hCaptcha solver and bypasser for Python Selenium. Simple website to try to solve hCaptcha.


hCaptcha solver for Python Selenium.

Many thanks to engageub for his hCaptcha solver userscript.
This script is solely intended for the use of educational purposes only and not to abuse any website.
The solving speed depends on your PC's compute power and Internet connection.

Table of contents:


  • Download this repository or clone it:
git clone https://github.com/maximedrn/hcaptcha-solver-python-selenium.git
  • It requires Python 3.7 or a newest version.
  • Install pip to be able to have needed Python modules.
  • Download and install Google Chrome.
  • Download the ChromeDriver executable that is compatible with the actual version of your Google Chrome browser and your OS (Operating System). Refer to: What version of Google Chrome do I have?
  • Extract the executable from the ZIP file and copy/paste it in the assets/ folder of the repository.
  • Open a command prompt in repository folder and type:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then type to see a demonstration:
python main.py

This code can be implemented in any project. You just have to had the hCaptcha class without the demonstration() method in your Python project repository. Then init the class in your Python code. You should have something like this:


@author: Maxime.

Github: https://github.com/maximedrn
Demonstration website: https://maximedrn.github.io/hcaptcha-test/
Version: 1.0

# Colorama module: pip install colorama
from colorama import init, Fore, Style

# Selenium module imports: pip install selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException as TE
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait as WDW
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

# Python default import.
import sys
import os

"""Colorama module constants."""
init(convert=True)  # Init colorama module.
red = Fore.RED  # Red color.
green = Fore.GREEN  # Green color.
yellow = Fore.YELLOW  # Yellow color.
reset = Style.RESET_ALL  # Reset color attribute.

class hCaptcha:
    """Main class of the hCaptcha solver."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Set path of used file and start webdriver."""
        self.webdriver_path = 'assets/chromedriver.exe'
        self.extension_path = 'assets/Tampermonkey.crx'
        self.driver = self.webdriver()  # Start new webdriver.

    def webdriver(self):
        """Start webdriver and return state of it."""
        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()  # Configure options for Chrome.
        options.add_extension(self.extension_path)  # Add extension.
        options.add_argument('--lang=en')  # Set webdriver language to English.
        # options.add_argument("headless")  # Headless ChromeDriver.
        options.add_argument('log-level=3')  # No logs is printed.
        options.add_argument('--mute-audio')  # Audio is muted.
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(self.webdriver_path, options=options)
        driver.maximize_window()  # Maximize window to reach all elements.
        return driver

    def element_clickable(self, element: str) -> None:
        """Click on element if it's clickable using Selenium."""
        WDW(self.driver, 5).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable(
            (By.XPATH, element))).click()

    def element_visible(self, element: str):
        """Check if element is visible using Selenium."""
        return WDW(self.driver, 20).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located(
            (By.XPATH, element)))

    def window_handles(self, window_number: int) -> None:
        """Check for window handles and wait until a specific tab is opened."""
        WDW(self.driver, 30).until(lambda _: len(
            self.driver.window_handles) == window_number + 1)
        # Switch to asked tab.

    def download_userscript(self) -> None:
        """Download the hCaptcha solver userscript."""
            print('Installing the hCaptcha solver userscript.', end=' ')
            self.window_handles(1)  # Wait that Tampermonkey tab loads.
            # Click on "Install" Greasy Fork button.
            # Click on "Install" Tampermonkey button.
            self.window_handles(2)  # Switch on Tampermonkey install tab.
            self.window_handles(1)  # Switch to Greasy Fork tab.
            self.driver.close()  # Close this tab.
            self.window_handles(0)  # Switch to main tab.
        except TE:

def cls() -> None:
    """Clear console function."""
    # Clear console for Windows using 'cls' and Linux & Mac using 'clear'.
    os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
if __name__ == '__main__':

    cls()  # Clear console.

    print('hCaptcha Solver'
          f'\n{green}Made by Maxime.'
          f'\n@Github: https://github.com/maximedrn{reset}')


from hcaptcha-solver import hCaptcha

# Your code.
# ...

if __name__ == '__main__':
    hcaptcha = hCaptcha()  # Init hCaptcha class.
    hcaptcha.download_userscript()  # Download the hCaptcha solver userscript.


Demonstration GIF.

Simple website to try to solve hCaptcha.

  • Open a new tab and go to the website hCaptcha test.
  • Website preview:

Website preview

Maxime Dréan
French student and beginner developer. Learning code. Python, Java, JavaScript, React, HTML & CSS.
Maxime Dréan
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