Python framework for AsyncAPI-documented Websocket, PubSub, and other async constructs



Work in Progress

Write Python code for Event-Driven Architectures! The asyncapi-eventrouter prototype library creates Websocket, PubSub, and other asynchronous frameworks with message validation and automatic schema documentation in the AsyncAPI specification. It's heavily inspired by how FastAPI documents REST endpoints in the OpenAPI specification.


What would the Streetlights API look like in Python code with asyncapi-eventrouter?

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from datetime import datetime
from asyncapi_eventrouter import Application

asyncapi_app = Application()

class LightMeasured(BaseModel):
    id: int = Field(..., gte=0, description="ID of the streetlight.")
    lumens: int = Field(..., gte=0, description="Light intensity measured in lumens.")
    sentAt: datetime = Field(..., description="Date and time when the message was sent.")

async def record_measurement(measurement: LightMeasured):
    # record to db or take some other action
    return {'received':}
from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket
from .asyncapi import asyncapi_app

app = FastAPI()

async def ws(websocket: Websocket):
    await ws.accept()
    while True:
        while True:
        content = await websocket.receive_text()
        response = asyncapi_app.process(content)
        await websocket.send_json(response)

async def ws_schema():
    return asyncapi_app.schema()


This project uses poetry and pre-commit for development.

  1. poetry env use 3.9 will create a .venv directory in your asyncapi-eventrouter directory.
  2. poetry install will install asyncapi-eventrouter and all dependencies into that virtual environment.
  3. pre-commit run --all-files will show you what will be executed any time you git commit.

Skip Pre-commit

If the pre-commit hooks can not be easily resolved, you can still commit using git commit --no-verify.

Inspiration and gratitude

The useful FastAPI project inspires this project. Any code snippets from FastAPI are given credit and attribution in the source code. We are thankful to the FastAPI community for their work.

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