A list of NLP(Natural Language Processing) tutorials


NLP Tutorial

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A list of NLP(Natural Language Processing) tutorials built on PyTorch.

Table of Contents

A step-by-step tutorial on how to implement and adapt to the simple real-word NLP task.

Text Classification

News Category Classification

This repo provides a simple PyTorch implementation of Text Classification, with simple annotation. Here we use Huffpost news corpus including corresponding category. The classification model trained on this dataset identify the category of news article based on their headlines and descriptions.
Keyword: CBoW, LSTM, fastText, Text cateogrization

IMDb Movie Review Classification

This text classification tutorial trains a transformer model on the IMDb movie review dataset for sentiment analysis. It provides a simple PyTorch implementation, with simple annotation.
Keyword: Transformer, Sentiment analysis

Question-Answer Matching

This repo provides a simple PyTorch implementation of Question-Answer matching. Here we use the corpus from Stack Exchange to build embeddings for entire questions. Using those embeddings, we find similar questions for a given question, and show the corresponding answers to those I found.
Keyword: CBoW, TF-IDF, LSTM with variable-length seqeucnes

Movie Review Classification (Korean NLP)

This repo provides a simple Keras implementation of TextCNN for Text Classification. Here we use the movie review corpus written in Korean. The model trained on this dataset identify the sentiment based on review text.
Keyword: TextCNN, Sentiment analysis

Neural Machine Translation

English to French Translation - seq2seq

This neural machine translation tutorial trains a seq2seq model on a set of many thousands of English to French translation pairs to translate from English to French. It provides an intrinsic/extrinsic comparison of various sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models in translation.
Keyword: sequence to seqeunce network(seq2seq), Attention, Autoregressive, Teacher-forcing

French to English Translation - Transformer

This neural machine translation tutorial trains a Transformer model on a set of many thousands of French to English translation pairs to translate from French to English. It provides a simple PyTorch implementation, with simple annotation.
Keyword: Transformer, SentencePiece

Natural Language Understanding

Neural Language Model

This repo provides a simple PyTorch implementation of Neural Language Model for natural language understanding. Here we implement unidirectional/bidirectional language models, and pre-train language representations from unlabeled text (Wikipedia corpus).
Keyword: Autoregressive language model, Perplexity

Allen Lee
AI Research Engineer, NLP-holic
Allen Lee
This repo contains simple to use, pretrained/training-less models for speaker diarization.

PyDiar This repo contains simple to use, pretrained/training-less models for speaker diarization. Supported Models Binary Key Speaker Modeling Based o

12 Jan 20, 2022
Tool to check whether a GCP bucket is public or not.

Tool to check publicly accessible GCP bucket. Blog https://justm0rph3u5.medium.com/gcp-inspector-auditing-publicly-exposed-gcp-bucket-ac6cad55618c Wha

Top2Vec is an algorithm for topic modeling and semantic search.

Top2Vec is an algorithm for topic modeling and semantic search. It automatically detects topics present in text and generates jointly embedded topic, document and word vectors.

Dimo Angelov 2.4k Jan 06, 2023
Code for paper: An Effective, Robust and Fairness-awareHate Speech Detection Framework

BiQQLSTM_HS Code and data for paper: Title: An Effective, Robust and Fairness-awareHate Speech Detection Framework. Authors: Guanyi Mou and Kyumin Lee

Guanyi Mou 2 Dec 27, 2022

SimCSE复现 项目描述 SimCSE是一种简单但是很巧妙的NLP对比学习方法,创新性地引入Dropout的方式,对样本添加噪声,从而达到对正样本增强的目的。 该框架的训练目的为:对于batch中的每个样本,拉近其与正样本之间的距离,拉远其与负样本之间的距离,使得模型能够在大规模无监督语料(也可以

58 Dec 20, 2022
It analyze the sentiment of the user, whether it is postive or negative.

Sentiment-Analyzer-Tool It analyze the sentiment of the user, whether it is postive or negative. It uses streamlit library for creating this sentiment

Paras Patidar 18 Dec 17, 2022
FewCLUE: 为中文NLP定制的小样本学习测评基准

FewCLUE: 为中文NLP定制的小样本学习测评基准

CLUE benchmark 387 Jan 04, 2023
NLP made easy

GluonNLP: Your Choice of Deep Learning for NLP GluonNLP is a toolkit that helps you solve NLP problems. It provides easy-to-use tools that helps you l

Distributed (Deep) Machine Learning Community 2.5k Jan 04, 2023
NeoDays-based tileset for the roguelike CDDA (Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead)

NeoDaysPlus Reduced contrast, expanded, and continuously developed version of the CDDA tileset NeoDays that's being completed with new sprites for mis

0 Nov 12, 2022

- 基于标题的大规模商品实体检索top1 一、任务介绍 CCKS 2020:基于标题的大规模商品实体检索,任务为对于给定的一个商品标题,参赛系统需要匹配到该标题在给定商品库中的对应商品实体。 输入:输入文件包括若干行商品标题。 输出:输出文本每一行包括此标题对应的商品实体,即给定知识库中商品 ID,

43 Nov 11, 2022
MRC approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)

B-MRC MRC approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) Paper: Bidirectional Machine Reading Comprehension for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extracti

Phuc Phan 1 Apr 05, 2022
Global Rhythm Style Transfer Without Text Transcriptions

Global Prosody Style Transfer Without Text Transcriptions This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of AutoPST, which enables unsupervised glo

Kaizhi Qian 193 Dec 30, 2022
An automated program that helps customers of Pizza Palour place their pizza orders

PIzza_Order_Assistant Introduction An automated program that helps customers of Pizza Palour place their pizza orders. The program uses voice commands

Tindi Sommers 1 Dec 26, 2021
CPT: A Pre-Trained Unbalanced Transformer for Both Chinese Language Understanding and Generation

CPT This repository contains code and checkpoints for CPT. CPT: A Pre-Trained Unbalanced Transformer for Both Chinese Language Understanding and Gener

fastNLP 342 Jan 05, 2023
⚖️ A Statutory Article Retrieval Dataset in French.

A Statutory Article Retrieval Dataset in French This repository contains the Belgian Statutory Article Retrieval Dataset (BSARD), as well as the code

Maastricht Law & Tech Lab 19 Nov 17, 2022
A Practitioner's Guide to Natural Language Processing

Learn how to process, classify, cluster, summarize, understand syntax, semantics and sentiment of text data with the power of Python! This repository contains code and datasets used in my book, Text

Dipanjan (DJ) Sarkar 1.5k Jan 03, 2023
Fuzzy String Matching in Python

FuzzyWuzzy Fuzzy string matching like a boss. It uses Levenshtein Distance to calculate the differences between sequences in a simple-to-use package.

SeatGeek 8.8k Jan 01, 2023
Rank-One Model Editing for Locating and Editing Factual Knowledge in GPT

Rank-One Model Editing (ROME) This repository provides an implementation of Rank-One Model Editing (ROME) on auto-regressive transformers (GPU-only).

Kevin Meng 130 Dec 21, 2022
NLP-Project - Used an API to scrape 2000 reddit posts, then used NLP analysis and created a classification model to mixed succcess

Project 3: Web APIs & NLP Problem Statement How do r/Libertarian and r/Neoliberal differ on Biden post-inaguration? The goal of the project is to see

Adam Muhammad Klesc 2 Mar 29, 2022
Community and sentiment analysis based on tweets

The project has set itself the goal of analyzing the thoughts and interaction of Italian users through the social posts expressed through the Twitter platform on the day of the entry into force of th

3 Nov 17, 2022