Make WhatsApp ChatBot and use WhatsApp API to send the WhatsApp messages in python .

Overview WhatsApp Bot using WhatsApp API and ultramsg

Demo WhatsApp API ChatBot using Ultramsg API with python.

Opportunities and tasks:

  • The output of the command list .
  • The output of the server time of the bot running on .
  • Sending image to phone number or group .
  • Sending audio file .
  • Sending ppt audio recording .
  • Sending Video File.
  • Sending contact .

Getting Started

  • Ultramsg account is required to run examples. Log in or Create Account if you don't have one
  • go to your instance or Create one if you haven't already.
  • Scan Qr and make sure that instance Auth Status : authenticated

install flask

the WebHook URL must be provided for the server to trigger our script for incoming messages. we will deployed the server using the FLASK microframework. The FLASK server allows us to conveniently process incoming requests.

pip install flask

Then clone the repository for yourself. Then go to the file and replace the ultraAPIUrl and instance token.

install ngrok

for local development purposes, a tunneling service is required. This example uses ngrok , You can download ngrok from here : ngrok .

Class constructor, the default one that will accept JSON, which will contain information about incoming messages (it will be received by WebHook and forwarded to the class). To see how the received JSON will look this video .

Run a chatbot

Run FLASK server

flask run

Run ngrok

Run ngrok For Windows :

ngrok http 5000

Run ngrok For Mac :

./ngrok http 5000



Used to send requests to the Ultramsg API

def send_requests(self, type, data):
    url = f"{self.ultraAPIUrl}{type}?token={self.token}"
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
    answer =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
    return answer.json()
  • type determines the type message .
  • data contains the data required for sending requests.


Used to send WhatsApp text messages

def send_message(self, chatID, text):
    data = {"to" : chatID,
        "body" : text}  
    answer = self.send_requests('messages/chat', data)
    return answer


Sends the current server time .

def time(self, chatID):
    t =
    time = t.strftime('%d:%m:%Y')
    return self.send_message(chatID, time)
  • ChatID – ID of the chat where the message should be sent for him, e.g [email protected] .


Send a image to phone number or group

def send_image(self, chatID):
    data = {"to" : chatID,
        "image" : ""}  
    answer = self.send_requests('messages/image', data)
    return answer
  • ChatID – ID of the chat where the message should be sent for him, e.g [email protected] .


Send a Video to phone number or group

def send_video(self, chatID):
    data = {"to" : chatID,
        "video" : ""}  
    answer = self.send_requests('messages/video', data)
    return answer
  • ChatID – ID of the chat where the message should be sent for him, e.g [email protected] .


Send a audio file to phone number or group

def send_audio(self, chatID):
    data = {"to" : chatID,
        "audio" : ""}  
    answer = self.send_requests('messages/audio', data)
    return answer
  • ChatID – ID of the chat where the message should be sent for him, e.g [email protected] .


Send a ppt audio recording to phone number or group

def send_voice(self, chatID):
    data = {"to" : chatID,
        "audio" : ""}  
    answer = self.send_requests('messages/voice', data)
    return answer
  • ChatID – ID of the chat where the message should be sent for him, e.g [email protected] .


Sending one contact or contact list to phone number or group

def send_contact(self, chatID):
    data = {"to" : chatID,
        "contact" : "[email protected]"}  
    answer = self.send_requests('messages/contact', data)
    return answer
  • ChatID – ID of the chat where the message should be sent for him, e.g [email protected] .

Incoming message processing

def Processingـincomingـmessages(self):
    if self.dict_messages != []:
        message =self.dict_messages
        text = message['body'].split()
        if not message['fromMe']:
        chatID  = message['from'] 
        if text[0].lower() == 'hi':
            return self.welcome(chatID)
        elif text[0].lower() == 'time':
            return self.time(chatID)
        elif text[0].lower() == 'image':
            return self.send_image(chatID)
        elif text[0].lower() == 'video':
            return self.send_video(chatID)
        elif text[0].lower() == 'audio':
            return self.send_audio(chatID)
        elif text[0].lower() == 'voice':
            return self.send_voice(chatID)
        elif text[0].lower() == 'contact':
            return self.send_contact(chatID)
            return self.welcome(chatID, True)
        else: return 'NoCommand'


To process incoming messages to our server

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from ultrabot import ultraChatBot
import json

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def home():
    if request.method == 'POST':
    bot = ultraChatBot(request.json)
    return bot.Processingـincomingـmessages()

if(__name__) == '__main__':

We will write the path app.route('/', methods = ['POST']) for it. This decorator means that our home function will be called every time our FLASK server .

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