An After Effects render queue for ShotGrid Toolkit.



An After Effects render queue for ShotGrid Toolkit.


  • Render multiple comps to locations defined by templates in your Toolkit config.
  • Compress full-res renders as MP4 and GIF using ffmpeg.
  • Copy compressed renders to a review folder.
  • Upload renders to ShotGrid for review.


To install AEQueue make the changes in the example_config directory to your own toolkit config. This includes the following:

  1. Modify env/app_locations.yml to include tk-aftereffects-queue.
  2. Add env/includes/settings/tk-aftereffects-queue.yml to configure AEQueue. (See info.yml for details on configuration values.)
  3. Modify env/includes/settings/tk-aftereffects.yml to include AEQueue in your asset_step and shot_step sections for the tk-aftereffects engine.


  • Make UI dpi-aware.
  • Add Publish step to publish the base render (and aep?)
  • Add pre and post render hooks.
  • AEQueue encoding error on Mac

    AEQueue encoding error on Mac

      queued [  0%] Flow initialized...
       ├ waiting [  0%] rendering initialized...
       ├ waiting [  0%] encoding MP4 initialized...
       ├ waiting [  0%] encoding GIF initialized...
       ├ waiting [  0%] copying MP4 initialized...
       ├ waiting [  0%] copying GIF initialized...
       ├ waiting [  0%] uploading initialized...
      queued [  0%] Waiting for requirements...
      rendering [  0%] Upstream Dependencies satisfied...
      rendering [  0%] Status changed from WAITING to RUNNING.
      rendering [  0%] Setting context...
      rendering [  0%] Starting...
       ├ running [  0%] Status changed from WAITING to RUNNING.
       ├ running [  0%] Preparing output path...
       ├ running [ 40%] Setting Full Flat Path: /Volumes/GoogleDrive/Shared drives/22-XXX-TestA/animation/renders/ae/seqA/seqa_031/
       ├ running [ 40%] Rendering [BNS - ProRes 4444+]
       └ success [100%] Status changed from RUNNING to SUCCESS.
      encoding MP4 [ 16%] Setting context...
      encoding MP4 [ 16%] Starting...
       ├ running [  0%] Status changed from WAITING to RUNNING.
       └ failed [  0%] Task failed to execute...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/Edit/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.3.0/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 226, in run
        self.result = self.execute()
      File "/Users/Edit/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.3.0/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 73, in execute
      File "/Users/Edit/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.3.0/python/aequeue/vendor/ffmpeg_lib/", line 125, in encode
      File "/Applications/", line 800, in __init__
        restore_signals, start_new_session)
      File "/Applications/", line 1551, in _execute_child
        raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
    PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'ffmpeg'
       └ failed [  0%] Status changed from RUNNING to FAILED.
      encoding MP4 [ 16%] Status changed from RUNNING to FAILED.
    opened by danbradham 1
  • Permissions error updating existing Version.

    Permissions error updating existing Version.

       └ failed [ 50%] Creating or updating Version in ShotGrid...
       └ failed [ 50%] Task failed to execute...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/--------/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.6.2/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 234, in run
        self.result = self.execute()
      File "/Users/--------/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.6.2/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 76, in execute
        version = self.create_version(sg, version_data)
      File "/Users/-------/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.6.2/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 117, in create_version
        sg.update('Version', version['id'], version_data)
      File "/Users/-------/Library/Caches/Shotgun/brandnewschool/p4348c3598.basic.adobe/cfg/install/core/python/tank_vendor/shotgun_api3/", line 1401, in update
        record = self._call_rpc("update", params)
      File "/Users/--------/Library/Caches/Shotgun/brandnewschool/p4348c3598.basic.adobe/cfg/install/core/python/tank/authentication/", line 63, in _call_rpc
        return super(ShotgunWrapper, self)._call_rpc(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/Users/--------/Library/Caches/Shotgun/brandnewschool/p4348c3598.basic.adobe/cfg/install/core/python/tank_vendor/shotgun_api3/", line 3360, in _call_rpc
      File "/Users/-------/Library/Caches/Shotgun/brandnewschool/p4348c3598.basic.adobe/cfg/install/core/python/tank_vendor/shotgun_api3/", line 3665, in _response_errors
        raise Fault(sg_response.get("message", "Unknown Error"))
    tank_vendor.shotgun_api3.shotgun.Fault: API update() CRUD ERROR #4: The field is not editable for this user: [Version.user]. Rule: Artist -- PermissionRule 4910: DENY update_field FOR entity_type => Version, field_name => user, field_value => 

    Looks like fields were being modified that should not have been, namely the user field. Fix by reducing the fields to update to the bare minimum.

    opened by danbradham 0
  • Copy file before bg render.

    Copy file before bg render.

    Make a copy of the AE project and pass the copy to aerender for background rendering. Ensures that the bg render process has a static and up-to-date copy of the AE project to work with!

    Addresses a bug where starting a bg render would not get the latest changes in your scene.

    opened by danbradham 0
  • Stability


    • Suppress dialogs while rendering directly in AE. Users should no longer need to accept dialogs for overwriting renders or warnings about color bit depth.

    • Fix issue where a Failed task was not propagated to all depedent jobs, causing the dialog to get stuck running, when it should Fail.

    • Fix failure caused by rendering to Google Drive on some fresh installs of ShotGrid. Solved by fixing the following two related issues.

      • Fix path generation ensuring that paths point to the correct output folders.
      • Fix BNS output module templates. Please remove the existing templates
    • Improved reliability of background rendering.

    • Set default background rendering threads to 4.

    opened by danbradham 0
  • AEQueue render error on Mac OS 12 (Monterey)

    AEQueue render error on Mac OS 12 (Monterey)

      queued [  0%] Flow initialized...
        waiting [  0%] rendering initialized...
        waiting [  0%] encoding MP4 initialized...
        waiting [  0%] encoding GIF initialized...
        waiting [  0%] copying MP4 initialized...
        waiting [  0%] copying GIF initialized...
        waiting [  0%] uploading initialized...
      rendering [  0%] Waiting for requirements...
      rendering [  0%] Upstream Dependencies satisfied...
      rendering [  0%] Status changed from WAITING to RUNNING.
      rendering [  0%] Setting context...
      rendering [  0%] Starting...
        running [  0%] Status changed from WAITING to RUNNING.
        running [  0%] Preparing output path...
        running [ 40%] Setting Full Flat Path: /Volumes/GoogleDrive/Shared drives/22-XXX-TestA/animation/renders/ae/ae/ae_demo/
        running [ 40%] Rendering [BNS - ProRes 422]
        failed [ 60%] Task failed to execute...
      File "/Users/Edit/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.3.0/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 224, in run
        self.result = call_in_main(self.execute)
      File "/Users/Edit/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.3.0/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 717, in call_in_main
        raise exc_value.with_traceback(exc_traceback)
      File "/Users/Edit/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.3.0/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 692, in event
        result = event.fn(*event.args, **event.kwargs)
      File "/Users/Edit/Library/Caches/Shotgun/bundle_cache/github/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/v0.3.0/python/aequeue/tasks/", line 54, in execute
        raise AERenderFailed('Failed to render queue item: %s' % self.comp)
        failed [ 60%] Status changed from RUNNING to FAILED.
      rendering [ 10%] Status changed from RUNNING to FAILED.
    opened by danbradham 0
  • v0.6.3(Dec 9, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix permissions error when updating existing Version. by @danbradham in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.2(Oct 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Copy project file before bg rendering. by @danbradham in
    • Fix ensure_optimal_context. Ensure optimal context now correctly handles an edge case where a shot that has multiple tasks for a single pipeline step. by @danbradham

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.1(Jun 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix AttributeError in app teardown. by @danbradham in
    • Ensure flows reach 100% when status changes to Done.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.0(Jun 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Stability by @danbradham in

    • Suppress dialogs while rendering directly in AE. Users should no longer need to accept dialogs for overwriting renders or warnings about color bit depth.

    • Fix issue where a Failed task was not propagated to all dependent jobs, causing the dialog to get stuck running, when it should Fail.

    • Fix failure caused by rendering to Google Drive on some fresh installs of ShotGrid. Solved by fixing the following two related issues.

      • Fix path generation ensuring that paths point to the correct output folders.
      • Fix BNS output module templates. Please remove the existing templates
    • Improved reliability of background rendering.

    • Set default background rendering threads to 4.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(Jun 14, 2022)

  • v0.4.0(Jun 14, 2022)

  • v0.3.1(Jun 14, 2022)

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