Extração de planilhas de diversos arquivos .pdf para .csv
O código inteiro foi desenvolvido em Python. Foi utilizado o pacote "tabula" e a biblioteca "os" para realizar a conversão e extrair a planilha.
O código inteiro foi desenvolvido em Python. Foi utilizado o pacote "tabula" e a biblioteca "os" para realizar a conversão e extrair a planilha.
gdsclient NOTE: This is a work in progress and many GDS features are known to be missing or not working properly. This repo hosts the sources for gdsc
rawbuilder an elegant datasets factory Free software: MIT license Documentation: https://rawbuilder.readthedocs.io. Features Schema oriented datasets
介绍 本应用程序使用 python 实现,可以通过 USB 连接 iOS 设备进行屏幕共享 高帧率(30〜60fps) 高画质 低延迟(200ms) 非侵入性 支持多设备并行 Mac OSX 安装 python =3.7 brew install libusb pkg-config 如需使用 g
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Watch N Learn About Watch N Learn is an educational platform for students. Watch N Learn incentivizes students to learn with fun activities and reward
setan script buat mengcrack cara install $ pkg install upgrade && pkg update $ pkg install python $ pkg install git $ pip install requests $ pip insta
YunoHost is an operating system aiming to simplify as much as possible the administration of a server. This repository corresponds to the core code, written mostly in Python and Bash.
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Python-ReplAPI-It Python package that mirrors the original Nodejs ReplAPI-It. Contributing First fork the repo: $ git clone https://github.com/ReplAPI
Repositorio,com pequenos aplicativos uteis e funcionais A ideia e ir deselvolvendo pequenos aplicativos funcionais e adicionar a este repositorio List
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py-brainf*ck Just a basic compiled that compiles your brainf*ck codes and gives you informations about memory, used cells, dumped version, logs etc...
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Love-Calculator A GUI love Calculator which saves all the User Data in text file(sql based script will be uploaded soon). Interative GUI, even For Adm
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