Repository of continual learning papers


Continual learning paper repository

This repository contains an incomplete (but dynamically updated) list of papers exploring continual learning in machine learning and neuroscience, and accompanies the related paper Towards continual task learning in artificial neural networks: current approaches and insights from neuroscience.

arXiv link

The full paper complementing this repository is available at

Machine learning

Reviews, surveys, & tutorials

Title Link Relevance
Continual lifelong learning with neural networks: A review Neural Networks •••
Catastrophic forgetting in connectionist networks TICS •••
Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence Neuron ••
How to grow a mind: Statistics, structure, and abstraction Science
Deep learning Nature
Universal Intelligence: A Definition of Machine Intelligence arXiv

Classic papers

Title Link Relevance
Catastrophic forgetting in connectionist networks TICS •••
Catastrophic Interference in Connectionist Networks: The Sequential Learning Problem Psychology of Learning & Motivation •••
Connectionist models of recognition memory: Constraints imposed by learning and forgetting functions Psychological Review

Architectural approaches to continual learning

Title Link Implementation
Progressive Neural Networks arXiv PyTorch TensorFlow
Neurogenesis deep learning: Extending deep networks to accommodate new classes IEEE
Adaptive structural learning of artificial neural networks ICML TensorFlow


Title Link Implementation
Learning without forgetting arXiv PyTorch
Distilling the knowledge in a neural network arXiv PyTorch TensorFlow
Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks arXiv PyTorch TensorFlow
Note on the quadratic penalties in elastic weight consolidation PNAS
Measuring catastrophic forgetting in neural networks arXiv
Continual learning through synaptic intelligence ICML TensorFlow
An Empirical Investigation of Catastrophic Forgetting in Gradient-Based Neural Networks arXiv Theano

Training regime

Title Link Implementation
How transferable are features in deep neural networks? arXiv Caffe
CHILD: A First Step Towards Continual Learning Machine Learning
Curriculum learning ICML
Continual Learning with Deep Generative Replay arXiv PyTorch
Experience Replay for Continual Learning arXiv
Brain-inspired replay for continual learning with artificial neural networks Nature Communications PyTorch
REMIND Your Neural Network to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting arXiv PyTorch


Title Link Relevance
Regulation and function of adult neurogenesis: from genes to cognition Physiological Review
When and where do we apply what we learn?: A taxonomy for far transfer Psychological Bulletin
Does the hippocampus map out the future? TICS
Organizing conceptual knowledge in humans with a gridlike code Science
Song replay during sleep and computational rules for sensorimotor vocal learning Science
A theory of the discovery and predication of relational concepts Psychological Review
Preplay of future place cell sequences by hippocampal cellular assemblies Nature ••
Comparing continual task learning in minds and machines PNAS ••
Cascade models of synaptically stored memories Neuron
Selective suppression of hippocampal ripples impairs spatial memory Nature Neuroscience ••
The analogical mind MIT Press
What learning systems do intelligent agents need? Complementary learning systems theory updated TICS
Human replay spontaneously reorganizes experience Cell •••
Compartmentalized dendritic plasticity and input feature storage in neurons Nature
Neuroconstructivism: How the brain constructs cognition Oxford University Press
Why there are complementary learning systems in the hippocampus and neocortex: insights from the successes and failures of connectionist models of learning and memory Psychological Review •••
The Role of Hippocampal Replay in Memory and Planning Current Biology ••
Brain imaging of language plasticity in adopted adults: Can a second language replace the first? Cerebral Cortex •••
Memory formation: Let’s replay Elife
Strengthening individual memories by reactivating them during sleep Science ••
Replay of neuronal firing sequences in rat hippocampus during sleep following spatial experience Science
Crossmodal spatial attention Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences
The merging of the senses MIT Press
Development of multisensory integration from the perspective of the individual neuron Nature Reviews Neuroscience ••
The hippocampal indexing theory and episodic memory: updating the index Hippocampus ••
Stably maintained dendritic spines are associated with lifelong memories Nature •••



      title={Towards continual task learning in artificial neural networks: current approaches and insights from neuroscience}, 
      author={David McCaffary},
Code for "Multi-View Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Plane Sweep Stereo"

Multi-View Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Plane Sweep Stereo This repository includes the source code for our CVPR 2021 paper on multi-view mult

Jiahao Lin 66 Jan 04, 2023
Free Book about Deep-Learning approaches for Chess (like AlphaZero, Leela Chess Zero and Stockfish NNUE)

Free Book about Deep-Learning approaches for Chess (like AlphaZero, Leela Chess Zero and Stockfish NNUE)

Dominik Klein 189 Dec 21, 2022
Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Directional Context-aware Consistency (CVPR 2021)

Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Directional Context-aware Consistency (CAC) Xin Lai*, Zhuotao Tian*, Li Jiang, Shu Liu, Hengshuang Zhao, Li

DV Lab 137 Dec 14, 2022
This repository provides the code for MedViLL(Medical Vision Language Learner).

MedViLL This repository provides the code for MedViLL(Medical Vision Language Learner). Our proposed architecture MedViLL is a single BERT-based model

SuperSuperMoon 39 Jan 05, 2023
A 35mm camera, based on the Canonet G-III QL17 rangefinder, simulated in Python.

c is for Camera A 35mm camera, based on the Canonet G-III QL17 rangefinder, simulated in Python. The purpose of this project is to explore and underst

Daniele Procida 146 Sep 26, 2022
Alleviating Over-segmentation Errors by Detecting Action Boundaries

Alleviating Over-segmentation Errors by Detecting Action Boundaries Forked from ASRF offical code. This repo is the a implementation of replacing orig

13 Dec 12, 2022
Dist2Dec: A Simplicial Neural Network for Homology Localization

Dist2Dec: A Simplicial Neural Network for Homology Localization

Alexandros Keros 6 Jun 12, 2022
Code for "Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions with Invertible Neural Networks", CVPR 2021

Neural Parts: Learning Expressive 3D Shape Abstractions with Invertible Neural Networks This repository contains the code that accompanies our CVPR 20

Despoina Paschalidou 161 Dec 20, 2022
CoRe: Contrastive Recurrent State-Space Models

CoRe: Contrastive Recurrent State-Space Models This code implements the CoRe model and reproduces experimental results found in Robust Robotic Control

Apple 21 Aug 11, 2022
Implementations of paper Controlling Directions Orthogonal to a Classifier

Classifier Orthogonalization Implementations of paper Controlling Directions Orthogonal to a Classifier , ICLR 2022, Yilun Xu, Hao He, Tianxiao Shen,

Yilun Xu 33 Dec 01, 2022
BisQue is a web-based platform designed to provide researchers with organizational and quantitative analysis tools for 5D image data. Users can extend BisQue by implementing containerized ML workflows.

Overview BisQue is a web-based platform specifically designed to provide researchers with organizational and quantitative analysis tools for up to 5D

Vision Research Lab @ UCSB 26 Nov 29, 2022
Python package for multiple object tracking research with focus on laboratory animals tracking.

motutils is a Python package for multiple object tracking research with focus on laboratory animals tracking. Features loads: MOTChallenge CSV, sleap

Matěj Šmíd 2 Sep 05, 2022
Collision risk estimation using stochastic motion models

collision_risk_estimation Collision risk estimation using stochastic motion models. This is a new approach, based on stochastic models, to predict the

Unmesh 7 Jun 26, 2022
This porject is intented to build the most accurate model for predicting the porbability of loan default

Estimating-Loan-Default-Probability IBA ML2 Mid-project / Kaggle Competition This porject is intented to build the most accurate model for predicting

Adil Gahramanov 1 Jan 24, 2022
Using VapourSynth with super resolution models and speeding them up with TensorRT.

VSGAN-tensorrt-docker Using image super resolution models with vapoursynth and speeding them up with TensorRT. Using NVIDIA/Torch-TensorRT combined wi

111 Jan 05, 2023
[ICME 2021 Oral] CORE-Text: Improving Scene Text Detection with Contrastive Relational Reasoning

CORE-Text: Improving Scene Text Detection with Contrastive Relational Reasoning This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of CORE-Text, a

Jingyang Lin 18 Aug 11, 2022
an Evolutionary Algorithm assisted GAN

EvoGAN an Evolutionary Algorithm assisted GAN ckpts

3 Oct 09, 2022
This repo contains the code and data used in the paper "Wizard of Search Engine: Access to Information Through Conversations with Search Engines"

Wizard of Search Engine: Access to Information Through Conversations with Search Engines by Pengjie Ren, Zhongkun Liu, Xiaomeng Song, Hongtao Tian, Zh

19 Oct 27, 2022
Focal Loss for Dense Rotation Object Detection

Convert ResNets weights from GluonCV to Tensorflow Abstract GluonCV released some new resnet pre-training weights and designed some new resnets (such

17 Nov 24, 2021
Code for "Learning Graph Cellular Automata"

Learning Graph Cellular Automata This code implements the experiments from the NeurIPS 2021 paper: "Learning Graph Cellular Automata" Daniele Grattaro

Daniele Grattarola 37 Oct 26, 2022