Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files



License Code of Conduct ASCL

A pure-Python package for handling and analyzing PSRFITS files.

Read the documentation here.

This is an alternate code base from PSRCHIVE.

python 2.7 or 3.X


A class for loading PSRFITS files


ar = Archive(FILENAME) #loads archive, dedispersed and polarization averaged by default
ar.tscrunch() #averages the pulse in time
data = ar.getData() #returns the numpy data array for use by you
ar.imshow() #plots frequency vs phase for the pulses


A class for handling calculations on single pulses


sp = SinglePulse(data,windowsize=256) #will auto-calculate an offpulse region of length 256 bins
print sp.getFWHM() #prints the FWHM of the pulse
print sp.getSN() #prints a crude S/N of the pulse
print sp.fitPulse(template_array)[5] #prints a better S/N of the pulse using a template array


A class for handling dynamic spectra


ds = DynamicSpectrum(FILENAME) #takes a 2D data array or a string to a .npz file for now
acf2d = ds.acf2d() #calculates the 2D ACF of the dynamic spectrum
ds.imshow() #plots the dynamic spectrum #saves to a .npz file, which can then be loaded again with the first line


A class for parsing pulsar parameter files


print p.getPeriod() #prints the period in the par file (does not calculate for a specific MJD for now)
t,dmx,dmxerr = p.getDMseries() #returns the DM parameters in a nice time-series. Note that errors are those given in the par file, which may not be the "correct" ones (more info to be provided later)
print p.get("PX") #prints the parallax
print p.get("PX",error=True) #prints the error on the parallax


A class for parsing pulsar TOA files


t = Tim(FILENAME) #automatically parses each TOA with the TOA() class
print t.toas[0].getMJD() #prints the MJD of the first TOA as a python Decimal
print t.toas[0].get('snr') #prints the value of the -snr flag of the TOA if it is available


See You can cite as:

Lam, M. T., 2017, PyPulse, Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1706.011

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