Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App



Social Media Network Focuses On Data Security And Being Community Driven Web App

The Main Idea:

We`ve seen social media web apps that focuses on privacy and implement decentralization and enhanced privacy, But we haven`t seen a one that is centralized (For Stability), And Is Modern, Easy To Use, Fast, And Provide protection for Everyone

To Put It Simply: The Web App Won`t Record Anything About It`s Users.

The Technology Behind It:

  • Python 3.9.2
  • Django 2.2.22

Main Features:

  • Sign IN/UP/OUT
  • Post CRUD
  • Update Username / Email / Profile Pic
  • Infinite Scroll On The Home Page
  • Password Recovery / Change

Set Up:

  • Clone The Repository git clone && cd privalise
  • Install Requirements pip install -r requirements.txt && cd privalises
  • Let`s Migrate And Make Migrations python makemigrations && python migrate
  • Now Finally We Will Run The Server python runserver

Additional Steps:

  1. Create '.env' file in the root directory
  2. Specify The Following
    • email (Add The EMAIL_HOST_USER)
    • pass (Specify The EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD)
    • port (Specify The EMAIL_PORT)
    • hash (Specify The SECRET_KEY)
    • backend (Specify The EMAIL_BACKEND)
    • host (Specify The EMAIL_HOST)
    • tls (Specify The EMAIL_USE_TLS)

    In The End It Should Look Like This:

That's it

It Is Still In Early Development So I'm Currently Looking For Contributors If You`re Interested You Can Contact Through My Email [email protected]


Privalise, A Secure Privacy Friendly Social Network
Copyright (C) 2021  Mohab Gabber

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

Contact: [email protected]
Privalise Is A Network Of Contributors To Make Privacy "The Normal Thing"
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