🕰 The command line tool for scheduling Python scripts



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hickory is a simple command line tool for scheduling Python scripts.


Operating System Scheduler
macOS launchd
Linux systemd


pip install hickory


Create a file called foo.py:

import datetime
import time

stamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")

print(f"Foo - {stamp} + 5 seconds")

Schedule foo.py to execute every ten minutes:

hickory schedule foo.py --every=10minutes

Check the status of all queued schedules:

hickory status

Stop and delete the schedule for foo.py:

hickory kill foo.py


macOS - logs are stored in the same directory as the scheduled script:

tail -f hickory.log

Linux - logs are written to the journal:

journalctl -f

--every Examples

Every ten minutes --every=10minutes
Every day at 10:10 AM [email protected]:10
Every Monday at 10:10 AM [email protected]:10am
Every 10th day of the month at 10:10 AM [email protected]:10am
Every last day of the month at 10:10 AM [email protected]:10am
Every 10th and last day of the month at 10 AM and 10 PM --every=10,[email protected],10pm

--every Table

10 seconds 10, 10s, 10sec, 10secs, 10seconds
10 minutes 10m, 10min, 10mins, 10minutes
10 hours 10h, 10hr, 10hrs, 10hours
10:00 AM @10, @10am
10:00 PM @22, @10pm
10:10 AM @10:10, @10:10am
10:10 PM @22:10, @10:10pm
Monday m@, mon@, monday@
Tuesday t@, tue@, tues@, tuesday@
Wednesday w@, wed@, weds@, wednesday@
Thursday th@, thu@, thur@, thurs@, thursday@
Friday f@, fri@, friday@
Saturday s@, sat@, saturday@
Sunday su@, sun@, sunday@
Calendar Day
1st 1@, 1st@
2nd 2@, 2nd@
3rd 3@, 3rd@
4th 4@, 4th@
15th 15@, 15th@
31st 31@, 31st@
Other Day
Every Day day@
Every Weekday weekday@
End of Month eom@
  • Add colors to cli messages

    Add colors to cli messages

    Related issue: #5

    Here's what this PR brings:

    • when an action is successful, print in green (Killed X, Scheduled X);
    • when an exception is raised, print in red + hide traceback for commonplace errors (file not found, unsupported platform, hickory specific errors);
    • the output of status isn't colored because as a table-like output, it's likely to be passed through a pipe for other purposes (although you could always detect when this happens using os.isatty and not add any colors).
    • added hickory/__main__.py to be able to run the package against a specific python runtime: python -m hickory targeting the folder or the installed package.

    Coloring is done using colorama, a popular terminal coloring package. It also brings cross-compatibility with Windows since coloring is done through API calls rather than escape sequences in there.

    opened by Zebralt 3
  • Feature Request: --retry

    Feature Request: --retry

    I like the philosophy behind hickory but I'm wondering if it makes sense to add a retry mechanic.

    One of the main reasons some of my old clients resorted to airflow was because of the retry mechanics in them. It feels like API-wise we could add two extra flags. One for how often we should attempt a retry and another one for how long to wait between retries.

    opened by koaning 1
  • Cannot show status and it does not schedule either

    Cannot show status and it does not schedule either

    Describe the bug I followed the readme, but did not succeed. To Reproduce Create a foo.py

    import datetime
    import time
    stamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    print(f"Foo - {stamp} + 5 seconds")

    Then schedule with hickory schedule foo.py --every=10s

    Then check the status using hickory status

    Expected behavior Expect the schedule will work and the show the status of all scheduled jobs


    • OS: [Linux] (Windows subsystem linux 2)
    • Version: [Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS]

    Additional context When I check status, it shows

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/jake/anaconda3/bin/hickory", line 8, in <module>
      File "/home/jake/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hickory/cli.py", line 86, in main
        return status()
      File "/home/jake/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hickory/cli.py", line 71, in status
        return status_systemd()
      File "/home/jake/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hickory/systemd.py", line 126, in status_systemd
        info_dicts = [_service_info(s) for s in services]
      File "/home/jake/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hickory/systemd.py", line 126, in <listcomp>
        info_dicts = [_service_info(s) for s in services]
      File "/home/jake/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hickory/systemd.py", line 118, in _service_info
        state = _find_state(short)
      File "/home/jake/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hickory/systemd.py", line 105, in _find_state
        state = re.findall("Active: (.*?)\n", status)[0]
    IndexError: list index out of range
    opened by hainingpan 0
  • Cannot run Hickory on specific ubuntu variants.

    Cannot run Hickory on specific ubuntu variants.

    I am trying to run hickory on PopOS (which I think is a variant of ubuntu) and it seems to complain about the folder structure.

    hickory schedule scripts/grab_issues.py --every 2hours
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/vincent/Development/gh-dashb/venv/bin/hickory", line 8, in <module>
      File "/home/vincent/Development/gh-dashb/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hickory/cli.py", line 83, in main
        schedule(args.script, args.every)
      File "/home/vincent/Development/gh-dashb/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hickory/cli.py", line 35, in schedule
        schedule_systemd(label, working_directory, which_python, script, every)
      File "/home/vincent/Development/gh-dashb/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hickory/systemd.py", line 74, in schedule_systemd
        dump_string(service, f"{SYSTEMD_PATH}/{label}.service")
      File "/home/vincent/Development/gh-dashb/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hickory/systemd.py", line 66, in dump_string
        with open(path, "w") as f:
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/vincent/.config/systemd/user/hickory.3825d9.scripts/grab_issues.py.service'

    I can confirm that the /home/vincent/.config/systemd/user path exists, so maybe this is a file that didn't get created?


    > pip freeze | grep hickory
    > cat /etc/os-release
    VERSION="20.04 LTS"
    ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
    PRETTY_NAME="Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS"
    opened by koaning 1
  • Added logging system and .env file setup

    Added logging system and .env file setup

    Hey @maxhumber Please validate my work, I have added .env file for replacing ur constants and then added logging system. Check them and let me know !!

    opened by rexdivakar 1
  • Feature Request: allow for command line input

    Feature Request: allow for command line input

    At the moment the command line only allows you to pass a python file. The merit to this is that things remain simple. But one might wonder, could we also run anything that the command line could run?

    That way hickory could also be used to run;

    • scripts from non-python languages
    • jupyter notebooks
    • docker containers

    The API might still allow it via something like;

    hickory schedule "docker run ..." --every=1hour
    hickory schedule "jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb" --every=1hour

    If this is out of scope of the library I understand. There's merit to keeping a tool small.

    opened by koaning 3
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