MarcoPolo is a clustering-free approach to the exploration of bimodally expressed genes along with group information in single-cell RNA-seq data



MarcoPolo is a method to discover differentially expressed genes in single-cell RNA-seq data without depending on prior clustering


MarcoPolo is a novel clustering-independent approach to identifying DEGs in scRNA-seq data. MarcoPolo identifies informative DEGs without depending on prior clustering, and therefore is robust to uncertainties from clustering or cell type assignment. Since DEGs are identified independent of clustering, one can utilize them to detect subtypes of a cell population that are not detected by the standard clustering, or one can utilize them to augment HVG methods to improve clustering. An advantage of our method is that it automatically learns which cells are expressed and which are not by fitting the bimodal distribution. Additionally, our framework provides analysis results in the form of an HTML file so that researchers can conveniently visualize and interpret the results.

Datasets URL
Human liver cells (MacParland et al.)
Human embryonic stem cells (The Koh et al.)
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (Zheng et al.)


Currently, MarcoPolo was tested only on Linux machines. Dependencies are as follows:

  • python (3.7)
    • numpy (1.19.5)
    • pandas (1.2.1)
    • scipy (1.6.0)
    • scikit-learn (0.24.1)
    • pytorch (1.4.0)
    • rpy2 (3.4.2)
    • jinja2 (2.11.2)
  • R (4.0.3)
    • Seurat (3.2.1)
    • scran (1.18.3)
    • Matrix (1.3.2)
    • SingleCellExperiment (1.12.0)

Download MarcoPolo by git clone

git clone

We recommend using the following pipeline to install the dependencies.

  1. Install Anaconda Please refer to make conda environment and activate it
conda create -n MarcoPolo python=3.7
conda activate MarcoPolo
  1. Install Python packages
pip install numpy=1.19.5 pandas=1.21 scipy=1.6.0 scikit-learn=0.24.1 jinja2==2.11.2 rpy2=3.4.2

Also, please install PyTorch from (If you want to install CUDA-supported PyTorch, please install CUDA in advance)

  1. Install R and required packages
conda install -c conda-forge r-base=4.0.3

In R, run the following commands to install packages.

devtools::install_version(package = 'Seurat', version = package_version('3.2.1'))

Getting started

  1. Converting scRNA-seq dataset you have to python-compatible file format.

If you have a Seurat object seurat_object, you can save it to a Python-readable file format using the following R codes. An example output by the function is in the example directory with the prefix sample_data. The data has 1,000 cells and 1,500 genes in it.

save_sce <- function(sce,path,lowdim='TSNE'){
    sizeFactors(sce) <- calculateSumFactors(sce)
    save_data <- Matrix(as.matrix(assay(sce,'counts')),sparse=TRUE)
    write.table(as.matrix(rownames(save_data)),sprintf('',path),row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
    write.table(as.matrix(colnames(save_data)),sprintf('',path),row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
    tsne_data <- reducedDim(sce, lowdim)
    colnames(tsne_data) <- c(sprintf('%s_1',lowdim),sprintf('%s_2',lowdim))
    write.table(cbind(as.matrix(colData(sce)),tsne_data),sprintf('%s.metadatacol.tsv',path),row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE,sep='\t')    
    write.table(cbind(as.matrix(rowData(sce))),sprintf('%s.metadatarow.tsv',path),row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE,sep='\t')    
    write.table(sizeFactors(sce),file=sprintf('%s.size_factor.tsv',path),sep='\t',row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)    


sce_object <- as.SingleCellExperiment(seurat_object)
save_sce(sce_object, 'example/sample_data')
  1. Running MarcoPolo

Please use the same path argument you used for running the save_sce function above. You can incorporate covariate - denoted as ß in the paper - in modeling the read counts by setting the Covar parameter.

import MarcoPolo.QQscore as QQ
import MarcoPolo.summarizer as summarizer

  1. Generating MarcoPolo HTML report
import as report
  • Note
    • User can specify the number of genes to include in the report file by setting the top_num_table and top_num_figure parameters.
    • If there are any two genes with the same MarcoPolo score, a gene with a larger fold change value is prioritized.

The function outputs the two files:

  • report/hESC/index.html (MarcoPolo HTML report)
  • report/hESC/voting.html (For each gene, this file shows the top 10 genes of which on/off information is similar to the gene.)


  • supporting AnnData object, which is used by scanpy by default.
  • building colab running environment


If you use any part of this code or our data, please cite our paper.

  title={MarcoPolo: a method to discover differentially expressed genes in single-cell RNA-seq data without depending on prior clustering},
  author={Kim, Chanwoo and Lee, Hanbin and Jeong, Juhee and Jung, Keehoon and Han, Buhm},
  journal={Nucleic Acids Research},


If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact

  • Chanwoo Kim (Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering @ the University of Washington)
Chanwoo Kim
Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Washington
Chanwoo Kim
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