:rocket: A minimalist comic reader



A minimalist comic reader

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Pynocchio Comic Reader - Main Screen


The current version is stable and we intend to improve it even more.

  • Support several view adjust modes using anti-aliasing.
  • Support the several image formats provide by Qt5: WEBP, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, PBM, PGM, PPM, XBM, XPM.
  • Support a several comic formats like .ZIP, .RAR, .TAR, .CBT, .CBR, .CBZ.
  • Double page and manga read mode
  • Elegant visual, free and easy to use! :)


Please, download the latest release here, in Linux Apps.


If you'd like to contribute, please see CONTRIBUTING.md.


Third party resources

Pynocchio use Elementary USU Icon Theme icon set free pack.

Copyright (C) 2014-2020 by Michell Stuttgart

  • Add log message in Pynocchio core functions

    Add log message in Pynocchio core functions

    Pynocchio install instructions: https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/wiki/Contributing

    Add log to follow core functions:

    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/comic_file_loader.py
    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/comic_file_loader_factory.py
    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/comic_file_loader_image.py
    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/comic_file_loader_rar.py
    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/comic_file_loader_tar.py
    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/comic_file_loader_zip.py
    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/main_window_view.py#L79
    • [x] https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/blob/develop/pynocchio/main_window_view.py#L56
    Category: Backend Priority: High Type: Improvement 
    opened by mstuttgart 8
  • Usability changes and thumbnails

    Usability changes and thumbnails

    Many small changes that I found necessary and hopefully others will find useful or nice:

    • Make qdarkgraystyle optional (I don't call it "elegant" when it doesn't follow my desktop's style).

    • Show original image size in status bar (in brackets).

    • Properly resize the image when toggling toolbar, etc.

    • Flip pages with mouse wheel.

    • Let the user choose whether next/prev page should go to next/prev file.

    • Add a "page fit" option. I would actually call this "best fit", I don't see the point in the current "best fit", that's simply an unconditional fit to 80% window width.

    • Show scrollbars if the page does not fit the window, and take them into account when resizing.

    • Esc returns from fullscreen, and window size is restored (rather than forcing it maximized).

    • Save/restore settings and window size.

    • Add context (right click) menu and enable shortcuts in fullscreen.

    • Dockable thumbnails view.

    • Restore last page (bookmarked) also when loading from command line.

    • Allow loading a directory from command line.

    Category: Backend Stage: Review Type: Improvement 
    opened by Jellby 5
  • Remove landscape failures

    Remove landscape failures

    PR for removing some of the code health failures from Landscape:

    • use new-style classes
    • specify string format arguments as logging function parameters
    • remove deprecated load_stylesheet_pyqt5 and replace with load_stylesheet
    Type: Improvement 
    opened by syre 5
  • Translations not updated

    Translations not updated

    Prior to version 3 I updated the Spanish translation file i18n/es.ts, but the actual resource file (pynocchio/locale/es.qm) was not updated.

    I could do it, but maybe you want to re-generate for all languages. And update the version number in data/others/about.html. And fix or figure out why the translated version of this file that I provided is not being used.

    Type: Bug 
    opened by Jellby 4
  • Upload to pypi

    Upload to pypi

    Just a suggestion: upload the package to pypi, so it's installable with pip. It might need renaming, since https://pypi.org/project/pynocchio/ is something else.

    opened by Jellby 3
  • Replace code in travis.yml

    Replace code in travis.yml

    Replace the follow code:

         secure: 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


    api_key: $GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN

    in .travis.yml file.

    Type: Improvement hacktoberfest 
    opened by mstuttgart 3
  • Unhardcode icon file type for Linux launcher

    Unhardcode icon file type for Linux launcher

    Since the icon already is installed to a location compliant with freedesktop.org standards you don't need to specify the full icon path or the file type extension in the launcher. The icon will be found anyway.

    Cf. this example .desktop launcher presented in the freedesktop.org documentation.

    opened by palob 2
  • add warning when recent comic does not exist

    add warning when recent comic does not exist

    hey @mstuttgart,

    I have created this PR for showing a warning dialog when a recent file cannot be opened for #82 , it's been a long time since i've used Qt so perhaps you can give me some pointers on my work so far?

    Type: Bug 
    opened by syre 2
  • Error when loading not found file

    Error when loading not found file

    I'm getting this error when trying to load a file that is not found:

    ERROR:pynocchio.main_window_model:Error in load comic! 'File not loaded'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/syre/pynocchio/pynocchio/main_window_model.py", line 65, in load
      File "/home/syre/pynocchio/pynocchio/comic_file_loader_zip.py", line 72, in load
        raise NoDataFindException(message)
    pynocchio.exception.NoDataFindException: 'File not loaded'
    QIODevice::read (QFile, ":/icons/notCover.png"): device not open

    does the notCover.png refer to an image previously found?

    Stage: Backlog Type: Bug 
    opened by syre 1
  • Added CB7 compatibility

    Added CB7 compatibility

    Added CB7 compatibility by using the 7z program. I still need to update the docs as to that new requirement.

    I added the file:

    • comic_file_loader_7z.py

    and modified the following:

    • main_window_view.py, on line 72
    • comic_file_loader_factory.py, on lines 9, 31 and 32

    close https://github.com/pynocchio/pynocchio/issues/73

    Category: Backend Type: Improvement Type: New feature 
    opened by pandeazucar 1
  • Cannot be sent to background

    Cannot be sent to background

    If starting pynocchio from the command line, it cannot be suspended and sent to the background (Ctrl+Z, bg), as it leaves the python environment in a nonresponsive state, which has to be killed manually. Starting it directly to the background (pynocchio ... &) works, though.

    Type: Bug 
    opened by Jellby 0
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