Learning Open-World Object Proposals without Learning to Classify


Learning Open-World Object Proposals without Learning to Classify

Pytorch implementation for "Learning Open-World Object Proposals without Learning to Classify" (arXiv 2021)

Dahun Kim, Tsung-Yi Lin, Anelia Angelova, In So Kweon, and Weicheng Kuo.

  title={Learning Open-World Object Proposals without Learning to Classify},
  author={Kim, Dahun and Lin, Tsung-Yi and Angelova, Anelia and Kweon, In So and Kuo, Weicheng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.06753},


Humans can recognize novel objects in this image despite having never seen them before. “Is it possible to learn open-world (novel) object proposals?” In this paper we propose Object Localization Network (OLN) that learns localization cues instead of foreground vs background classification. Only trained on COCO, OLN is able to propose many novel objects (top) missed by Mask R-CNN (bottom) on an out-of-sample frame in an ego-centric video.

Cross-category generalization on COCO

We train OLN on COCO VOC categories, and test on non-VOC categories. Note our [email protected] evaluation does not count those proposals on the 'seen' classes into the budget (k), to avoid evaluating recall on see-class objects.

Method AUC [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Download
OLN-Box 24.8 18.0 26.4 33.4 39.0 45.0 model


This repo is tested under Python 3.7, PyTorch 1.7.0, Cuda 11.0, and mmcv==1.2.5.


This repo is built based on mmdetection.

You can use following commands to create conda env with related dependencies.

conda create -n oln python=3.7 -y
conda activate oln
conda install pytorch=1.7.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch -y
pip install mmcv-full
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -v -e . 

Please also refer to get_started.md for more details of installation.

Prepare datasets

COCO dataset is available from official websites. It is recommended to download and extract the dataset somewhere outside the project directory and symlink the dataset root to $OLN/data as below.

├── mmdet
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│   ├── coco
│   │   ├── annotations
│   │   ├── train2017
│   │   ├── val2017
│   │   ├── test2017


Our trained models are available for download here. Place it under trained_weights/latest.pth and run the following commands to test OLN on COCO dataset.

# Multi-GPU distributed testing
bash tools/dist_test_bbox.sh configs/oln_box/oln_box.py \
trained_weights/latest.pth ${NUM_GPUS}
# OR
python tools/test.py configs/oln_box/oln_box.py work_dirs/oln_box/latest.pth --eval bbox


# Multi-GPU distributed training
bash tools/dist_train.sh configs/oln_box/oln_box.py ${NUM_GPUS}


If you have any questions regarding the repo, please contact Dahun Kim ([email protected]) or create an issue.

Dahun Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Dahun Kim
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