nrgpy is the Python package for processing NRG Data Files


NRGPy nrgpy

nrgpy is the Python package for processing NRG Data Files

It provides tools for:

  • Converting binary ".rld" and ".rwd files to text format
    • using locally installed SymphoniePRO Desktop Software and Symphonie Data Retriever
    • using NRG Cloud API (compatible with Linux!) *(SymphoniePRO only at this time)
  • Reading Symphonie text exports into Pandas dataframes
  • Reading Spidar zip/csv files into Pandas dataframes
  • Timestamp adjustment (of text files)
  • Simple quality checks on data


pip install nrgpy


RLD files

Convert a folder of RLD files to Text with SymphoniePRO Desktop Software

import nrgpy
date_filter = '2018-10' # filter on any text in the filenames
text_folder_name = 'text_outputs/'
converter = nrgpy.local_rld(rld_dir='', out_dir=text_folder_name, file_filter=date_filter)

Convert a folder of RLD files to Text with NRG Cloud Convert API

import nrgpy
file_filter = "000110"
rld_directory = "rlds"
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
converter = nrgpy.cloud_convert(

Convert a single RLD file to Text with NRG Cloud API

import nrgpy
filename = "path/to/rld"
txt_dir = "path/to/txt/"
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
converter = nrgpy.cloud_convert(

Read files

file_filter = "000110"
import nrgpy

reader = nrgpy.sympro_txt_read()

RWD files

Convert a folder of RWD files to Text with Symphonie Data Retriever

import nrgpy

file_filter = '0434201902' # for Feb 2019 files from site 0434
rwd_directory = 'C:/Users/[user]/rwd/'
out_directory = 'C:/Users/[user]/txt/'

converter = nrgpy.local_rwd(file_filter=file_filter, rwd_dir=rwd_directory, out_dir=out_directory)

Convert a folder of RWD files to Text with Symphonie Data Retriever on Linux

import nrgpy

rwd_directory = '/home/user/datafiles/rwd'
out_directory = '/home/user/datafiles/txt'
wine_directory = '/home/user/prefix32/drive_c/' # path to wine's "C:\" drive

converter = nrgpy.local_rwd(
                use_site_file=False # set to True to use site files

You can also convert a single file with SDR, and save it in the same directory:

import nrgpy

filename = '/path/to/file'
converter = nrgpy.local_rwd(filename=filename)

Read TXT files exported from RWD files

import nrgpy

dt = 'rwd'
txt_file = '/path/to/file.txt'
reader = nrgpy.read_text_data(data_type=dt, filename=txt_file)

or concatenate a whole lot of files:

dt = 'rwd'
txt_dir = '/path/to/text/files'
file_filter = 'text_in_filenames_you_want'
reader = nrgpy.read_text_data(data_type=dt, txt_dir=txt_dir, file_filter=file_filter)

Spidar files

Spidar Vertical Profiler remote sensors generate archived csv data files.

CSV archived in a Zip format.

These can be read directly into the spidar_txt_read method. See the docstring in for more information.


In [1]: import nrgpy

In [2]: fname = "/spidar/"                            

In [3]: reader = nrgpy.spidar_data_read(filename=fname)                                                                              

In [4]: reader.heights                                                                                                         
Out[4]: [40, 60, 80, 90, 100, 120, 130, 160, 180, 200]

In [5]:                                                                                                            
                     pressure[mmHg]  temperature[C]  ...  dir_200_std[Deg]  wind_measure_200_quality[%]
Timestamp                                            ...                                               
2019-07-06 23:40:00          749.66           24.13  ...             28.77                           68
2019-07-06 23:50:00          749.63           24.08  ...             14.31                            0
2019-07-07 00:00:00          749.64           23.99  ...             20.59                            0
  • Error while converting RWD to txt

    Error while converting RWD to txt

    SDR test OK! Time elapsed: 0 s | 1 / 1 [=============================================] 100% Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\kenneth\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\nrgpy\", line 294, in _copy_txt_file shutil.copy(txt_file_path, out_path) File "C:\Users\kenneth\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\", line 241, in copy copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) File "C:\Users\kenneth\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\", line 120, in copyfile with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\NRG\ScaledData\\018720120120200.txt'

    Unable to copy 018720120120200.txt to ScaledData\

    RWDs in : 1 TXTs out : 0 LOGs out : 0

    Difference : 1

    opened by kenneth46k 18
  • Have you tried converting .rld files using nrgpy from RStudio?

    Have you tried converting .rld files using nrgpy from RStudio?

    I'm more an R & RStudio user. I've converted files using python but I've tried to convert files using Rmarkdown with the reticulate package but I can't. I run my code

    # R
    # R 
    # Python chunk
    import nrgpy
    text_folder_name = '/archivos/txt' 
    converter = nrgpy.local_rld(rld_dir="/Data/rld", out_dir=text_folder_name)

    but when I get to the converter.convert() I get the message

    Converting 1446 files from \archivos\txt Saving outputs to \Data\rld Unable to process files in directory

    To convert files python connects to SymphoniePro Desktop and I think RStudio can't get access to do it. (I'm just guessing)

    Do you think it's possible to use python and nrgpy from RStudio? Or is it impossible?

    Please some advice.

    I use: python 3.8.5 with anaconda3 R x64 4.0.3 RStudio v1.3.1093 Windows 10 Home and Pro (at work)

    opened by cajasc 6
  •  convert_rld.local() method ONLY compatible with Windows OS.Please use convert_rld.nrg_convert_api() method instead.

    convert_rld.local() method ONLY compatible with Windows OS.Please use convert_rld.nrg_convert_api() method instead.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import argparse
    import os
    import nrgpy
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Use NRG SDR software to decode anemometer data.')
    parser.add_argument('--pin', help='PIN code', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--rld-dir', help='RLD input data directory')
    parser.add_argument('--out-dir', help='TXT output data directory')
    parser.add_argument('--tower', help='Assume rld_dir is raw and out_dir is txt.')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.tower:
    	args.rld_dir = f'/root/raw/{args.tower}/'
    	args.out_dir = f'/root/txt/{args.tower}/'
    	if not args.file_filter:
    		args.file_filter = args.tower
    	if not args.rld_dir or not args.out_dir or not args.file_filter:
    		print('[Error]: Option --rld-dir, --out-dir, --file-filter or --tower should be provided!')
    	args.rld_dir = f'/root/{args.rld_dir}/'
    	args.out_dir = f'/root/{args.out_dir}/'
    if not os.path.isdir(args.rld_dir):
    	print(f'[Error]: RWD directory {args.rld_dir} does not exist!')
    if not os.path.isdir(args.out_dir):
    wine_dir = '/root/prefix32/drive_c' # path to wine's "C:\" drive
    converter = nrgpy.local_rld(,
    	use_site_file=False # set to True to use site files

    Screen Shot 2021-08-07 at 6 27 41 PM

    opened by peterwillcn 2
  • linux bash process rwd unable to copy C:\NRG\RawData\1238\20150812019.txt to root/txt/

    linux bash process rwd unable to copy C:\NRG\RawData\1238\20150812019.txt to root/txt/

    import nrgpy
    file_filter = '1238201508'
    rwd_directory = '/root/raw'
    out_directory = '/root/txt'
    wine_directory = '/root/prefix32/drive_c' # path to wine's "C:\" drive
    converter = nrgpy.local_rwd(
                    use_site_file=False # set to True to use site files

    Screen Shot 2021-07-18 at 11 03 30 PM

    opened by peterwillcn 2
  • Is there a way to get the sensor change date based on configuration change?

    Is there a way to get the sensor change date based on configuration change?

    I can able to convert RLD files. Now I'm trying to find the sensor change date if configuration changes. Is there any trick to find the same. I can able to view sensor details in each text file. then I need to run a loop to read each file and try to figure out the change manually.

    With concat_txt function, it overwrites the sensor configuration with the latest text file.

    Regards Kenneth

    opened by kenneth46k 2
  • Different behaviors for single files and directories

    Different behaviors for single files and directories

    For both rld_local and rwd_local, if a single file is passed as filename in the init params, it is converted to txt and saved on disk. This behavior is confusing because as a user, I haven't called local_obj.convert() yet. On the other hand, if one passes in a directory instead of a single file through the rwd_dir or rld_dir init params, this requires calling .convert() on the local object for conversion.

    opened by sushinoya 2
  • Invalid files are also processed

    Invalid files are also processed "successfully"

    If a file does not exist, the output to the screen is still the same as when a valid file is processed by nrgpy_rld.local. Example -

    nrgpy_rld.local(filename="file_that_doesnt_exist.rld", out_dir="some_dir")

    Will print this to the console -

    file_that_doesnt_exist.rld ... 		[DONE]
    Queue processed

    Ideally, invalid paths or files should be reported differently to the user

    opened by sushinoya 2
  • sympro_txt.sympro_txt_read.concat_txt: file_type not implemented

    sympro_txt.sympro_txt_read.concat_txt: file_type not implemented

       243     file_type : str                                                                             
       244         type of export (meas, event, comm, sample, etc...)
    opened by dave-c-vt 1
  • replace .append with .concat replace .append with .concat

    nrgpy/read/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead. self.ch_info = self.ch_info.append(ch_list)

    opened by dave-c-vt 1
  • Call count_files with convert_time instead of start_time

    Call count_files with convert_time instead of start_time

    After rwd files are converted in nrgpy.convert_rwd.local.convert, there are steps to count the .txt files and the .log files. The count_files call for the .txt files uses self.convert_time (a float), but the one for .log files uses self.start_time (a datetime) - which fails. I changed it without giving it a lot of scrutiny, so you shouldn't blindly accept this...

    Another warning... I've only done one pull request - and that was years ago.

    (env) PS C:\Users\todd.koym\projects2\metl> metl-convert-rwd.exe .\etc\development.ini 
    SDR test OK!
    Converting    1/30   111420200325676.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Unable to copy 111420200325676.txt to C:\Users\todd.koym\Documents\Renewable NRG Systems\Exports\
    Converting    2/30   111420200325678.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting    3/30   111420200325680.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Unable to copy 111420200325680.txt to C:\Users\todd.koym\Documents\Renewable NRG Systems\Exports\
    Converting    4/30   111420200325682.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Unable to copy 111420200325682.txt to C:\Users\todd.koym\Documents\Renewable NRG Systems\Exports\
    Converting    6/30   130320200411684.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting    7/30   130320200412685.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting    8/30   210120200411184.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting    9/30   210120200412185.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   10/30   240620200412818.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   11/30   400320200411085.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   12/30   400320200412086.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   13/30   400520200411082.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   14/30   400520200412083.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   15/30   470220200412070.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   16/30   490420200412827.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   17/30   573620200412356.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   18/30   573620200413357.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   19/30   600120200411249.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   20/30   600120200412250.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   21/30   637120200412033.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   22/30   637120200413034.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   23/30   850320200412030.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   24/30   850320200413031.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   25/30   905320200412304.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   26/30   905320200413305.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   27/30   981220200412829.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   28/30   990120200412795.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Converting   29/30   990120200413796.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Unable to copy 990120200413796.txt to C:\Users\todd.koym\Documents\Renewable NRG Systems\Exports\
    Converting   30/30   991020200412081.RWD  ...  [DONE]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\todd.koym\projects2\metl\env\Scripts\", line 11, in <module>
        load_entry_point('metl', 'console_scripts', 'metl-convert-rwd')()
      File "c:\users\todd.koym\projects2\metl\src\metl\", line 112, in convert_rwd
      File "c:\users\todd.koym\documents\github\nrgpy\nrgpy\", line 137, in convert
        log_count, log_files = count_files(self.out_dir, self.file_filter, 'log', show_files=True, start_time=self.start_time)
      File "c:\users\todd.koym\documents\github\nrgpy\nrgpy\", line 65, in count_files
        if os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(dirpath,x)) > start_time:
    TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'float' and 'datetime.datetime'
    (env) PS C:\Users\todd.koym\projects2\metl>
    opened by tkoym 1
  • txt filtering for sympro_txt_read.concat_txt

    txt filtering for sympro_txt_read.concat_txt

    if txt files are among rlds, the sympro_txt_read.concat_txt method will fail. Need to add a check for valid txt exports.

    Interim fix would be to add exception handling for UnicodeDecodeError, which occurs when the original RLD file is in the same folder as the TXT export.

    opened by nrgpy 1
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