Code for our SIGCOMM'21 paper "Network Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning".


0. Introduction

This repository contains the source code for our SIGCOMM'21 paper "Network Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning".


The network topologies and the trained models used in the paper are not open-sourced. One can create synthetic topologies according to the problem formulation in the paper or modify the code for their own use case.

1. Environment config

AWS instance configurations

  • AMI image: "Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 16.04) Version 43.0 - ami-0774e48892bd5f116"
  • for First-stage: g4dn.4xlarge; Threads 16 in gurobi.env
  • for others (ILP, ILP-heur, Second-stage): m5zn.12xlarge; Threads 8 in gurobi.env

Step 0: download the git repo

Step 1: install Linux dependencies

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libopenmpi-dev libboost-all-dev

Step 2: install Gurobi

source ~/.bashrc


Step 3: setup && start conda environment with python3.7.7

If you use the AWS Deep Learning AMI, conda is preinstalled.

conda create --name 
conda activate 


Step 4: install python dependencies in the conda env

pip install -e .
pip install networkx pulp pybind11 xlrd==1.2.0


Step 5: compile C++ program with pybind11



2. Content

  • source
    • c_solver: C++ implementation with Gurobi APIs for ILP solver and network plan evaluator
    • planning: ILP and ILP-heur implementation
    • results: store the provided trained models and solutions, and the training log
    • rl: the implementations of Critic-Actor, RL environment and RL solver
    • simulate: python classes of flow, spof, and traffic matrix
    • topology: python classes of network topology (both optical layer and IP layer)
    • the main script used to reproduce results
  • spinningup
    • used to install Gurobi solver

3. Reproduce results (for SIGCOMM'21 artifact evaluation)


  • Some data points are time-consuming to get (i.e., First-stage for A-0, A-0.25, A-0.5, A-0.75 in Figure 8 and B, C, D, E in Figure 9). We provide pretrained models in /source/results/trained/ / , which will be loaded by default.
  • We recommend distributing different data points and differetnt experiments on multiple AWS instances to run simultaneously.
  • The default epoch_num for Figure 10, 11 and 12 is set to be 1024, to guarantee the convergence. The training process can be terminated manually if convergence is observed.

How to reproduce

  • cd /source
  • Figure 7: python fig_7 , epoch_num can be set smaller than 10 (e.g. 2) to get results faster.
  • Figure 8: python single_dp_fig8 produces one data point at a time (the default adjust_factor is 1).
    • For example, python single_dp_fig8 ILP 0.0 runs ILP algorithm for A-0.
    • Pretrained models will be loaded by default if provided in source/results/trained/. To train from scratch which is NOT RECOMMENDED, run python single_dp_fig8 False
  • Figure 9&13: python single_dp_fig9 produces one data point at a time.
    • For example, python single_dp_fig9 E NeuroPlan runs NeuroPlan (First-stage) for topology E with the pretrained model. To train from scratch which is NOT RECOMMENDED, run python single_dp_fig9 E NeuroPlan False.
    • python second_stage can load the solution from the first stage in and run second-stage with relax_factor= on topo . For example, python second_stage D "results/ /opt_topo/***.txt" 1.5
    • we also provide our results of First-stage in results/trained/ / .txt , which can be used to run second-stage directly. For example, python second_stage C "results/trained/C/C.txt" 1.5
  • Figure 10: python fig_10 .
    • adjust_factor={0.0, 0.5, 1.0}, num_gnn_layer={0, 2, 4}
    • For example, python fig_10 0.5 2 runs NeuroPlan with 2-layer GNNs for topology A-0.5
  • Figure 11: python fig_11 .
    • adjust_factor={0.0, 0.5, 1.0}, mlp_hidden_size={64, 256, 512}
    • For example, python fig_11 0.0 512 runs NeuroPlan with hidden_size=512 for topology A-0
  • Figure 12: python fig_12 .
    • adjust_factor={0.0, 0.5, 1.0}, max_unit_per_step={1, 4, 16}
    • For example, python fig_11 1.0 4 runs NeuroPlan with max_unit_per_step=4 for topology A-1

4. Contact

For any question, please contact hzhu at jhu dot edu.

NetX Group
Computer Systems Research Group at PKU
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