Constrained Language Models Yield Few-Shot Semantic Parsers


Constrained Language Models Yield Few-Shot Semantic Parsers

License: MIT

This repository contains tools and instructions for reproducing the experiments in the paper Constrained Language Models Yield Few-Shot Semantic Parsers (EMNLP 2021). If you use any source code or data included in this toolkit in your work, please cite the following paper.

    title = "Constrained Language Models Yield Few-Shot Semantic Parsers",
    author = "Shin, Richard and Lin, Christopher H. and Thomson, Sam and Chen, Charles and Roy, Subhro and Platanios,  Emmanouil Antonios and Pauls, Adam and Klein, Dan and Eisner, Jason and Van Durme, Benjamin",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    year = "2021",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",

Initial set-up

First, check that we are not unintentionally in a virtualenv. Run poetry env info; under "Virtualenv", it should show Path: NA. If it displays the path to an existing virtualenv, deactivate it, for example by running deactivate or conda deactivate.

Then run the following to set up the package:

cd semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm
poetry config true --local
poetry env use 
poetry install
poetry shell


Before running any of the commands below, run poetry shell to activate the virtualenv where all packages have been installed. You can exit to deactivate the virtualenv.

To run any experiments with GPT-3, you will need to obtain an API key from OpenAI at and set an environment variable.



The GPT-3 experiments use the "davinci" engine by default. You can use a different engine by setting the OPENAI_GPT3_ENGINE environment variable.

WARNING: If you run all of the experiments below using GPT-3, you will consume a very large number of tokens, and under the default pricing of OpenAI, incur a highly significant cost. If you would like to try a subset of the experiments instead:

  • Add --num-eval-examples N as an argument to the commands below to only run the evaluation on the first N examples.
  • Add --exp-names [EXPERIMENT NAME] where the experiment name is the portion of the path between logs/ and /results.json in the result locations below, to only run one experiment (corresponds to one cell in a results table of the paper).


Preliminary setup

Download and pre-process the data for Overnight:

PIPX_HOME=.pipx PIPX_BIN_DIR=.venv/bin pipx install --python 
python -m


Fine-tuning BART models

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/

for domain in "basketball" "blocks" "calendar" "housing" "publications" "recipes" "restaurants" "socialnetwork"; do
    python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.finetune.lm_finetune \
          --exp-names overnight_${domain}_utterance \
          --lr 1e-6 \
          --num-steps 20000 \
          --steps-per-save 20000 \
          --model-type BartV3 \
          --steps-per-decay 8 \
          --batch-size 32

    python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.finetune.lm_finetune \
          --exp-names overnight_${domain}_meaningRepresentation \
          --lr 1e-5 \
          --num-steps 20000 \
          --steps-per-save 20000 \
          --model-type BartV3 \
          --steps-per-decay 8 \
          --batch-size 32

Table 1

Run the following commands:

# GPT-3 Constrained Canonical
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.overnight_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split test-full

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.overnight_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model Bart \
--eval-split test-full \
--exp-name-pattern 'overnight_Bart_test-full_.*_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200'

Then you can find the following results at the specified locations.

  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical: logs/overnight_GPT3_test-full_${DOMAIN}_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • BART Constrained Canonical: logs/overnight_Bart_test-full_${DOMAIN}_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • All rows below the horizontal line: results were copied from the cited papers.

In the results.json files, each number in the table comes from "denotation/top1". ${DOMAIN} can be one of the following: calendar, basketball, blocks, housing, publications, recipes, restaurants, socialnetwork.

Table 2

Run the following commands:

# GPT-3 
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.overnight_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split test-subset \
--exp-name-pattern 'overnight_GPT3_test-subset_.*_(constrained|unconstrained-greedy)_.*_train-200' \
--exp-name-pattern 'overnight_GPT3_test-subset_.*_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-20'

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.overnight_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model Bart \
--eval-split test-full \
--exp-name-pattern 'overnight_Bart_test-full_.*_train-200'

Then you can find the following results at the specified locations:

  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical: logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_${DOMAIN}_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • GPT-3 Constrained Meaning: logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_${DOMAIN}_constrained_meaningRepresentation_train-200/results.json
  • GPT-3 Unconstrained Canonical: logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_${DOMAIN}_unconstrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • GPT-3 Unconstrained Meaning: logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_${DOMAIN}_unconstrained_meaningRepresentation_train-200/results.json
  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical, n = 20: logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_${DOMAIN}_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-20/results.json
  • BART Constrained Canonical: logs/overnight_Bart_test-full_${DOMAIN}_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • BART Constrained Meaning: logs/overnight_Bart_test-full_${DOMAIN}_constrained_meaningRepresentation_train-200/results.json
  • BART Unconstrained Canonical: logs/overnight_Bart_test-full_${DOMAIN}_unconstrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • BART Unconstrained Meaning: logs/overnight_Bart_test-full_${DOMAIN}_unconstrained_meaningRepresentation_train-200/results.json

Figure 2

Run the following command:

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.overnight_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split test-subset \
--exp-name-pattern 'overnight_GPT3_test-subset_calendar_(constrained|unconstrained-beam)_.*_train-.*'

The data for the following series in the plot come from these files:

  • CC (200): logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_calendar_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • CM (200): logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_calendar_constrained_meaningRepresentation_train-200/results.json
  • UC (200): logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_calendar_unconstrained-beam_canonicalUtterance_train-200/results.json
  • UM (200): logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_calendar_unconstrained-beam_meaningRepresentation_train-200/results.json
  • CC (20): logs/overnight_GPT3_test-subset_calendar_constrained_canonicalUtterance_train-20/results.json

Each point in the series gets its value from the "denotation/topN" field, where N varies between 1 and 10.


Preliminary setup

Install our copy of break-evaluator so that it is available on your path.

PIPX_HOME=.pipx PIPX_BIN_DIR=.venv/bin pipx install --python 


Fine-tuning BART

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.finetune.lm_finetune \
      --exp-names break_nested \
      --lr 1e-6 \
      --num-steps 20000 \
      --steps-per-save 20000 \
      --model-type BartV3 \
      --steps-per-decay 6 \
      --batch-size 32

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.finetune.lm_finetune \
      --exp-names break_QDMR \
      --lr 1e-5 \
      --num-steps 20000 \
      --steps-per-save 20000 \
      --model-type BartV3 \
      --steps-per-decay 2 \
      --batch-size 32

Table 3

Run the following commands:

# GPT-3
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.qdmr_break_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split dev-subset 

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.qdmr_break_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split dev-full

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.qdmr_break_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split dev-full 

Then you can find the following results at the specified locations:

  • Wolfson et al:
  • Coleman & Reneau:
  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical, n = 1000: logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_nested_train1000/results.json
  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical, n = 100: logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_nested_train100/results.json
  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical, n = 25: logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_nested_train25/results.json
  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical, n = 200: logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_nested_train200/results.json
  • GPT-3 Constrained Meaning, n = 200: logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_QDMR_train200/results.json
  • GPT-3 Unconstrained Canonical, n = 200: logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_unconstrained-greedy_nested_train200/results.json
  • GPT-3 Unconstrained Meaning, n = 200: logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_unconstrained-greedy_QDMR_train200/results.json (horizontal rule)
  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical, n = 200, full dev set: logs/break_GPT3_dev-full_constrained_nested_train200/results.json
  • BART Constrained Canonical, n = 200: logs/break_Bart_dev-full_constrained_nested_train200/results.json
  • BART Constrained Meaning, n = 200: logs/break_Bart_dev-full_constrained_QDMR_train200/results.json
  • BART Unconstrained Canonical, n = 200: logs/break_Bart_dev-full_unconstrained-greedy_nested_train200/results.json
  • BART Unconstrained Meaning, n = 200: logs/break_Bart_dev-full_unconstrained-greedy_QDMR_train200/results.json

In the results.json files, each number in the table comes from "break_metrics/nem @ 1".

Figure 3

Run the following command:

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.qdmr_break_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split dev-subset \
--exp-name-pattern '.*constrained.*train(1000|200)'

The data for the following series in the plot come from the following files:

  • CC (1000): logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_nested_train1000/results.json
  • CM (1000): logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_QDMR_train1000/results.json
  • CC (200): logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_nested_train200/results.json
  • CM (200): logs/break_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_QDMR_train200/results.json

Each point in the series gets its value from the "break_metrics/nem @ 1" field, where N varies between 1 and 10.


Preliminary setup

Create the SCFG and preprocess the data by running the following:

python -m

This script will output semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm/domains/calflow/grammar/grammar.scfg based on the .csv files in semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm/domains/calflow/data. It will also download a version of SMCalFlow pre-processed to collapse certain nested function calls and remove re-entrancies (references to earlier nodes in the graph), and process them to create semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm/domains/calflow/data/{test_200_uniform,train_300_stratified,train_1000_stratified,dev_all}.jsonl.

Fine-tuning BART

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.finetune.lm_finetune \
      --exp-names calflow_canonicalUtterance \
      --lr 1e-5 \
      --num-steps 20000 \
      --steps-per-save 20000 \
      --model-type BartV3 \
      --steps-per-decay 2 \
      --batch-size 32

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.finetune.lm_finetune \
      --exp-names calflow_lispress \
      --lr 1e-5 \
      --num-steps 20000 \
      --steps-per-save 20000 \
      --model-type BartV3 \
      --steps-per-decay 2 \
      --batch-size 32

Table 4

Run the following commands:

# GPT-3
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.calflow_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split dev-full

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.calflow_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split dev-subset

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.calflow_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model Bart \
--eval-split dev-full 

Then you can find the following results at the specified locations:

  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical: logs/calflow_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_canonicalUtterance_prompt20/results.json
  • GPT-3 Constrained Meaning: logs/calflow_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_lispress_prompt20/results.json
  • GPT-3 Unconstrained Canonical: logs/calflow_GPT3_dev-subset_unconstrained-greedy_canonicalUtterance_prompt20/results.json
  • GPT-3 Unconstrained Meaning: logs/calflow_GPT3_dev-subset_unconstrained-greedy_lispress_prompt20/results.json (horizontal rule)
  • GPT-3 Constrained Canonical, full dev set: logs/calflow_GPT3_dev-full_constrained_canonicalUtterance_prompt20/results.json
  • BART Constrained Canonical: logs/calflow_Bart_dev-full_constrained_canonicalUtterance_prompt0/results.json
  • BART Constrained Meaning: logs/calflow_Bart_dev-full_constrained_lispress_prompt0/results.json
  • BART Unconstrained Canonical: logs/calflow_Bart_dev-full_unconstrained-greedy_canonicalUtterance_prompt0/results.json
  • BART Unconstrained Meaning: logs/calflow_Bart_dev-full_unconstrained-greedy_lispress_prompt0/results.json

In the results.json files, each number in the table comes from "roundtrip/top1".

Figure 4

Run the following commands:

python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.calflow_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model GPT3 \
--eval-split dev-full

export PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR=facebook/bart-large
export TRAINED_MODEL_DIR=trained_models/
python -m semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.run_exp \
--config-name semantic_parsing_with_constrained_lm.configs.calflow_emnlp_camera_ready \
--log-dir logs/ \
--model Bart \
--eval-split dev-full  \
--exp-name-pattern '.*constrained.*'

The data for the following series in the plot come from the following files:

  • GPT-3 CC: logs/calflow_GPT3_dev-subset_constrained_canonicalUtterance_prompt20/results.json
  • BART CC: logs/calflow_Bart_dev-full_constrained_canonicalUtterance_prompt0/results.json
  • BART CM: logs/calflow_Bart_dev-full_constrained_lispress_prompt0/results.json

Each point in the series gets its value from the "roundtrip/topN" field, where N varies between 1 and 10.


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