Vac-Man in Python


Vac-Man in Python

This is my personal version of Vax-man game using python, which is the first assignment of EA Software Engineering Virtual Experience Program from


Pac-Man is one of the world's oldest computer games. In this task, we are going to pay tribute to Pac-Man.

We are building a new game called Vax-Man. The rules are similar to Pac-Man with several notable exceptions:

  • Vax-Man can kill a ghost if he comes into contact with it (vaccinates it).
  • Contact with a ghost does not kill Vax-Man.
  • Each ghost that has not yet been hit multiplies itself every 30 seconds (the infection grows).
  • The goal of the game is to collect all the dots before the number of ghosts grows to 32 times the original number.


  • Python 3.x
  • Pygame > 1.4
To play, run and use directional arrows to move.
Developed in collaboration with maxwell1997lzx
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