A repo containing toolings and software useful for a DevOps Engineer


License PRs Welcome


A repo containing toolings and software useful for a DevOps Engineer (or if you're setting up your Mac from the beginning)

Currently setup for macOS* - Coming soon for Windows & Linux


  • Install Brew on your macOS first. Type on your command line "brew update" & then install the required tool "brew install <PACKAGE_NAME>
  • Most of the tooling can be used by using the brew package manager or other CLI tools suggested below in "". If not, use the links provided to navigate to the installation page of the tool.
  • Also note that some of these tools mentioned in Productivity can be subjective based on each individual.

Package manager

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

Technical tooling & CLI (main)

Other useful CLIs (supplementary)

Container & Security focused tools

sudo easy_install pip
pip3 install --user anchorecli
export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/Library/Python/3.9/bin

Productivity tooling:

Other useful links:

Coming soon - in the works

  • A script that installs all the toolings (ones that can be automated)
  • A setup for Windows & Linux
  • Alternative to Docker Desktop?? Containerd? Podman? - Open to suggestions.
  • Organise the repo into sub-categories & general organisation.

Open to contributions

Layout for collapsible section in README

Click to expand!


  1. A numbered
  2. list
    • With some
    • Sub bullets
Mohamed Abukar
Platform Engineer - passionate about all things Cloud & DevOps.
Mohamed Abukar
A MassDM selfbot which is working in 2021

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Github-Checker - Simple Tool To Check If Github User Available Or Not

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An Auto-Grinding bot made for Pokemeow. Efficient but not many features yet

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A Discord bot that allows you to rapidly deploy Minecraft servers seamlessly and painlessly from Discord.

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1 Dec 23, 2021
Telegram bot to provide links of different types of files you send

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Azure Neural Speech Service TTS

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⛑ REDCap API interface in Python

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Discord Mass Report script that uses multiple tokens

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A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy, redislab, mongo database, telethon, and pyrogram.

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Vhook: A Discord webhook spammer / deleter open source coded by vesper

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A discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets

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1 Dec 04, 2021
AnyAPI is a library that helps you to write any API wrapper with ease and in pythonic way.

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10 Sep 26, 2022
Spotify playlist anonymizer.

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