Multi-Scale Vision Longformer: A New Vision Transformer for High-Resolution Image Encoding


Vision Longformer

This project provides the source code for the vision longformer paper.

Multi-Scale Vision Longformer: A New Vision Transformer for High-Resolution Image Encoding


  • Fast Pytorch implementation of conv-like sliding-window local attention
  • Fast random-shifting training strategy of vision longformer
  • A versatile multi-scale vision transformer class (MsViT) that can support various efficient attention mechanisms
  • Compare multiple efficient attention mechanisms: vision-longformer ("global + conv_like local") attention, performer attention, global-memory attention, linformer attention and spatial reduction attention.
  • Provides pre-trained models for different attention mechanisms.


  • 03/29/2021: First version of vision longformer paper posted on Arxiv.
  • 04/30/2021: Performance improved by adding relative positional bias, inspired by Swin Transformer! Training is accelerated significantly by adding random-shifting training strategy. First version of code released.

Multi-scale Vision Transformer Architecture

Vision Longformer, and more generally the Multi-scale Vision Transformer (MsViT), follows the multi-stage design of ResNet. Each stage is a (slightly modified) vision transformer with some user-specified attenion mechanism. Currently, five attention mechanisms are supported:

# choices=['full', 'longformerhand', 'linformer', 'srformer', 'performer', 'longformerauto', 'longformer_cuda']
_C.MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE = 'longformerhand'

As an example, a 3-stage multi-scale model architecture is specified by the MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH:

_C.MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH = 'l1,h3,d192,n1,s1,g1,p16,f7,a1_l2,h6,d384,n10,s0,g1,p2,f7,a1_l3,h12,d796,n1,s0,g1,p2,f7,a1'

Configs of different stages are separated by _. For each stage, the meaning of the config l*,h*,d*,n*,s*,g*,p*,f*,a* is specified as below.

symbol l h d n s g p f a
Name stage num_heads hidden_dim num_layers is_parse_attention num_global_tokens patch_size num_feats absolute_position_embedding
Range [1,2,3,4] N+ N+ N+ [0, 1] N N N [0,1]

Here, N stands for natural numbers including 0, and N+ stands for positive integers.

The num_feats (number of features) field, i.e., f, is overloaded for different attention mechanisms:

linformer: number of features

performer: number of (random orthogonal) features

srformer: spatial reduction ratio

longformer: one sided window size (not including itself, actual window size is 2 * f + 1 for MSVIT.SW_EXACT = 1 and 3 * f for MSVIT.SW_EXACT = 0/-1).

The following are the main model architectures used in Vision Longformer paper.

Model size stage_1 stage_2 stage_3 stage_4
Tiny n1,p4,h1,d48 n1,p2,h3,d96 n9,p2,h3,d192 n1,p2,h6,d384
Small n1,p4,h3,d96 n2,p2,h3,d192 n8,p2,h6,d384 n1,p2,h12,d768
Medium-Deep n1,p4,h3,d96 n4,p2,h3,d192 n16,p2,h6,d384 n1,p2,h12,d768
Medium-Wide n1,p4,h3,d192 n2,p2,h6,d384 n8,p2,h8,d512 n1,p2,h12,d768
Base-Deep n1,p4,h3,d96 n8,p2,h3,d192 n24,p2,h6,d384 n1,p2,h12,d768
Base-Wide n1,p4,h3,d192 n2,p2,h6,d384 n8,p2,h12,d768 n1,p2,h16,d1024

Model Performance

Main Results on ImageNet and Pretrained Models

Vision Longformer with absolute positional embedding

name pretrain resolution [email protected] [email protected] #params FLOPs 22K model 1K model
ViL-Tiny ImageNet-1K 224x224 76.3 93.3 6.7M 1.43G - ckpt, config
ViL-Small ImageNet-1K 224x224 82.0 95.8 24.6M 5.12G - ckpt, config
ViL-Medium-Deep ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.3 96.3 39.7M 9.1G - ckpt, config
ViL-Medium-Wide ImageNet-1K 224x224 82.9 96.4 39.8M 11.3G - ckpt, config
ViL-Medium-Deep ImageNet-22K 384x384 85.6 97.7 39.7M 29.4G ckpt, config ckpt, config
ViL-Medium-Wide ImageNet-22K 384x384 84.7 97.3 39.8M 35.1G ckpt, config ckpt, config
ViL-Base-Deep ImageNet-22K 384x384 86.0 97.9 55.7M 45.3G ckpt, config ckpt, config
ViL-Base-Wide ImageNet-22K 384x384 86.2 98.0 79.0M 55.8G ckpt, config ckpt, config

Vision Longformer with relative positional embedding and comparison with Swin Transformers

name pretrain resolution [email protected] [email protected] #params FLOPs 22K model 1K model
ViL-Tiny ImageNet-1K 224x224 76.65 93.55 6.7M 1.43G - ckpt config
ViL-Small ImageNet-1K 224x224 82.39 95.92 24.6M 5.12G - ckpt config
ViL-Medium-Deep ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.52 96.52 39.7M 9.1G - ckpt config
ViL-Medium-Deep ImageNet-22K 384x384 85.73 97.8 39.7M 29.4G ckpt config ckpt config
ViL-Base-Deep ImageNet-22K 384x384 86.11 97.89 55.7M 45.3G ckpt config ckpt config
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Swin-Tiny (2-2-6-2) ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.2 95.5 28M 4.5G - from swin repo
ViL-Swin-Tiny (2-2-6-2) ImageNet-1K 224x224 82.71 95.95 28M 5.33G - ckpt config
Swin-Small (2-2-18-2) ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.2 96.2 50M 8.7G - from swin repo
ViL-Swin-Small (2-2-18-2) ImageNet-1K 224x224 83.7 96.43 50M 9.85G - ckpt config

Results of other attention mechanims (Small size)

Attention pretrain resolution [email protected] [email protected] #params FLOPs 22K model 1K model
full ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.9 95.8 24.6M 6.95G - ckpt, config
longformer ImageNet-1K 224x224 82.0 95.8 24.6M 5.12G - ckpt, config
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
linformer ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.0 95.4 26.3M 5.62G - ckpt, config
srformer/64 ImageNet-1K 224x224 76.4 92.9 52.9M 3.97G - ckpt, config
srformer/32 ImageNet-1K 224x224 79.9 94.9 31.1M 4.28G - ckpt, config
global ImageNet-1K 224x224 79.0 94.5 24.9M 6.78G - ckpt, config
performer ImageNet-1K 224x224 78.7 94.3 24.8M 6.26G - ckpt, config
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
partial linformer ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.8 95.9 25.8M 5.21G - ckpt, config
partial srformer/32 ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.6 95.7 26.4M 4.57G - ckpt, config
partial global ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.4 95.7 24.9M 6.3G - ckpt, config
partial performer ImageNet-1K 224x224 81.7 95.7 24.7M 5.52G - ckpt, config

See more results on comparing different efficient attention mechanisms in Table 13 and Table 14 in the Vision Longformer paper.

Main Results on COCO object detection and instance segmentation (with absolute positional embedding)

Vision Longformer with absolute positional embedding

Backbone Method pretrain Lr Schd box mAP mask mAP #params FLOPs
ViL-Tiny RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 1x 38.8 -- 16.64M 182.7G
ViL-Tiny RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 3x 40.7 -- 16.64M 182.7G
ViL-Small RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 1x 41.6 -- 35.68M 254.8G
ViL-Small RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 3x 42.9 -- 35.68M 254.8G
ViL-Medium (D) RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 1x 42.9 -- 50.77M 330.4G
ViL-Medium (D) RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 3x 43.7 -- 50.77M 330.4G
ViL-Base (D) RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 1x 44.3 -- 66.74M 420.9G
ViL-Base (D) RetinaNet ImageNet-1K 3x 44.7 -- 66.74M 420.9G
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
ViL-Tiny Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 38.7 36.2 26.9M 145.6G
ViL-Tiny Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 3x 41.2 37.9 26.9M 145.6G
ViL-Small Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 41.8 38.5 45.0M 218.3G
ViL-Small Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 3x 43.4 39.6 45.0M 218.3G
ViL-Medium (D) Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 43.4 39.7 60.1M 293.8G
ViL-Medium (D) Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 3x 44.6 40.7 60.1M 293.8G
ViL-Base (D) Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 45.1 41.0 76.1M 384.4G
ViL-Base (D) Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 3x 45.7 41.3 76.1M 384.4G

See more fine-grained results in Table 6 and Table 7 in the Vision Longformer paper.

Results of other attention mechanims (Small size)

Backbone Method pretrain Lr Schd box mAP mask mAP #params FLOPs Memory
srformer/64 Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 35.7 33.6 73.3M 224.1G 7.1G
srformer/32 Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 39.8 36.8 51.5M 268.3G 13.6G
Partial srformer/32 Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 41.1 38.1 46.8M 352.1G 22.6G
global Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 34.1 32.5 45.2M 226.4G 7.6G
Partial global Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 41.3 38.2 45.1M 326.5G 20.1G
performer Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 35.0 33.1 45.0M 251.5G 8.4G
Partial performer Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 41.7 38.4 45.0M 343.7G 20.0G
ViL Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 41.3. 38.1 45.0M 218.3G 7.4G
Partial ViL Mask R-CNN ImageNet-1K 1x 42.6 39.3 45.0M 326.8G 19.5G

Compare different implementations of vision longformer

Please go to Implementation for implementation details of vision longformer.

Training/Testing Vision Longformer on Local Machine

Prepare datasets

One needs to download zip files of ImageNet (, train_map.txt,, val_map.txt) under the specified data folder, e.g., the default src/datasets/imagenet. The CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and MNIST can be automatically downloaded.

With the default setting, we should have the following files in the /root/datasets directory:

root (root folder)
├── datasets (folder with all the datasets and pretrained models)
├──── imagenet/ (imagenet dataset and pretrained models)
├────── 2012/
├───────── train_map.txt
├───────── val_map.txt
├──── CIFAR10/ (CIFAR10 dataset and pretrained models)
├──── CIFAR100/ (CIFAR100 dataset and pretrained models)
├──── MNIST/ (MNIST dataset and pretrained models)

Environment requirements

It is recommended to use any of the following docker images to run the experiments.

pengchuanzhang/maskrcnn:ubuntu18-py3.7-cuda10.1-pytorch1.7 # recommended
pengchuanzhang/maskrcnn:py3.7-cuda10.0-pytorch1.7 # if you want to try the customized cuda kernel of vision longformer.

For virtual environments, the following packages should be the sufficient.

pytorch >= 1.5
tensorboardx, einops, timm, yacs==0.1.8

Evaluation scripts

Navigate to the src folder, run the following commands to evaluate the pre-trained models above.

Pretrained models of Vision Longformer

# tiny
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h1,d48,n1,s1,g1,p4,f7_l2,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p2,f7_l3,h3,d192,n9,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h6,d384,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/visionlongformer/msvit_tiny_longformersw_1191_train/model_best.pth 
INFO:root:ACCURACY: 76.29600524902344%
INFO:root:iter: 0  max mem: 2236
    accuracy_metrics - top1: 76.2960 (76.2960)  top5: 93.2720 (93.2720)
    epoch_metrics    - total_cnt: 50000.0000 (50000.0000)  loss: 0.0040 (0.0040)  time: 0.0022 (0.0022)

# small
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f7_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f7_l3,h6,d384,n8,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/visionlongformer/msvit_small_longformersw_1281_train/model_best.pth 
INFO:root:ACCURACY: 81.97799682617188%
INFO:root:iter: 0  max mem: 6060
    accuracy_metrics - top1: 81.9780 (81.9780)  top5: 95.7880 (95.7880)
    epoch_metrics    - total_cnt: 50000.0000 (50000.0000)  loss: 0.0031 (0.0031)  time: 0.0029 (0.0029)

# medium-deep
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f7_l2,h3,d192,n4,s1,g1,p2,f7_l3,h6,d384,n16,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/visionlongformer/deepmedium_14161_lr8e-4/model_best.pth

# medium-wide
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d192,n1,s1,g1,p4,f7_l2,h6,d384,n2,s1,g1,p2,f7_l3,h8,d512,n8,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/visionlongformer/wide_medium_1281/model_best.pth

# ImageNet22K pretrained and ImageNet1K finetuned medium-deep
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest FINETUNE.FINETUNE True INPUT.IMAGE_SIZE 384 INPUT.CROP_PCT 0.922 MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f7_l2,h3,d192,n4,s1,g1,p2,f7_l3,h6,d384,n16,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/IN384_IN22kpretrained/msvitdeepmedium_imagenet384_finetune_bsz256_lr001_wd0/model_best.pth

# ImageNet22K pretrained and ImageNet1K finetuned medium-wide
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest FINETUNE.FINETUNE True INPUT.IMAGE_SIZE 384 INPUT.CROP_PCT 0.922 MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d192,n1,s1,g1,p4,f8_l2,h6,d384,n2,s1,g1,p2,f12_l3,h8,d512,n8,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/IN384_IN22kpretrained/msvitwidemedium_imagenet384_finetune_bsz512_lr004_wd0/model_best.pth

# ImageNet22K pretrained and ImageNet1K finetuned base-deep
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest FINETUNE.FINETUNE True INPUT.IMAGE_SIZE 384 INPUT.CROP_PCT 0.922 MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.LN_EPS 1e-5 MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f6_l2,h3,d192,n8,s1,g1,p2,f8_l3,h6,d384,n24,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/IN384_IN22kpretrained/msvitdeepbase_imagenet384_finetune_bsz640_lr003_wd0/model_best.pth

# ImageNet22K pretrained and ImageNet1K finetuned base-wide
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest FINETUNE.FINETUNE True INPUT.IMAGE_SIZE 384 INPUT.CROP_PCT 0.922 MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d192,n1,s1,g1,p4,f8_l2,h6,d384,n2,s1,g1,p2,f8_l3,h12,d768,n8,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h16,d1024,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/IN384_IN22kpretrained/msvitwidebase_imagenet384_finetune_bsz768_lr001_wd1e-7/model_best.pth DATALOADER.BSZ 64

Pretrained models of other attention mechanisms

# Small full attention
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE full MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f7_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f7_l3,h6,d384,n8,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/fullMSA/small1281/model_best.pth

# Small linformer
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE linformer MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f256_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f256_l3,h6,d384,n8,s1,g1,p2,f256_l4,h12,d768,n1,s1,g0,p2,f256' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/linformer/small1281_full/model_best.pth

# Small partial linformer
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE linformer MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f256_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f256_l3,h6,d384,n8,s0,g1,p2,f256_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f256' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/linformer/small1281_partial/model_best.pth

# Small global attention
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.AVG_POOL True MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ONLY_GLOBAL True MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE longformerhand MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g256,p4,f7_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g256,p2,f7_l3,h6,d384,n8,s1,g64,p2,f7_l4,h12,d768,n1,s1,g16,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/globalformer/globalfull1281/model_best.pth

# Small partial global attention
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.AVG_POOL True MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ONLY_GLOBAL True MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE longformerhand MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g256,p4,f7_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g256,p2,f7_l3,h6,d384,n8,s0,g1,p2,f7_l4,h6,d384,n1,s0,g0,p2,f7' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/globalformer/globalpartial1281/model_best.pth

# Small spatial reduction attention with down-sample ratio 64
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE srformer MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f16_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f8_l3,h6,d384,n8,s1,g1,p2,f4_l4,h12,d768,n1,s1,g0,p2,f2' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/srformer/srformerfull1281/model_best.pth

# Small spatial reduction attention with down-sample ratio 32
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE srformer MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f8_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f4_l3,h6,d384,n8,s1,g1,p2,f2_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f1' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/srformer/srformerfull8_1281/model_best.pth

# Small partial spatial reduction attention with down-sample ratio 32
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE srformer MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f8_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f4_l3,h6,d384,n8,s0,g1,p2,f2_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f1' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/srformer/srformerpartial1281/model_best.pth

# Small performer
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE performer MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f256_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f256_l3,h6,d384,n8,s1,g1,p2,f256_l4,h12,d768,n1,s1,g0,p2,f256' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/performer/fullperformer1281/model_best.pth

# Small partial performer
python --config-file 'config/msvit.yaml' --data ../datasets/imagenet/2012 --output_dir ../run/imagenet/msvittest MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ATTN_TYPE performer MODEL.VIT.MSVIT.ARCH 'l1,h3,d96,n1,s1,g1,p4,f256_l2,h3,d192,n2,s1,g1,p2,f256_l3,h6,d384,n8,s0,g1,p2,f256_l4,h12,d768,n1,s0,g0,p2,f256' EVALUATE True MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/performer/partialperformer1281/model_best.pth

Training scripts

We provide three example training scripts as below.

# ViL-Tiny with relative positional embedding: Imagenet1K training with 224x224 resolution
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --config-file
    'config/msvit.yaml' --data '../datasets/imagenet/2012/' OPTIM.OPT adamw

# Training with random shifting strategy: accelerate the training significantly
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --config-file
    'config/msvit.yaml' --data '../datasets/imagenet/2012/' OPTIM.OPT adamw

# ViL-Medium-Deep: Imagenet1K finetuning with 384x384 resolution
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --config-file
    'config/msvit_384finetune.yaml' --data '/mnt/default/data/sasa/imagenet/2012/'
    MODEL.MODEL_PATH /home/penzhan/penzhanwu2/imagenet/msvit/IN22kpretrained/deepmedium/model_best.pth

Cite Vision Longformer

Please consider citing vision longformer if it helps your work.

  title={Multi-Scale Vision Longformer: A New Vision Transformer for High-Resolution Image Encoding},
  author={Zhang, Pengchuan and Dai, Xiyang and Yang, Jianwei and Xiao, Bin and Yuan, Lu and Zhang, Lei and Gao, Jianfeng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.15358},
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft
Simple is not Easy: A Simple Strong Baseline for TextVQA and TextCaps[AAAI2021]

Simple is not Easy: A Simple Strong Baseline for TextVQA and TextCaps Here is the code for ssbassline model. We also provide OCR results/features/mode

ZephyrZhuQi 51 Nov 18, 2022
Code, Data and Demo for Paper: Controllable Generation from Pre-trained Language Models via Inverse Prompting

InversePrompting Paper: Controllable Generation from Pre-trained Language Models via Inverse Prompting Code: The code is provided in the "chinese_ip"

THUDM 101 Dec 16, 2022
Apply Graph Self-Supervised Learning methods to graph-level task(TUDataset, MolculeNet Datset)

Graphlevel-SSL Overview Apply Graph Self-Supervised Learning methods to graph-level task(TUDataset, MolculeNet Dataset). It is unified framework to co

JunSeok 8 Oct 15, 2021
Sample Code for "Pessimism Meets Invariance: Provably Efficient Offline Mean-Field Multi-Agent RL"

Sample Code for "Pessimism Meets Invariance: Provably Efficient Offline Mean-Field Multi-Agent RL" This is the official codebase for Pessimism Meets I

3 Sep 19, 2022
A tensorflow model that predicts if the image is of a cat or of a dog.

Quick intro Hello and thank you for your interest in my project! This is the backend part of a two-repo application. The other part can be found here

Tudor Matei 0 Mar 08, 2022
Combinatorially Hard Games where the levels are procedurally generated

puzzlegen Implementation of two procedurally simulated environments with gym interfaces. IceSlider: the agent needs to reach and stop on the pink squa

Autonomous Learning Group 3 Jun 26, 2022
DeepCAD: A Deep Generative Network for Computer-Aided Design Models

DeepCAD This repository provides source code for our paper: DeepCAD: A Deep Generative Network for Computer-Aided Design Models Rundi Wu, Chang Xiao,

Rundi Wu 85 Dec 31, 2022
Sequence-to-Sequence learning using PyTorch

Seq2Seq in PyTorch This is a complete suite for training sequence-to-sequence models in PyTorch. It consists of several models and code to both train

Elad Hoffer 514 Nov 17, 2022
Streamlit Tutorial (ex: stock price dashboard, cartoon-stylegan, vqgan-clip, stylemixing, styleclip, sefa)

Streamlit Tutorials Install pip install streamlit Run cd [directory] streamlit run --server.address --server.port [your port] # http:/

Jihye Back 30 Jan 06, 2023
End-to-end machine learning project for rices detection

Basmatinet Welcome to this project folks ! Whether you like it or not this project is all about riiiiice or riz in french. It is also about Deep Learn

Béranger 47 Jun 18, 2022
MRI reconstruction (e.g., QSM) using deep learning methods

deepMRI: Deep learning methods for MRI Authors: Yang Gao, Hongfu Sun This repo is devloped based on Pytorch (1.8 or later) and matlab (R2019a or later

Hongfu Sun 17 Dec 18, 2022
Python-kafka-reset-consumergroup-offset-example - Python Kafka reset consumergroup offset example

Python Kafka reset consumergroup offset example This is a simple example of how

Willi Carlsen 1 Feb 16, 2022
Saeed Lotfi 28 Dec 12, 2022
U-Net Implementation: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation" using the Carvana Image Masking Dataset in PyTorch

U-Net Implementation By Christopher Ley This is my interpretation and implementation of the famous paper "U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical

Christopher Ley 1 Jan 06, 2022
Implementation for the paper SMPLicit: Topology-aware Generative Model for Clothed People (CVPR 2021)

SMPLicit: Topology-aware Generative Model for Clothed People [Project] [arXiv] License Software Copyright License for non-commercial scientific resear

Enric Corona 225 Dec 13, 2022
T2F: text to face generation using Deep Learning

⭐ [NEW] ⭐ T2F - 2.0 Teaser (coming soon ...) Please note that all the faces in the above samples are generated ones. The T2F 2.0 will be using MSG-GAN

Animesh Karnewar 533 Dec 22, 2022
My Body is a Cage: the Role of Morphology in Graph-Based Incompatible Control

My Body is a Cage: the Role of Morphology in Graph-Based Incompatible Control

yobi byte 29 Oct 09, 2022
PyTorch implementation of the wavelet analysis from Torrence & Compo

Continuous Wavelet Transforms in PyTorch This is a PyTorch implementation for the wavelet analysis outlined in Torrence and Compo (BAMS, 1998). The co

Tom Runia 262 Dec 21, 2022
Implementation of parameterized soft-exponential activation function.

Soft-Exponential-Activation-Function: Implementation of parameterized soft-exponential activation function. In this implementation, the parameters are

Shuvrajeet Das 1 Feb 23, 2022
The codebase for our paper "Generative Occupancy Fields for 3D Surface-Aware Image Synthesis" (NeurIPS 2021)

Generative Occupancy Fields for 3D Surface-Aware Image Synthesis (NeurIPS 2021) Project Page | Paper Xudong Xu, Xingang Pan, Dahua Lin and Bo Dai GOF

xuxudong 97 Nov 10, 2022