A fixture that allows runtime xfail



pytest plugin, providing a runtime_xfail fixture, which is callable as runtime_xfail(), to allow runtime decisions to mark a test as xfail.


Install with pip:

pip install pytest-runtime-xfail


Include the fixture, then call it if you want to mark a test as xfail during runtime.

 def test_something(runtime_xfail):
     if (runtime_condition):
     # ... the rest of your test

Can also be used in a fixture, of course.

def foo(runtime_xfail):
  if (runtime_condition):
  # ... the rest of your fixture

def test_something(foo):
  # ... the rest of your test

Reason this plugin is needed

pytest allows you to mark tests as expected to fail, or xfail, in two ways.

  1. @pytest.mark.xfail. This allows you to mark tests or test parametrizations as xfail during test collection time.

    • pytest runs tests marked with xfail just like any other test.
    • If the test fails, it will result in XFAIL.
    • If it passes, XPASS. Unless you have xfail_strict=true or @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True), in which case, passing xfail-marked tests will result in FAIL.
      • This is useful to be alerted when an expected failing test starts to pass.
  2. pytest.xfail(). If you need information only known at runtime to decide if xfail is appropriate, you can call pytest.xfail() during a test or fixture.

    • pytest runs the test as normal UNTIL pytest.xfail() is called.
    • When pytest.xfail() is called, the test execution stops and the test results in XFAIL.
    • The rest of the test is not run.
    • There is no way to get XPASS from pytest.xfail().
    • xfail_strict has no effect.

There are times when we want a combination of these behaviors.

  • We don't know until runtime if we should mark a test as xfail.
  • We want the test run.
  • We want the possibility of both XFAIL and XPASS results.
  • We want to be able to use xfail_strict=true to alert us when the test starts passing.

This plugin fills that gap.


You can get around the same limitation yourself by adding the marker through the requests object:

def test_something(request):
     if (runtime_condition): 
        request.node.add_marker(pytest.mark.xfail(reason='some reason'))
     # ... rest of test

That's basically what this plugin does, just in a fixture.

Example found in example/test_xfail.py

Run this with
* pytest -v
* pytest -v -o xfail_strict=true

import pytest

def test_marker_pass():
    'Can be XPASS or FAIL (if xfail_strict)'
    assert True

def test_marker_fail():
    'Will always be XFAIL'
    assert False  # this statememt will be run

def test_old_xfail_pass():
    'Will always be XFAIL'
    assert True  # this statememt will NOT be run

def test_old_xfail_fail():
    'Will always be XFAIL'
    assert False  # this statememt will NOT be run

def test_runtime_xfail_pass(runtime_xfail):
    assert True  # this statement will be run

def test_runtime_xfail_fail(runtime_xfail):
    assert False  # this statement will be run

def test_runtime_xfail_reason(runtime_xfail):
    runtime_xfail(reason="for demo")
    assert False  # this statement will be run


(venv) $ pytest -v test_xfail.py 
========================= test session starts ==========================
collected 7 items                                                      

test_xfail.py::test_marker_pass XPASS                            [ 14%]
test_xfail.py::test_marker_fail XFAIL                            [ 28%]
test_xfail.py::test_old_xfail_pass XFAIL                         [ 42%]
test_xfail.py::test_old_xfail_fail XFAIL                         [ 57%]
test_xfail.py::test_runtime_xfail_pass XPASS                     [ 71%]
test_xfail.py::test_runtime_xfail_fail XFAIL                     [ 85%]
test_xfail.py::test_runtime_xfail_reason XFAIL (for demo)        [100%]

==================== 5 xfailed, 2 xpassed in 0.05s =====================
(venv) $ pytest -v test_xfail.py -o xfail_strict=true
========================= test session starts ==========================
collected 7 items                                                      

test_xfail.py::test_marker_pass FAILED                           [ 14%]
test_xfail.py::test_marker_fail XFAIL                            [ 28%]
test_xfail.py::test_old_xfail_pass XFAIL                         [ 42%]
test_xfail.py::test_old_xfail_fail XFAIL                         [ 57%]
test_xfail.py::test_runtime_xfail_pass FAILED                    [ 71%]
test_xfail.py::test_runtime_xfail_fail XFAIL                     [ 85%]
test_xfail.py::test_runtime_xfail_reason XFAIL (for demo)        [100%]

===================== 2 failed, 5 xfailed in 0.04s =====================
Brian Okken
Host of Test & Code Podcast, testandcode.com. Co-Host of Python Bytes Podcast, pythonbytes.fm. Author of "Python Testing with pytest", pytestbook.com.
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