Deep generative models of 3D grids for structure-based drug discovery


What is liGAN?

liGAN is a research codebase for training and evaluating deep generative models for de novo drug design based on 3D atomic density grids. It is based on libmolgrid and the gnina fork of caffe.

VAE paper - 2 minute talk

CVAE paper - 15 minute talk


  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scikit-image
  • openbabel
  • rdkit
  • molgrid
  • torch
  • protobuf
  • gnina version of caffe


You can use the scripts and to download the test data and weights that were evaluated in the above papers.

The script is used to generate atomic density grids and molecular structures from a trained generative model.

Its basic usage can be seen in the scripts

LIG_FILE=$1 # e.g. data/molport/0/102906000_8.sdf

python3 \
  --data_model_file models/data_48_0.5_molport.model \
  --gen_model_file models/vae.model \
  --gen_weights_file weights/gen_e_0.1_1_disc_x_10_0.molportFULL_rand_.0.0_gen_iter_100000.caffemodel \
  --rec_file data/molport/10gs_rec.pdb \
  --lig_file $LIG_FILE \
  --out_prefix VAE \
  --n_samples 10 \
  --fit_atoms \
  --dkoes_make_mol \
  --output_sdf \
  --output_dx \


REC_FILE=$1 # e.g. data/crossdock2020/PARP1_HUMAN_775_1012_0/2rd6_A_rec.pdb
LIG_FILE=$2 # e.g. data/crossdock2020/PARP1_HUMAN_775_1012_0/2rd6_A_rec_2rd6_78p_lig_tt_min.sdf

python3 \
  --data_model_file models/data_48_0.5_crossdock.model \
  --gen_model_file models/cvae.model \
  --gen_weights_file weights/lessskip_crossdocked_increased_1.lowrmsd.0_gen_iter_1500000.caffemodel \
  --rec_file $REC_FILE \
  --lig_file $LIG_FILE \
  --out_prefix CVAE \
  --n_samples 10 \
  --fit_atoms \
  --dkoes_make_mol \
  --output_sdf \
  --output_dx \

Both scripts can be run from the root directory of the repository.

Matt Ragoza
PhD student, Intelligent Systems Program, Pitt SCI
Matt Ragoza
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