stock data on eink with raspberry


small python skript to display tradegate data on a waveshare e-ink


  • you need locale "de_AT.UTF-8 UTF-8" installed. do so in raspi-config's Localization setting
  • install the only dependency python-pil
  • the code is configured for a 3.7 inch display. every size needs a different library which you have to put into lib/. see the waveshare documentation
  • for different display sizes change width and height in
  • holds the stocks to display and optionally the owned lots.

all data is directly pulled from JSON endpoints at tradegate. only for private use. works in two modes: if the login-user is "pi" it displays on the e-ink display. for any other username it starts in debug mode and outputs a preview image.

hardware used for development

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stock data on eink with raspberry

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