Script Repository for the ICGM-CNRS FRANCE


Python Scripts

Author : CABOS Matthieu

Release : 2021-2022

Organization : ICGM-CNRS


Here you will find my Python Work repesitory for the ICGM institute - Montpellier - France. You can see main parts of my work :

  • DHCP : This Folder contain all the associated .py script to the DHCP Server Administration. There are tools to get a clean DHCP Server.
  • ErrorChecking : This folder contains differents Administration Tools Script considering Erros detection and resolution on a Cisco Network. To use, please to refer the README file.
  • GLPI : This folder contain GLPI Script to automate sql instructions generation. To Use, please to refer the README file.
  • Mapping : This Folder contain Mapping tools to get an Excel file containing all the network informations, These Script are parametered by Switch Ip adress or name most of time.
  • Origin Server Managment : This folder contains essentials tools to manage an Origin server as Token managment, User:IP association, DHCP retrievment by User, etc...
  • SNMP : This Folder contain all the SNMP Administration tools. The SNMP is a security Protocol for network. You can get immediate Hardware Informations and use it in Open NMS to get beautiful curves.

All these Scripts have been written by myself, some of theme are associated to a Shell Script. Must be used on a Linux OS or similar with a corresponding network structure.

The structure of the network is essentially ruled by the ssh dictionnaries, the structure of ods files and the Socket Description Convention.

Update them will allow to use these script with an other network.


For any support requests, please mail @ [email protected]

CABOS Matthieu
Python & Shell develloper. Working @ ICGM - CNRS Montpellier, France
CABOS Matthieu
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