An extension to pandas dataframes describe function.



An extension to pandas dataframes describe function.

The module contains DataFrameSummary object that extend describe() with:

  • properties
    • dfs.columns_stats: counts, uniques, missing, missing_perc, and type per column
    • dsf.columns_types: a count of the types of columns
    • dfs[column]: more in depth summary of the column
  • function
    • summary(): extends the describe() function with the values with columns_stats


The module can be easily installed with pip:

> pip install pandas-summary

This module depends on numpy and pandas. Optionally you can get also some nice visualisations if you have matplotlib installed.


To run the tests, execute the command python test


The module contains one class:


The DataFrameSummary expect a pandas DataFrame to summarise.

from pandas_summary import DataFrameSummary

dfs = DataFrameSummary(df)

getting the columns types


numeric     9
bool        3
categorical 2
unique      1
date        1
constant    1
dtype: int64

getting the columns stats


                      A            B        C              D              E 
counts             5802         5794     5781           5781           4617   
uniques            5802            3     5771            128            121   
missing               0            8       21             21           1185   
missing_perc         0%        0.14%    0.36%          0.36%         20.42%   
types            unique  categorical  numeric        numeric        numeric 

getting a single column summary, e.g. numerical column

# we can also access the column using numbers A[1]

std                                                                 0.2827146
max                                                                  1.072792
min                                                                         0
variance                                                           0.07992753
mean                                                                0.5548516
5%                                                                  0.1603367
25%                                                                 0.3199776
50%                                                                 0.4968588
75%                                                                 0.8274732
95%                                                                  1.011255
iqr                                                                 0.5074956
kurtosis                                                            -1.208469
skewness                                                            0.2679559
sum                                                                  3207.597
mad                                                                 0.2459508
cv                                                                  0.5095319
zeros_num                                                                  11
zeros_perc                                                               0,1%
deviating_of_mean                                                          21
deviating_of_mean_perc                                                  0.36%
deviating_of_median                                                        21
deviating_of_median_perc                                                0.36%
top_correlations                         {u'D': 0.702240243124, u'E': -0.663}
counts                                                                   5781
uniques                                                                  5771
missing                                                                    21
missing_perc                                                            0.36%
types                                                                 numeric
Name: A, dtype: object

Future development

Summary analysis between columns, i.e. dfs[[1, 2]]

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