Code for paper "Context-self contrastive pretraining for crop type semantic segmentation"


Code for paper "Context-self contrastive pretraining for crop type semantic segmentation"

Setting up a python environment

  • Follow the instruction in for downloading and installing Miniconda

  • Open a terminal in the code directory

  • Create an environment using the .yml file:

    conda env create -f deepsatmodels_env.yml

  • Activate the environment:

    source activate deepsatmodels

  • Install required version of torch:

    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch-nightly


MTLCC dataset (Germany)

Download the dataset (.tfrecords)

The data for Germany can be downloaded from:

  • clone the repository in a separate directory:

    git clone

  • move to the MTLCC root directory:

    cd MTLCC

  • download the data (40 Gb):

    bash full

Transform the dataset (.tfrecords -> .pkl)

  • go to the "CSCL_code" home directory:

    cd <.../CSCL_code>

  • activate the "cssl" python environment:

    conda activate cscl

  • add "CSCL_code" home directory to PYTHONPATH:

    export PYTHONPATH="<.../CSCL_code>:$PYTHONPATH"

  • Run the "data/MTLCC/" script. Parameter numworkers defines the number of parallel processes employed:

    python data/MTLCC/ --rootdir <.../MTLCC> --numworkers

  • Running the above script will have the following effects:

    • will create a paths file for the tfrecords files in ".../MTLCC/data_IJGI18/datasets/full/tfrecords240_paths.csv"
    • will create a new directory to save data ".../MTLCC/data_IJGI18/datasets/full/240pkl"
    • will save data in ".../MTLCC/data_IJGI18/datasets/full/240pkl/ "
    • will save relative paths for all data, train data, eval data in ".../MTLCC/data_IJGI18/datasets/full/240pkl"

T31TFM_1618 dataset (France)

Download the dataset

The T31TFM_1618 dataset can be downloaded from Google drive here. Unzipping will create the following folder tree.

├── 2016
│   ├── pkl_timeseries
│       ├── W799943_N6568107_E827372_S6540681
│       |   └── 6541426_800224_2016.pickle
|       |   └── ...
|       ├── ...
├── 2017
│   ├── pkl_timeseries
│       ├── W854602_N6650582_E882428_S6622759
│       |   └── 6623702_854602_2017.pickle
|       |   └── ...
|       ├── ...
├── 2018
│   ├── pkl_timeseries
│       ├── W882228_N6595532_E909657_S6568107
│       |   └── 6568846_888751_2018.pickle
|       |   └── ...
|       ├── ...
├── deepsatdata
|   └── T31TFM_16_products.csv
|   └── ...
|   └── T31TFM_16_parcels.csv
|   └── ...
└── paths
    └── train_paths.csv
    └── eval_paths.csv

Recreate the dataset from scratch

To recreate the dataset use the DeepSatData data generation pipeline.

  • Clone and move to the DeepSatData base directory
git clone
cd .../DeepSatData
  • Download the Sentinel-2 products.
sh download/ .../T31TFM_16_parcels.csv,.../T31TFM_17_parcels.csv,.../T31TFM_18_parcels.csv
  • Generate a labelled dataset (use case 1) for each year.
sh dataset/labelled_dense/ ground_truths_file=<1:ground_truths_file> products_dir=<2:products_dir> labels_dir=<3:labels_dir> windows_dir=<4:windows_dir> timeseries_dir=<5:timeseries_dir> 
res=<6:res> sample_size=<7:sample_size> num_processes<8:num_processes> bands=<8:bands (optional)>


Initial steps

  • Add the base directory and paths to train and evaluation path files in "data/datasets.yaml".

  • For each experiment we use a separate ".yaml" configuration file. Examples files are providedided in "configs". The default values filled in these files correspond to parameters used in the experiments presented in the paper.

  • activate "deepsatmodels" python environment:

    conda activate deepsatmodels

Model training

Modify respective .yaml config files accordingly to define the save directory or loading a pre-trained model from pre-trained checkpoints.

Randomly initialized "UNet3D" model

`python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3D.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1`

Randomly initialized "UNet2D-CLSTM" model

`python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet2D_CLSTM.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1`

CSCL-pretrained "UNet2D-CLSTM" model

  • model pre-training

     python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet2D_CLSTM_CSCL.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
  • copy the path to the pre-training save directory in CHECKPOINT.load_from_checkpoint. This will load the latest saved model. To load a specific checkpoint copy the path to the .pth file

     python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet2D_CLSTM.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1

Randomly initialized "UNet3Df" model

`python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3Df.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1`

CSCL-pretrained "UNet3Df" model

  • model pre-training

     python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3Df_CSCL.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
  • copy the path to the pre-training save directory in CHECKPOINT.load_from_checkpoint. This will load the latest saved model. To load a specific checkpoint copy the path to the .pth file

     python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3Df.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
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