section1/section2/ is "Section2"

    With those section markers there, it looks like:


    A bit weird, right? That's why those section markers should be removed. But what if those who don't use index files like this and they really need the section markers for grouping. I think it could be done like:

      - Section 1:
         - section1

    Only if an explicit section is given, then produce that section item in the nav.

    Of course, this could be tweaked in theme templates, but I personally think taking subdirectories as section items automatically is a bad idea because you never know how your users want their directory to be handled. Instead of tweaking each theme, it should be addressed inside the navigation generator itself.

    Anyway, appreciating for developing this plugin as it really helps!

    opened by madjxatw 15
  • Idea: Option to generate TOC in pages using placeholder?

    Idea: Option to generate TOC in pages using placeholder?

    Not sure if this would be either out of scope, or even impossible to implement, but how about having a way to generate a TOC inside a page, by using a specific placeholder for it?


    The following structure is present:

    ├ assets/
    │  ├ css/ # Some CSS assets
    │  │  └ ...
    │  └ img/ # Some images
    │     └ ...
    └ posts/
       ├ # Content shown below
       └ archive/

    I now set up a .pages.yml file in assets to ignore the folder and one in posts with the following structure:

    title: Posts
    - My Posts:
    - ...

    Finally, do I add the following to my

    # My Posts
    Below can you find a list of all posts I made so far.
    ## Pages
    {nav} <!-- Just an example. Not sure how the placeholder should look like -->

    The {nav} placeholder would now take all pages it can find in the posts directory and also go through any additional directories found there. It will however skip the file it is used in.

    Once it has all pages, will it generate a list that could look like this:

    # My Posts
    Below can you find a list of all posts I made so far.
    ## Pages
    - [Post1](
    - [Post2](
    - [Archived](archive)
      - [Post3](archive/

    It would take the names to display from either the nav-section in the .pages file, or from the pages themself.


    This plugin is useful for when you want to have the nav updated without needing to always set it yourself, but won't obviously work for when you have a manual nav inside a specific file.

    For me is that the case with a blog I have. While I no longer need to update the nav myself do I always have to update the list in the of my posts directory, which is frustrating sometimes.

    Having a way to automate this using a placeholder or similar would really help a lot.

    I hope this is somewhat doable.

    opened by Andre601 14
  • Add natural sorting

    Add natural sorting

    Natural sorting is important for documents that have file names that are numbered.

    Take for example

    >>> items
    ['3000.', '4.']
    >>> print(sorted(items))
    ['3000.', '4.']
    >>> print(os_sorted(items, key = lambda i: i,reverse = False))
    ['4.', '3000.']
    opened by rkk1995 12
  • Arrange entry

    Arrange entry "templates" is invalid

    I have a portion of my site I'd like to use to document templates (things we create as part of our project not anything to do with MkDocs itself).

    The site build breaks when I list 'templates' under arrange in the docs/.pages file.

        - ...
        - templates
    INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
    243 | INFO    -  Building documentation to directory: /codebuild/...
    244 | Traceback (most recent call last):
    245 | File "/codebuild/.../mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 72, in _arrange_items
    246 | return arrange(items, meta.arrange, lambda item: basename(self._get_item_path(item)))
    247 | File "/codebuild/.../mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 29, in arrange
    248 | raise InvalidArrangeEntry(entry)
    249 | mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin.arrange.InvalidArrangeEntry: Arrange entry "templates" is invalid.

    Is this "invalid" because it's conflicting with potential MkDocs templates? Is there a workaround?

    opened by connerxyz 10
  • Best

    Best "nav" plugin but Please have Regex/Glob patterns to specify files !


    Best nav plugin, though it's missing ability to specify files with Regex OR Glob pattern.

    Everything is just beautiful. One thing though I noticed is it's missing the ability to specify which files to place under a specific section using a regex or glob patterns.

    So like the "..." just places anything that hasn't been specified:

        - section
            - ...

    ... which is very useful ! But also what would be useful is if you could place specific files under a section based on a regular expression or glob pattern:

        - Math:
            - 'Math Notes - .+\.md'
            - 'Math Notes - *.md'
        - Physics:
            - 'Physics Notes - .+\.md'
            - 'Physics Notes - *.md'
        - Exams:
            - '**/* Exam - *.md'

    Either Regex or Glob patterns, if you can do both even better. I'm not too familiar with what's possible but just an idea: maybe to differentiate what's a regular, regex or glob string, you could do kinda like the python format string and have: nothing/ 'r' / 'g' preprend the string respectively:

        - Math:
            - 'Math Notes -'
            - r'Math Notes - .+\.md'
            - g'Math Notes - *.md'

    Probably just getting ahead of myself. But you get the idea. I think the mkdocs-exclude has an implementation of regex/glob patterns.

    If you could make that happen that would be amazing ! And make this the most complete "nav" plugin. Thanks in advance. Very grateful for your plugin. 🎩 s off brother.

    opened by akharrou 9
  • Awesome pages doesn't respect specified file order over `...` pattern

    Awesome pages doesn't respect specified file order over `...` pattern

    I host a website listing sounds enum names for the SpigotMC project.

    Now I want to use Awesome pages to not have to update all pages every time a new update releases, but I encounter a rather strange issue, where the order of the pages in the navigation is completely out of order.

    My intended order is:

    - Spigot 1.8.x
    - Spigot 1.9.x
    - Spigot 1.10.x
    - Spigot 1.11.x
    - Spigot 1.12.x
    - Spigot 1.13.x
    - Spigot 1.14.x
    - Spigot 1.15.x
    - Spigot 1.16.x
    - Spigot 1.17.x
    - Spigot 1.18.x

    but the order as of now is

    - Spigot 1.10.x
    - Spigot 1.11.x
    - Spigot 1.12.x
    - Spigot 1.13.x
    - Spigot 1.14.x
    - Spigot 1.15.x
    - Spigot 1.16.x
    - Spigot 1.17.x
    - Spigot 1.18.x
    - Spigot 1.8.x
    - Spigot 1.9.x

    and I'm not sure if this is now caused by awesome pages, the Material theme or even MkDocs itself.

    I tried to force awesome pages to put the 1.8 and 1.9 pages before everything else using

    - Spigot Sounds:
    - ...

    but the order stays unaffected. The file names are correct.

    Any idea what the issue is and how I could solve it?

    opened by Andre601 8
  • Allow sections to be configured in `nav`

    Allow sections to be configured in `nav`

    In order to achieve top-level sections (e.g. to utilize material navigation tabs), I need to either:

    • use this plugin but restructure all of my docs based on those sections
    • use the native mkdocs nav functionality, and miss out on the good features here including the spread operator for the "rest" of the pages

    It would be great to be able to specify custom sections in the .pages file of the docs_dir, e.g.:

      - Vision:
      - People:
      - ...
    opened by athal7 8
  • Exclude Files from rendering when they are not in .pages file and no

    Exclude Files from rendering when they are not in .pages file and no "..." is given

    I was thinking that if we don't declare the "..." and the file into the .pages-file, the specific file won't show up after rendering. Is there a Way to just render the Files that are in the .pages-file if there isn't a "..." added to the .pages-file?

    Example 1:
    - dir
      -  .pages
    title: Test
    Result: should not be part of the generated documentation.

    And now with dots:

    Example 1:
    - dir
      -  .pages
    title: Test
        - ...
    Result: should be part of the generated documentation.
    opened by alexander-matthiesen 7
  • Grouping of Rest items is not working

    Grouping of Rest items is not working

    I'm experiencing a TypeError error with the following configuration:


    order: desc
      - 2020 Blogs:
        - ... | regex=2020[A-Z0-9a-z_-]
      - 2019 Blogs:
        - ... | regex=2019[A-Z0-9a-z_-]

    However the following configuration is working:

    order: desc
      - ... | regex=2020[A-Z0-9a-z_-]


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/bin/mkdocs", line 8, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 829, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 782, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
        return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1066, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 610, in invoke
        return callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs/", line 133, in serve_command
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs/commands/", line 141, in serve
        config = builder()
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs/commands/", line 136, in builder
        build(config, live_server=live_server, dirty=dirty)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs/commands/", line 266, in build
        nav = config['plugins'].run_event('nav', nav, config=config, files=files)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs/", line 94, in run_event
        result = method(item, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 45, in on_nav
        return AwesomeNavigation(nav.items, Options(**self.config), config['docs_dir'], explicit_sections).to_mkdocs()
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 43, in __init__
        self.meta = NavigationMeta(items, options, docs_dir, explicit_sections)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 183, in __init__
        self.root = Meta.try_load_from(join_paths(root_path, self.options.filename))
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 131, in try_load_from
        return Meta.load_from(path)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 175, in load_from
        nav = [MetaNavItem.from_yaml(item, path) for item in nav]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 175, in <listcomp>
        nav = [MetaNavItem.from_yaml(item, path) for item in nav]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin/", line 41, in from_yaml
        raise TypeError('Invalid nav item format {type} [{context}]'.format(type=item, context=context))
    TypeError: Invalid nav item format {'2020 Blogs': ['... | regex=2020[A-Z0-9a-z_-]']} [/docs/docs/.pages]

    Also I'm building a custom Docker image for Material for MkDocs, to include the awesome-pages-plugin: - - How to add plugins to the Docker image?

    opened by ThuF 6
  • Hide entire menu with an `hide-menu: true` setting in .pages file

    Hide entire menu with an `hide-menu: true` setting in .pages file

    My group has some theme overrides setup to not render the entire nav menu of our main index page since we want the main page to be clean and the other pages are more "utility" in nature. It would be nice if this were built-in and we didn't need the custom theme work.

    It feels like this functionality best fits with this plugin, hence why this enhancement suggestion was created.

    opened by kleinen 6
  • Some issues during install

    Some issues during install


    Many thanks for maintaining this plugin. It fills a missing part from mkdocs 👍

    However I am facing this issue during install:

    pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin
    Collecting mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin
      Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin (from versions: )
    No matching distribution found for mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin

    Any thoughts?


    opened by AdrienFromToulouse 6
  • Feature request : Standalone Navigation for sub sections

    Feature request : Standalone Navigation for sub sections

    |______ subdir/
                  |_____ subsubdir/
                               |_____ ....
    |______ Teachings/
                  |_____ .pages
                  |_____ CoursTAI/
                               |_____ .pages
                               |_____ ....
                               |_____ subsubdir222/
                  |_____ SQL/
                               |_____ .pages
                               |_____ ....
                               |_____ subsubdir222/
                                           |_____ ....

    What I am trying to achieve : I want to create a sub-directory with it's own navigation that doesn't show other upper section navigation

    In example: The navigation for CoursTAI should only include all pages under CoursTAI Teaching and SQL should not be visible


    opened by Noobzik 2
  • Feature Request: multiple root directories

    Feature Request: multiple root directories

    awesome-pages is... awesome. But it cannot be successfully used with monorepo and multirepo plugins (and monorepos/multirepos are challenging to manage without those plugins). I decided to bail on the mono/multi-repo plugins and figure out how to make my multiple monorepos (yup, both) work, in the aggregate, with awesome-pages. Turns out that it only took a small shell script to move some files around into the "docs" directory.

    And so, with that realization, I can also say that awesome-pages could be altered to work for mono/multi-repos by supporting more path options. The plugin currently only descends into docs_dir, but if .pages could add an option to look in other dirs (and maybe even support deeper paths, e.g. my_dir/nested_dir and not just my_dir), it would work for users handling mono/multi-repos (and, I believe, would also allow people using those other plugins to either ditch them or configure them to allow awesome-pages to work).

    opened by rplotkin 3
  • Default title to directory/

    Default title to directory/

    Seems like a nice default behaviour would to default the title of a directory in the generated navigation to the title from the directory's file. After all, that seems to be the behaviour for any .md file.

    opened by mikew 1
  • awesome-pages and i18n compatibility using .pages

    awesome-pages and i18n compatibility using .pages

    Hi there !

    I have just read the issues on @ultrabug's i18n compatibility with awesome-pages from the end of 2021, and from what I read I understood that everything works fine unless there is something unexpected in the mkdocs.yml such as .... Knowing this issue, I decided to go for a .pages file, but I do get 404 errors.

    I wasn't sure whether I should put it here or as ultrabug's plugin issue, but I believe I'm doing something wrong with the .pages file, that's why I'm posting here. Would you mind giving it a look plz ?

    First of all, I have this project : image

    ├─ .pages 

    With this mkdocs.yml :

    site_name: My Docs
      name: material
        text: Ubuntu
        code: Ubuntu Mono
        scheme: slate
        primary: blue grey
        accent: amber
        - name: English
          link: ./
          lang: en
        - name: Français
          link: ./fr/
          lang: fr
        - search
        - awesome-pages
        - i18n:
            default_language: en
              en: english
              fr: français
                'Welcome': 'Bienvenue'
                'File 2 awesome pages': 'Fichier 2 awesome pages'

    This is what my .pages file looks like :

        - Welcome:
        - File 2 awesome pages:

    While browsing the mkdocs serve, if I change the language from default (english) to french, and try to access one of the pages it outputs a 404 error : image

    Whereas if I stay in the default language it doesn't : image

    I also notice that when clicking on a page, the url is / whereas it should be /fr/file2 : back in the default language instead of staying in the fr part.

    Thank you in advance ! 😄

    opened by Argald0 3
  • Allow sorting by page title instead of filename

    Allow sorting by page title instead of filename

    This plugin currently only supports sorting by the filename of the page. When pages using a different visible title however, the resulting sort will appear incorrect. It would be nice to have an option where we can sort by the title instead of the page name.

    opened by ekoleda-codaio 0
  • [FR] Extend

    [FR] Extend "flat" to also work with dirs

    The new flat feature is great, but unfortunately it has some limitations:

    1. The following one works as expected - under Project Name I get one, flat list of pages from docs/ and from all subdirs inside docs/.
      - Projects:
         - Project Name:
            - ... | flat | projects/project-name/docs/**/*

    However - what If I don't want to flat subdirs? What I mean is - I would like to avoid Docs in nav, but I would like to preserve all the subdirs, so I get:

    • Projects/
      • Project Name/
        • Page 1
        • Page 2
        • Subdir/
          • Page 3

    And of course the point is not to define all the subdirs manually, but to autogenerate it.

    I tested 2 approaches:

    • in the below scenario we only get Page 1 and Page 2; Subdir and Page 3 are not included at all.
      - Projects:
         - Project Name:
            - ... | flat | projects/project-name/docs/*
    • I tested both above variants with additional .pages file inside projects/project-name/docs/ with various combinations, i.a. with subdir specified explicitly:
      - subdir
      - ...

    but it didn't have any impact on results - they were exactly the same as before.

    1. Another issue I have is the usage of that new functionality within .pages files. I wanted to use such nav in main mkdocs.yml:
      - ... | projects/**/*

    to automatically populate all the projects (actually in that example I don't need to specify nav at all to get the same result, but in real-life scenarios I just use it to define the proper order of nav tabs). It works great as it is, but of course then we have unwanted Docs in nav. My idea was to define .pages file in each project and specify there to flat the sub-structure to avoid Docs in nav.

    I created such projects/project-name/.pages file then:

      - ... | flat | docs

    but it doesn't work - I get exactly the same results as without the file, so Docs stays in nav. I did a few more tests:

    • - ... | flat - the same result
    • - ... | flat | docs/* - doesn't work at all, nothing is generated
    • - docs | flat - returns an error: mkdocs_awesome_pages_plugin.navigation.NavEntryNotFound: Nav entry "docs | flat" not found.

    As mentioned by @lukasgeiter in #36:

    The feature was not designed to do anything more than flatten the list of remaining pages.

    and that's the reason why it doesn't cover more complicated scenarios, when we actually need to work more with dirs than just pages. That FR is about extending the functionality of flat.

    opened by jaklan 4
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