Text-to-Music Retrieval using Pre-defined/Data-driven Emotion Embeddings


Text2Music Emotion Embedding

Text-to-Music Retrieval using Pre-defined/Data-driven Emotion Embeddings


Emotion Embedding Spaces for Matching Music to Stories, ISMIR 2021 [paper]

-- Minz Won, Justin Salamon, Nicholas J. Bryan, Gautham J. Mysore, and Xavier Serra

  title={Emotion embedding spaces for matching music to stories},
  author={Won, Minz. and Salamon, Justin. and Bryan, Nicholas J. and Mysore, Gautham J. and Serra, Xavier.},


conda create -n YOUR_ENV_NAME python=3.7
conda activate YOUR_ENV_NAME
pip install -r requirements.txt


  • You need to collect audio files of AudioSet mood subset (link).

  • Read the audio files and store them into .npy format.

  • Other relevant data including Alm's dataset (original link), ISEAR dataset (original link), emotion embeddings, pretrained Word2Vec, and data splits are all available here (link).

  • Unzip ttm_data.tar.gz and locate the extracted data folder under text2music-emotion-embedding/.


Here is an example for training a metric learning model.

python3 src/metric_learning/main.py \
        --dataset 'isear' \
        --num_branches 3 \
        --data_path YOUR_DATA_PATH_TO_AUDIOSET

Fore more examples, check bash files under scripts folder.


Here is an example for the test.

python3 src/metric_learning/main.py \
        --mode 'TEST' \
        --dataset 'alm' \
        --model_load_path 'data/pretrained/alm_cross.ckpt' \
        --data_path 'YOUR_DATA_PATH_TO_AUDIOSET'

Pretrained three-branch metric learning models (alm_cross.ckpt and isear_cross.ckpt) are included in ttm_data.tar.gz. This code is reproducible by locating the unzipped data folder under text2music-emotion-embedding/.


Embedding distribution of each model can be projected onto 2-dimensional space. We used uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) to visualize the distribution. UMAP is known to preserve more of global structure compared to t-SNE.


Please try some examples done by the three-branch metric learning model [Soundcloud].


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