EncT5: Fine-tuning T5 Encoder for Non-autoregressive Tasks

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Deep LearningEncT5


(Unofficial) Pytorch Implementation of EncT5: Fine-tuning T5 Encoder for Non-autoregressive Tasks


  • Finetune T5 model for classification & regression by only using the encoder layers.
  • Implemented of Tokenizer and Model for EncT5.
  • Add BOS Token () for tokenizer, and use this token for classification & regression.
    • Need to resize embedding as vocab size is changed. (model.resize_token_embeddings())
  • BOS and EOS token will be automatically added as below.
    • single sequence: X
    • pair of sequences: A B


Highly recommend to use the same version of transformers.


How to Use

from enc_t5 import EncT5ForSequenceClassification, EncT5Tokenizer

model = EncT5ForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("t5-base")
tokenizer = EncT5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("t5-base")

# Resize embedding size as we added bos token
if model.config.vocab_size < len(tokenizer.get_vocab()):

Finetune on GLUE


  • Use T5 1.1 base for finetuning.
  • Evaluate on TPU. See run_glue_tpu.sh for more details.
  • Use AdamW optimizer instead of Adafactor.
  • Check best checkpoint on every epoch by using EarlyStoppingCallback.


Metric Result (Paper) Result (Implementation)
CoLA Matthew 53.1 52.4
SST-2 Acc 94.0 94.5
MRPC F1/Acc 91.5/88.3 91.7/88.0
STS-B PCC/SCC 80.5/79.3 88.0/88.3
QQP F1/Acc 72.9/89.8 88.4/91.3
MNLI Mis/Matched 88.0/86.7 87.5/88.1
QNLI Acc 93.3 93.2
RTE Acc 67.8 69.7
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  • Enable tokenizer to be loaded by sentence-transformer

    Enable tokenizer to be loaded by sentence-transformer

    πŸš€ Feature Request

    Integration into sentence-transformer library.

    πŸ“Ž Additional context

    I tried to load this tokenizer with sentence-transformer library but it failed. AutoTokenizer couldn't load this tokenizer. So, I simply added code to override save_pretrained and its dependencies so that this tokenizer is saved as T5Tokenizer, its super class.

            def save_pretrained(
            legacy_format: Optional[bool] = None,
            filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
            push_to_hub: bool = False,
            if os.path.isfile(save_directory):
                logger.error(f"Provided path ({save_directory}) should be a directory, not a file")
            if push_to_hub:
                commit_message = kwargs.pop("commit_message", None)
                repo = self._create_or_get_repo(save_directory, **kwargs)
            os.makedirs(save_directory, exist_ok=True)
            special_tokens_map_file = os.path.join(
                save_directory, (filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + SPECIAL_TOKENS_MAP_FILE
            tokenizer_config_file = os.path.join(
                save_directory, (filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE
            tokenizer_config = copy.deepcopy(self.init_kwargs)
            if len(self.init_inputs) > 0:
                tokenizer_config["init_inputs"] = copy.deepcopy(self.init_inputs)
            for file_id in self.vocab_files_names.keys():
                tokenizer_config.pop(file_id, None)
            # Sanitize AddedTokens
            def convert_added_tokens(obj: Union[AddedToken, Any], add_type_field=True):
                if isinstance(obj, AddedToken):
                    out = obj.__getstate__()
                    if add_type_field:
                        out["__type"] = "AddedToken"
                    return out
                elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
                    return list(convert_added_tokens(o, add_type_field=add_type_field) for o in obj)
                elif isinstance(obj, dict):
                    return {k: convert_added_tokens(v, add_type_field=add_type_field) for k, v in obj.items()}
                return obj
            # add_type_field=True to allow dicts in the kwargs / differentiate from AddedToken serialization
            tokenizer_config = convert_added_tokens(tokenizer_config, add_type_field=True)
            # Add tokenizer class to the tokenizer config to be able to reload it with from_pretrained
            tokenizer_class = self.__class__.__base__.__name__
            # Remove the Fast at the end unless we have a special `PreTrainedTokenizerFast`
            if tokenizer_class.endswith("Fast") and tokenizer_class != "PreTrainedTokenizerFast":
                tokenizer_class = tokenizer_class[:-4]
            tokenizer_config["tokenizer_class"] = tokenizer_class
            if getattr(self, "_auto_map", None) is not None:
                tokenizer_config["auto_map"] = self._auto_map
            if getattr(self, "_processor_class", None) is not None:
                tokenizer_config["processor_class"] = self._processor_class
            # If we have a custom model, we copy the file defining it in the folder and set the attributes so it can be
            # loaded from the Hub.
            if self._auto_class is not None:
                custom_object_save(self, save_directory, config=tokenizer_config)
            with open(tokenizer_config_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(tokenizer_config, ensure_ascii=False))
            logger.info(f"tokenizer config file saved in {tokenizer_config_file}")
            # Sanitize AddedTokens in special_tokens_map
            write_dict = convert_added_tokens(self.special_tokens_map_extended, add_type_field=False)
            with open(special_tokens_map_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(write_dict, ensure_ascii=False))
            logger.info(f"Special tokens file saved in {special_tokens_map_file}")
            file_names = (tokenizer_config_file, special_tokens_map_file)
            save_files = self._save_pretrained(
            if push_to_hub:
                url = self._push_to_hub(repo, commit_message=commit_message)
                logger.info(f"Tokenizer pushed to the hub in this commit: {url}")
            return save_files
    opened by kwonmha 0
  • v1.0.0(Jan 22, 2022)

    What’s Changed

    :rocket: Features

    • Add GLUE Trainer (#2) @monologg
    • Add Template & EncT5 model and tokenizer (#1) @monologg

    :pencil: Documentation

    • Add readme & script (#3) @monologg
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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