A collection of online resources to help you on your Tech journey.


License PRs Welcome

Everything Tech Resources & Projects

About The Project

Coming from an engineering background and looking to up skill yourself on a new field can be difficult. So I’ve decided to embark on a project that is dear to my heart. ♥️

This repository will contain a list of FREE resources, projects and hands-on exercises for you to attempt and up skill yourself so that you can find a role in your respective field. This project will be focused on those trying to enter the Tech field (like Software Engineering 👨‍💻 , DevOps 🛠 , Cloud 🌩 , Cyber Security 🛡 , Data Science/Engineering 📊 , Machine Learning etc 🤖 ) 🆓

The project will be maintained by the community FOR the community! 🚀 We currently have experts 😎 in the field who are already contributing to this project.

Who is this for?

Everyone. This is a platform which will enable individuals across all levels to learn new technologies and/or validate their existing knowledge.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion or project idea that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b patch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin patch)
  5. Raise a pull request

Links to Resources




Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Microsoft Azure:

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Git (version control)

Networking fundamentals



Containers (Docker and Kubernetes aka K8s)

Continuous Integration, Continuous Development (CI/CD)

Managed containers (EKS/AKS/GKE)


More-open source tools and more things to consider learning

Mohamed A
Platform Engineer - passionate about all things Cloud & DevOps.
Mohamed A
Cardano SundaeSwap ISO SPO vote ranking script

Cardano SundaeSwap ISO SPOs vote ranking This Python 3 script uses the database populated by cardano-db-sync from the Cardano blockchain to generate a

SM₳UG 1 Nov 17, 2021
Traits for Python3

Do you like Python, but think that multiple inheritance is a bit too flexible? Are you looking for a more constrained way to define interfaces and re-use code?

121 Nov 15, 2022
Sodium is a general purpose programming language which is instruction-oriented

Sodium is a general purpose programming language which is instruction-oriented (a new programming concept that we are developing and devising)

Satin Wuker 22 Jan 11, 2022
A Classroom Engagement Platform

Project Introduction This is project introduction Setup Setting up Postgres This is the most tricky part when setting up the application. You will nee

Santosh Kumar Patro 1 Nov 18, 2021
Twikoo自定义表情列表 | HexoPlusPlus自定义表情列表(其实基于OwO的项目都可以用的啦)

Twikoo-Magic 更新说明 2021/1/15 基于2021/1/14 Twikoo 更新1.1.0-beta,所有表情都将以缩写形式(如:[ text ]:)输出。1/14之前本仓库有部分表情text缺失及重复, 导致无法正常使用表情 1/14后的所有表情json列表已全部更新

noionion 90 Jan 05, 2023
Python implementation of the Learning Time-Series Shapelets method, that learns a shapelet-based time-series classifier with gradient descent.

shaplets Python implementation of the Learning Time-Series Shapelets method by Josif Grabocka et al., that learns a shapelet-based time-series classif

Mohamed Haseeb 187 Dec 14, 2022
A parallel branch-and-bound engine for Python.

pybnb A parallel branch-and-bound engine for Python. This software is copyright (c) by Gabriel A. Hackebeil (gabe.hacke

Gabriel Hackebeil 52 Nov 12, 2022
A webapp that timestamps key moments in a football clip

A look into what we're building Demo.mp4 Prerequisites Python 3 Node v16+ Steps to run Create a virtual environment. Activate the virtual environment.

Pranav 1 Dec 10, 2021
一个IDA脚本,可以检测出哈希算法(无论是否魔改常数)并生成frida hook 代码。

findhash 在哈希算法上,比Findcrypt更好的检测工具,同时生成Frida hook代码。 使用方法 把findhash.xml和findhash.py扔到ida plugins目录下 ida -edit-plugin-findhash 试图解决的问题 哈希函数的初始化魔数被修改 想快速

266 Dec 29, 2022
A curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts

📑 Introduction A curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts. This is your Personal space to fin

Amitesh kumar mishra 1 Jan 22, 2022
This repository requires you to solve a problem by writing some basic python code.

Can You Solve a Problem? A beginner friendly repository that requires you to solve familiar problems with python. This could be as simple as implement

Precious Kolawole 11 Nov 30, 2022
Submission from Team OMR for the TRI-NIT Hackathon

Submission from Team OMR for the TRI-NIT Hackathon

0 Feb 01, 2022
Pydesy package description (EN)

Pydesy package description (EN) Last version: 0.0.2 Geodetic library, which includes the following tasks: 1. Calculation of theodolite traverse (tachy

1 Feb 03, 2022
The official FOSSCOMM 2021 CTF by [email protected]

FOSSCOMM 2021 CTF Table of Contents General Info FAQ General Info Purpose: This CTF is a collaboration between the FOSSCOMM conference and the Machina 2 Nov 14, 2021

A python package that computes an optimal motion plan for approaching a red light

redlight_approach redlight_approach is a Python package that computes an optimal motion plan during traffic light approach. RLA_demo.mov Given the par

Jonathan Roy 4 Oct 27, 2022
Stop python warnings, no matter what!

SHUTUP - Stop python warnings, no matter what! Sometimes you just can't mute python warnings. Use this library to solve this. Installation pip install

80 Jan 04, 2023
A feed generator. Currently supports generating RSS feeds from Google, Bing, and Yahoo news.

A feed generator. Currently supports generating RSS feeds from Google, Bing, and Yahoo news.

Josh Cardenzana 0 Dec 13, 2021
This repository provides a set of easy to understand and tested Python samples for using Acronis Cyber Platform API.

Base Acronis Cyber Platform API operations with Python !!! info Copyright © 2019-2021 Acronis International GmbH. This is distributed under MIT licens

Acronis International GmbH 3 Aug 11, 2022
MDAnalysis tool to calculate membrane curvature.

The MDAkit for membrane curvature analysis is part of the Google Summer of Code program and it is linked to a Code of Conduct.

MDAnalysis 19 Oct 20, 2022
A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Secret Calculator Photo Vault'. Supports brute force of PIN also.

A python script to decrypt media files encrypted using the Android application 'Secret Calculator Photo Vault'. Supports brute force of PIN also.

3 May 01, 2022