Code for BMVC2021 "MOS: A Low Latency and Lightweight Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Head Pose Estimation"




This repo is the official implementation of "MOS: A Low Latency and Lightweight Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Head Pose Estimation". The paper has been accepted at BMVC2021.

This repo is an implementation of PyTorch. MOS is a low latency and lightweight architecture for face detection, facial landmark localization and head pose estimation.It aims to bridge the gap between research and industrial communities. For more details, please refer to our report on Arxiv.


  • 【2021/10/31】 We have released the training data (widerface with pose label). The pytorch inference code of MOS-S and MOS-M has been released!
  • 【2021/10/22】 We have released our paper on Arxiv.
  • 【2021/10/15】 "MOS: A Low Latency and Lightweight Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Head Pose Estimation" has been accepted at BMVC2021.

Comming soon

  • Tensorrt inference code.
  • Openvino inference code.
  • Ncnn inference code.
  • The fastest version: MOS-tiny.


Light Models.

WiderFace Val Performance is in multi scale and Pose evaluation is using AFLW2000 in 300X300 as image input.

Model backbone easy medium hard pitch yaw roll
MOS-M mobilenetV2 94.08 93.21 88.06 6.67 4.43 5.83
MOS-S shufflenetV2 93.28 92.12 86.97 6.80 4.28 5.99

generate widerface validation results

  1. Generate txt file You need download the validation and test dataset of WiderFace from Here
python --network cfg_mos_m --trained_model ./test_weights/MOS-M.pth
  1. Evaluate txt results. Demo come from Here
cd ./widerface_evaluate
python build_ext --inplace

Training data

  1. Download annotations (face bounding boxes & five facial landmarks & pose angle(pitch,yaw,roll)) from baidu cloud , the code is 0925. We also provide the GOOGLE DRIVE
  2. Organise the dataset directory as follows:

The annotation file is like:

# 0--Parade/0_Parade_marchingband_1_849.jpg
449 330 122 149 488.906 373.643 0.0 542.089 376.442 0.0 515.031 412.83 0.0 485.174 425.893 0.0 538.357 431.491 0.0 0.82 -6 -6 1

face_x face_y face_width face_height landmark1.x landmark1.y 0.0 landmark2.x landmark2.y 0.0 landmark3.x landmark3.y 0.0 landmark4.x landmark4.y 0.0
landmark5.x landmark5.y 0.0 confidence pitch yaw roll

Quick Start


Step1. Install MOS.

git clone
cd MOS-Multi-Task-Face-Detect
conda create -n MOS python=3.8.5
conda activate MOS
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd models/DCNv2/
python build develop

Step2. Run Pytorch inference demo.

## run the MOS-M model 
python --network cfg_mos_m --trained_model ./test_weights/MOS-M.pth
## run the MOS-S model
python --network cfg_mos_s --trained_model ./test_weights/MOS-S.pth

Step3. Run video inference demo.

## run the MOS-M model 
python --network cfg_mos_m --trained_model ./test_weights/MOS-M.pth

Cite MOS

If you use MOS in your research, please cite our work by using the following BibTeX entry:

  title={MOS: A Low Latency and Lightweight Framework for Face Detection, Landmark Localization, and Head Pose Estimation},
  author={Liu, Yepeng and Gu, Zaiwang and Gao, Shenghua and Wang, Dong and Zeng, Yusheng and Cheng, Jun},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.10953},
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