AutoGiphyMovie lets you search giphy for gifs, converts them to videos, attach a soundtrack and stitches it all together into a movie!


Welcome to auto-giphy-movie

AutoGiphyMovie lets you search giphy for gifs, converts them to videos, attach a soundtrack and stitches it all together into a movie!

Uses MoviePy and GiphyAPI under the hood.


python -s godzilla -r 3

will produce a short movie with 3 gifs:

Background music was provided by my 11 year old, please checkout his other creations here


see more examples here Youtube playlist

[x] Follow me on twitter @mohapsat

Pre-requisites and Installation


$ python --help

usage: [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-r RESULTS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        search term(s) for the video, e.g. 'peppa pig' or
  -r RESULTS, --results RESULTS
                        Number of gifs to stitch in output vide, Max 25

As of this release Search Endpoint of the Giphy API currently supports 25 results by default, once you've migrated to prod you should be able to get more gifs back and use that in your movie.


MoviePy depends on the software FFMPEG for video reading and writing. You don’t need to worry about that, as FFMPEG should be automatically downloaded/installed by ImageIO during your first use of MoviePy (it takes a few seconds).

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Satya Mohapatra
CRM Product Evangelist. Maker @
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