Django Simple Spam Blocker is blocking spam by regular expression.


Django Simple Spam Blocker

Django Simple Spam Blocker is blocking spam by regular expression.

Filtering the following matters.

  • Author
  • Content
  • Email
  • IP
  • Referer
  • URL
  • UserAgent

And you can edit regular expression, on Django's admin site.


  1. Add the simplespamblocker directory to your Python path.

  2. Add simplespamblocker to your INSTALLED_APPS.:

        # ...
        # ...
  3. Add the following middleware to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.:

        # ...
        # ...
  4. Add path which you wanto to block spam to SIMPLESPAMBLOCKER_PROFILES on

        # Sample for django's comment framework
        (r'^/comments/post/$', {
            'method': 'post',
            'author': lambda request: request.POST.get('name', ''),
            'email': lambda request: request.POST.get('email', ''),
            'url': lambda request: request.POST.get('url', ''),
            'content': lambda request: request.POST.get('comment', ''),
  5. Run syncdb.:

    $ python syncdb

    Note: When your project use South, run the following command.:

    $ python migrate simplespamblocker
  6. Run your server, visit admin site and edit regular expression of Option model.


The list of tuple -- regular expression of path and block profile --.

A path of template file which is rendering after blocking spam This key is generated per Option model.

default: 'simplespamblocker/option/ '

Python's builtin logger name. This logger logs at blocking spam. Default value is None. (inactive)


This project is Inspired by django-spaminspector.

Masahiko Okada
👴🏻 🙅🏻
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