In this project we will implement AirBnB clone using console


AirBnB Clone

In this project we will implement AirBnB clone using console.


The shell should work like this in interactive mode:

$ ./
(hbnb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit

(hbnb) quit

It can be also used in non-interactive mode:

): ======================================== EOF help quit (hbnb) $ $ cat test_help help $ $ cat test_help | ./ (hbnb) Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== EOF help quit (hbnb) $">
$ echo "help" | ./

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit
$ cat test_help
$ cat test_help | ./

Documented commands (type help <topic>):

EOF  help  quit
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