Code for: Gradient-based Hierarchical Clustering using Continuous Representations of Trees in Hyperbolic Space. Nicholas Monath, Manzil Zaheer, Daniel Silva, Andrew McCallum, Amr Ahmed. KDD 2019.



Code for: Gradient-based Hierarchical Clustering using Continuous Representations of Trees in Hyperbolic Space. Nicholas Monath, Manzil Zaheer, Daniel Silva, Andrew McCallum, Amr Ahmed. KDD 2019.


In each shell session, run:

source bin/

to set environment variables.

Install jq (if not already installed):

Install maven (if not already installed):

sh bin/

Install python dependencies:

conda create -n env_ghhc pip python=3.6
source activate env_ghhc
# Either (linux)
pip install tensorflow-1.12.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
# or (mac)
pip install tensorflow-1.12.0-py3-none-any.whl
conda install scikit-learn
conda install tensorflow-base=1.13.1

See env.yml for a complete list of dependencies if you run into issues with the above.

Build scala code:

mvn clean package

Note you may need to set JAVA_HOME and JAVA_HOME_8 on your system.

ALOI and Glass are downloadable from:

Covtype is available here:

Contact me regarding the ImageNet data.

Clustering Experiments

Step 1. Building triples for inference

Sample triples of datapoints that will be used for inference:

On a compute machine:

sh bin/ config/glass/build_samples.json

Using slurm cluster manager:

sh bin/ config/glass/build_samples.json <partition-name-here>

Note the above example is for the glass dataset, but the same procedure and scripts are available for all datasets.

Step 2. Run Inference

Update the representations of the internal nodes of the tree structure.

On a compute machine:

sh bin/ config/glass/glass.json

Using slurm cluster manager:

sh bin/ config/glass/glass.json <partition-name-here>

This will create a directory in exp_out/dataset_name/ghhc/timestamp containing the internal node parameters and configs to run the next step. For example, this would create the following:


Step 3. Final clustering

Produce assignment of datapoints in the hierarchical clustering and produce internal structure.

For datasets other than ImageNet:

On a compute machine:

# Generally:
sh bin/ exp_out/data/ghhc/timestap/config.json data/datasetname/data_to_run_on.tsv

# For example:
sh bin/ exp_out/glass/ghhc/2019-11-29-20-13-29-alg_name=ghhc-init_method=randompts-tree_learning_rate=0.01-loss=sigmoid-lca_type=conditional-num_samples=50000-batch_size=500-struct_prior=pcn/config.json data/glass/glass.tsv

Using slurm cluster manager:

sh bin/ exp_out/glass/ghhc/2019-11-29-20-13-29-alg_name=ghhc-init_method=randompts-tree_learning_rate=0.01-loss=sigmoid-lca_type=conditional-num_samples=50000-batch_size=500-struct_prior=pcn/config.json data/glass/glass.tsv <partition-name>

This will create a file: exp_out/glass/ghhc/2019-11-29-20-13-29-alg_name=ghhc-init_method=randompts-tree_learning_rate=0.01-loss=sigmoid-lca_type=conditional-num_samples=50000-batch_size=500-struct_prior=pcn/results/tree.tsv which can be evaluated using

sh bin/ exp_out/glass/ghhc/2019-11-29-20-13-29-alg_name=ghhc-init_method=randompts-tree_learning_rate=0.01-loss=sigmoid-lca_type=conditional-num_samples=50000-batch_size=500-struct_prior=pcn/results/tree.tsv

When evaluating the tree for covtype, use the expected dendrogram purity point id file from the data directory:

sh bin/ /path/to/tree.tsv ghhc covtype $num_threads data/covtype.evalpts5k

For ImageNet:

 sh bin/ exp_out/ilsvrc/ghhc/2019-11-29-08-04-23-alg_name=ghhc-init_method=randhac-tree_learning_rate=0.01-loss=sigmoid-lca_type=conditional-num_samples=50000-batch_size=100-struct_prior=pcn/config.json data/ilsvrc/ilsvrc12.tsv.1 cpu 32000

This assumes that the ImageNet data file has been split into 13 files:


Then when all jobs finish, concatenate results:

sh bin/ exp_out/ilsvrc/ghhc/2019-11-29-08-04-23-alg_name=ghhc-init_method=randhac-tree_learning_rate=0.01-loss=sigmoid-lca_type=conditional-num_samples=50000-batch_size=100-struct_prior=pcn/results/

This will create a file containing the entire tree:


which can be evaluated using:

sh bin/ exp_out/ilsvrc/ghhc/2019-11-29-08-04-23-alg_name=ghhc-init_method=randhac-tree_learning_rate=0.01-loss=sigmoid-lca_type=conditional-num_samples=50000-batch_size=100-struct_prior=pcn/results/tree.tsv ghhc ilsvrc12 $num_threads data/imagenet_eval_pts.ids


     author = {Monath, Nicholas and Zaheer, Manzil and Silva, Daniel and McCallum, Andrew and Ahmed, Amr},
     title = {Gradient-based Hierarchical Clustering Using Continuous Representations of Trees in Hyperbolic Space},
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining},
     series = {KDD '19},
     year = {2019},
     isbn = {978-1-4503-6201-6},
     location = {Anchorage, AK, USA},
     pages = {714--722},
     numpages = {9},
     url = {},
     doi = {10.1145/3292500.3330997},
     acmid = {3330997},
     publisher = {ACM},
     address = {New York, NY, USA},
     keywords = {clustering, gradient-based clustering, hierarchical clustering},


Apache License, Version 2.0

Questions / Comments / Bugs / Issues

Please contact Nicholas Monath ([email protected]).

Also, please contact me for access to the data.

Nicholas Monath
Nicholas Monath
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