DatasetGAN: Efficient Labeled Data Factory with Minimal Human Effort



This is the official code and data release for:

DatasetGAN: Efficient Labeled Data Factory with Minimal Human Effort

Yuxuan Zhang*, Huan Ling*, Jun Gao, Kangxue Yin, Jean-Francois Lafleche, Adela Barriuso, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler

CVPR'21, Oral [paper] [supplementary] [Project Page]


  • Benchmark Challenge - A benchmark with diversed testing images is coming soon -- stay tuned!

  • Generated dataset for downstream tasks is coming soon -- stay tuned!


For any code dependency related to Stylegan, the license is under the Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license by NVIDIA Corporation. To view a copy of this license, visit LICENSE.

The code of DatasetGAN is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.

The dataset of DatasetGAN is released under the Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license by NVIDIA Corporation. You can use, redistribute, and adapt the material for non-commercial purposes, as long as you give appropriate credit by citing our paper and indicating any changes that you've made.


  • Python 3.6 or 3.7 are supported.
  • Pytorch 1.4.0 + is recommended.
  • This code is tested with CUDA 10.2 toolkit and CuDNN 7.5.
  • Please check the python package requirement from requirements.txt, and install using
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Dataset from google drive and put it in the folder of ./datasetGAN/dataset_release. Please be aware that the dataset of DatasetGAN is released under the Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license by NVIDIA Corporation.

Download pretrained checkpoint from Stylegan and convert the tensorflow checkpoint to pytorch. Put checkpoints in the folder of ./datasetGAN/dataset_release/stylegan_pretrain. Please be aware that the any code dependency and checkpoint related to Stylegan, the license is under the Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 license by NVIDIA Corporation.

Note: a good example of converting stylegan tensorlow checkpoint to pytorch is available this Link.


To reproduce paper DatasetGAN: Efficient Labeled Data Factory with Minimal Human Effort:

cd datasetGAN
  1. Run Step1: Interpreter training.
  2. Run Step2: Sampling to generate massive annotation-image dataset.
  3. Run Step3: Train Downstream Task.

1. Interpreter Training

python --exp experiments/.json 

Note: Training time for 16 images is around one hour. 160G RAM is required to run 16 images training. One can cache the data returned from prepare_data function to disk but it will increase trianing time due to I/O burden.

Example of annotation schema for Face class. Please refer to paper for other classes.


2. Run GAN Sampling

python \
--generate_data True --exp experiments/.json  \
--resume [path-to-trained-interpreter in step3] \
--num_sample [num-samples]

To run sampling processes in parallel

sh datasetGAN/script/

Example of sampling images and annotation:


3. Train Downstream Task

python \
--data_path [path-to-generated-dataset in step4] \
--exp experiments/.json



python --exp experiments/face_34.json\
--resume [path-to-downstream task checkpoint] --cross_validate True

June 21st Update:

For training interpreter, we change the upsampling method from nearnest upsampling to bilinar upsampling in line and update results in Table 1. The table reports mIOU.


Please ue the following citation if you use our data or code:

  title={Datasetgan: Efficient labeled data factory with minimal human effort},
  author={Zhang, Yuxuan and Ling, Huan and Gao, Jun and Yin, Kangxue and Lafleche, Jean-Francois and Barriuso, Adela and Torralba, Antonio and Fidler, Sanja},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
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