A Comprehensive Study on Learning-Based PE Malware Family Classification Methods


A Comprehensive Study on Learning-Based PE Malware Family Classification Methods


Because of copyright issues, both the MalwareBazaar dataset and the MalwareDrift dataset just contain the malware SHA-256 hash and all of the related information which can be find in the Datasets folder. You can download raw malware samples from the open-source malware release website by applying an api-key, and use disassembly tool to convert the malware into binary and disassembly files.

  • The MalwareBazaar dataset : you can download the samples from MalwareBazaar.
  • The MalwareDrift dataset : you can download the samples from VirusShare.

Experimental Settings

Model Training Strategy Optimizer Learning Rate Batch Size Input Format
ResNet-50 From Scratch Adam 1e-3 64 224*224 color image
ResNet-50 Transfer Adam 1e-3 All data* 224*224 color image
VGG-16 From Scratch SGD 5e-6** 64 224*224 color image
VGG-16 Transfer SGD 5e-6 64 224*224 color image
Inception-V3 From Scratch Adam 1e-3 64 224*224 color image
Inception-V3 Transfer Adam 1e-3 All data 224*224 color image
IMCFN From Scratch SGD 5e-6*** 32 224*224 color image
IMCFN Transfer SGD 5e-6*** 32 224*224 color image
CBOW+MLP - SGD 1e-3 128 CBOW: byte sequences; MLP: 256*256 matrix
MalConv - SGD 1e-3 32 2MB raw byte values
MAGIC - Adam 1e-4 10 ACFG
Word2Vec+KNN - - - - Word2Vec: Opcode sequences; KNN distance measure: WMD
MCSC - SGD 5e-3 64 Opcode sequences

* The batch size is set to 128 for the MalwareBazaar dataset
** The learning rate is set to 5e-5 for the Malimg dataset and 1e-5 for the MalwareBazaar dataset
*** The learning rate is set to 1e-5 for the MalwareBazaar dataset
CBOW is with default parameters in the Word2Vec package in the Gensim library of Python

Graphically Analysis of Table 4 and Table 5

Here is a more detailed figure analysis for Table 4 and Table 5 in order to make the raw information in the paper easier to digest.

Table 4

  • The classification performance (F1-Score) of each approach on three datasets classification performance

    The figure shows the classification performance (F1-Score) of each methods on three datasets. It is noteworthy that the Malimg dataset only contains malware images, and thus it can only be used to evaluate the 4 image-based methods.

  • The average classification performance (F1-Score) of each approach for three datasets average classification performance

    The figure shows the average classification performance (F1-Score) of each method for the three datasets. Among them, the F1-score corresponding to each model is obtained by averaging the F1-score of the model on three datasets, which represents the average performance.

  • The train time and resource overhead of each method on three datasets
    resource consumption

    The figure shows the train time (left subgraph) and resource overhead (right subgraph) needed for every method on three datasets. The bar immediately to the right of the train time bar is the memory overhead of this model. Similarly, there are only 4 image-based models for the Malimg dataset.

Table 5

  • The classification performance (F1-Score) of transfer learning for image-based approaches on three datasets transfer learning

    This figure shows the F1-Score obtained by every image-based model using the strategy of training from scratch, 10% transfer learning, 50% transfer learning, 80% transfer learning, and 100% transfer learning, respectively. Every subgraph correspond to the BIG-15, Malimg, and MalwareBazaar dataset, respectively.

  • The train time and resource overhead of transfer learning for image-based approaches on three datasets
    resource consumption

    Each row correspond to the BIG-15, Mmalimg, and MalwareBazaar dataset, respectively. For each row, there are 4 models (ResNet-50, VGG-16, Inception-V3 and IMCFN). For each model, there are 8 bars on the right, the left 4 bars stands for the train time under 10%, 50%, 80% and 100% transfer learning, and the right 4 bars are the memory overhead under 10%, 50%, 80% and 100% transfer learning.

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