For when you really need to rank things



For when you really need to rank things.

Do you know that feeling when there's this urge deep within you that tells you to compare things and make a ranking based on your choices?

In fact, this is precisely how this tool came to life. There was this great album that came out recently and it was so good that I couldn't decide which song I like the most. So, I created this tool, and now I know. And you can use it too!


Clone the repository, then execute:

poetry install

Once you have installed the dependencies, you can run utility using the following command:

poetry run comparisonator
# or
poetry shell
> comparisonator

To create a new ranking session, use:

comparisonator session create

The command will ask you for session details. Alternatively, you can specify those details as parameters. Use the --help flag to find out more about any given command.

As of now, you can only load a session from a file. Simply put all items in separate lines and save the file somewhere close, then pass its path to the session create command. It's that simple.

Once a session has been created, you can start voting! To do so, run:

comparisonator vote interactive SESSION_ID

You can quit the voting session at any time by hitting ctrl-c. All previous votes will be saved and you can resume voting at any time using the same command.

You can view the results of a session at any time (even before all votes have been cast) by running:

comparisonator results SESSION_ID


Not much, currently. You can create a ranking session, interacively vote on items, and view the results. That's about it. I am, however, planning to add more features in the future.


If, for some reason, you want to use or modify this tool, make sure to read the LICENSE file first.


Yeah, that's me. I'm Maciej Wilczyński and I do weird stuff with software.

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