Find papers by keywords and venues. Then download it automatically


paper finder

Find papers by keywords and venues. Then download it automatically.

How to use this?



python -k "knowledge tracing,knowledge trace" -v "KDD,IJCAI" -o data/kt_result.csv
  • min_year : paper >= min_year
  • max_year : paper<=max_year
  • -k : keywords, different keywords split use ,
  • -v : venue, split using ,. If default, will use the default venues.
  • o : output file path

Python api

from search import search
keyword_list=['knowledge tracing','knowledge trace']

Your can find venues' name in there.



python -i data/kt_result.csv  -o pdfs
  • i : the csv path from search
  • o : the dir to save pdfs, we will create sub folder for each venue. Such as pdfs/AIED

Python api

from import download_from_df
import pandas as pd

csv_path = "data/kt_result.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
df = download_from_df(df,save_dir='pdfs')


  • Search papers.
  • Download papers

Author Warning

This code is only used for academic communication. The author has no liability for copyright. DO NOT ENGAGE IN ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. Please download and read the genuine articles from the publisher.

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