Great script for sending and spaming emails! gmail, yahoo, outlook, hotmail.



Я не несу ответственности за ваши действия. Скачивая программное обеспечение из этого репозитория, вы соглашаетесь с лицензией.


  • Fast spam
  • No need to drive your mail
  • Supported on python3
  • Supported other systems
  • Quickly and clearly
  • More supported services
  • Functionality


  • pkg upgrade
  • pkg update
  • pkg install git
  • pkg install python
  • git clone
  • pip3 install requests
  • pip3 install smtp
Need help with installation

1. If you have problems installing the requests library: python3 -m pip install requests, smtp
2. If modules cannot be downloaded: replace pkg with apt
3. If you do not know how to delete the repository: rm -rf Email-Spammer

Start Program

Enter a command to start Email-Spamer.

Custom Email (

  • cd Email-Spammer
  • python

Data Email (

  • cd Email-Spammer
  • python there you will need to select an email address for spam This is so that you can send your IP and location data

If there are problems then look down there will be if failed to download.

Need Help

Do you need help? Write me on: [email protected]

And I will consider your letter and problem!

 [email protected]



If the tool fails, follow these steps:

  1. Take a screenshot and see the error in detail

  2. Contact me through the following email: [email protected]

  3. Submit the screenshot and explain your problem with that error


If you want to donate, click on the button


here you can see a screenshot of Email-Spammer

Find Me

Github Github Github Github

I recommend watching

1.qiq - Useful batch installer
2.Gmail-Hack - Easy email hacking
3.AllHackingTools - system for large hacking
4.Infect - Easy virus creation
5.Free-Proxy - Lots of free proxy servers
6.IpHack - Easy Tracking smartphones
7.UserFinder - Find users in social
8.Ultra-DDos - Hing ddos bad sites


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