Official pytorch implementation for Learning to Listen: Modeling Non-Deterministic Dyadic Facial Motion (CVPR 2022)


Learning to Listen: Modeling Non-Deterministic Dyadic Facial Motion

This repository contains a pytorch implementation of "Learning to Listen: Modeling Non-Deterministic Dyadic Facial Motion"


This codebase provides:

  • train code
  • test code
  • dataset
  • pretrained motion models

The main sections are:

  • Overview
  • Instalation
  • Download Data and Models
  • Training from Scratch
  • Testing with Pretrained Models

Please note, we will not be providing visualization code for the photorealistic rendering.


We provide models and code to train and test our listener motion models.

See below for sections:

  • Installation: environment setup and installation for visualization
  • Download data and models: download annotations and pre-trained models
  • Training from scratch: scripts to get the training pipeline running from scratch
  • Testing with pretrianed models: scripts to test pretrained models and save output motion parameters


Tested with cuda/9.0, cudnn/v7.0-cuda.9.0, and python 3.6.11

git clone [email protected]:evonneng/learning2listen.git

cd learning2listen/src/
conda create -n venv_l2l python=3.6
conda activate venv_l2l
pip install -r requirements.txt

export L2L_PATH=`pwd`

IMPORTANT: After installing torch, please make sure to modify the site-packages/torch/nn/modules/ file by commenting out the self.padding_mode != 'zeros' line to allow for replicated padding for ConvTranspose1d as shown here.

Download Data and Models:

Download Data:

Please first download the dataset for the corresponding individual with google drive.

Make sure all downloaded .tar files are moved to the directory $L2L_PATH/data/ (e.g. $L2L_PATH/data/conan_data.tar)

Then run the following script.


The downloaded data will unpack into the following directory structure as viewed from $L2L_PATH:

|-- data/
    |-- conan/
        |-- test/
            |-- p0_list_faces_clean_deca.npy
            |-- p0_speak_audio_clean_deca.npy
            |-- p0_speak_faces_clean_deca.npy
            |-- p0_speak_files_clean_deca.npy
            |-- p1_list_faces_clean_deca.npy
            |-- p1_speak_audio_clean_deca.npy
            |-- p1_speak_faces_clean_deca.npy
            |-- p1_speak_files_clean_deca.npy
        |-- train/
    |-- devi2/
    |-- fallon/
    |-- kimmel/
    |-- stephen/
    |-- trevor/

Our dataset consists of 6 different youtube channels named accordingly. Please see comments in $L2L_PATH/scripts/ for more details.

Data Format:

The data format is as described below:

We denote p0 as the person on the left side of the video, and p1 as the right side.

  • p0_list_faces_clean_deca.npy - face features (N x 64 x 184) for when p0 is listener
    • N sequences of length 64. Features of size 184, which includes the deca parameter set of expression (50D), pose (6D), and details (128D).
  • p0_speak_audio_clean_deca.npy - audio features (N x 256 x 128) for when p0 is speaking
    • N sequences of length 256. Features of size 128 mel features
  • p0_speak_faces_clean_deca.npy - face features (N x 64 x 184) for when p0 is speaking
  • p0_speak_files_clean_deca.npy - file names of the format (N x 64 x 3) for when p0 is speaking

Using Your Own Data:

To train and test on your own videos, please follow this process to convert your data into a compatible format:

(Optional) In our paper, we ran preprocessing to figure out when a each person is speaking or listening. We used this information to segment/chunk up our data. We then extracted speaker-only audio by removing listener back-channels.

  1. Run SyncNet on the video to determine who is speaking when.
  2. Then run Multi Sensory to obtain speaker's audio with all the listener backchannels removed.

For the main processing, we assuming there are 2 people in the video - one speaker and one listener...

  1. Run DECA to extract the facial expression and pose details of the two faces for each frame in the video. For each person combine the extracted features across the video into a (1 x T x (50+6)) matrix and save to p0_list_faces_clean_deca.npy or p0_speak_faces_clean_deca.npy files respectively. Note, in concatenating the features, expression comes first.

  2. Use librosa.feature.melspectrogram(...) to process the speaker's audio into a (1 x 4T x 128) feature. Save to p0_speak_audio_clean_deca.npy.

Download Model:

Please first download the models for the corresponding individual with google drive.

Make sure all downloaded .tar files are moved to the directory $L2L_PATH/models/ (e.g. $L2L_PATH/models/conan_models.tar)

Once downloaded, you can run the follow script to unpack all of the models.

cd $L2L_PATH

We provide person-specific models trained for Conan, Fallon, Stephen, and Trevor. Each person-specific model consists of 2 models: 1) VQ-VAE pre-trained codebook of motion in $L2L_PATH/vqgan/models/ and 2) predictor model for listener motion prediction in $L2L_PATH/models/. It is important that the models are paired correctly during test time.

In addition to the models, we also provide the corresponding config files that were used to define the models/listener training setup.

Please see comments in $L2L_PATH/scripts/ for more details.

Training from Scratch:

Training a model from scratch follows a 2-step process.

  1. Train the VQ-VAE codebook of listener motion:
# --config: the config file associated with training the codebook
# Includes network setup information and listener information
# See provided config: configs/l2_32_smoothSS.json

cd $L2L_PATH/vqgan/
python --config <path_to_config_file>

Please note, during training of the codebook, it is normal for the loss to increase before decreasing. Typical training was ~2 days on 4 GPUs.

  1. After training of the VQ-VAE has converged, we can begin training the predictor model that uses this codebook.
# --config: the config file associated with training the predictor
# Includes network setup information and codebook information
# Note, you will have to update this config to point to the correct codebook.
# See provided config: configs/vq/delta_v6.json

cd $L2L_PATH
python -u --config <path_to_config_file>

Training the predictor model should have a much faster convergance. Typical training was ~half a day on 4 GPUs.

Testing with Pretrained Models:

# --config: the config file associated with training the predictor 
# --checkpoint: the path to the pretrained model
# --speaker: can specify which speaker you want to test on (conan, trevor, stephen, fallon, kimmel)

cd $L2L_PATH
python --config <path_to_config> --checkpoint <path_to_pretrained_model> --speaker <optional>

For our provided models and configs you can run:

python --config configs/vq/delta_v6.json --checkpoint models/delta_v6_er2er_best.pth --speaker 'conan'


As part of responsible practices, we will not be releasing code for the photorealistic visualization pipeline. However, the raw 3D meshes can be rendered using the DECA renderer.

Potentially Coming Soon

  • Visualization of 3D meshes code from saved output
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