Virtual Assistant Using Python



Virtual desktop assistant is an awesome thing. If you want your machine to run on your command like Jarvis did for Tony. Yes it is possible. It is possible using Python. Python offers a good major library so that we can use it for making a virtual assistant. Windows has Sapi5 and Linux has Espeak which can help us in having the voice from our machine. It is a weak A.I.

Modules needed pyttsx3: pyttsx is a cross-platform text to speech library which is platform independent. The major advantage of using this library for text-to-speech conversion is that it works offline. To install this module type the below command in the terminal. pip install pyttsx3 SpeechRecognition: It allow us to convert audio into text for further processing. To install this module type the below command in the terminal. pip install SpeechRecognition webbrowser: It provides a high-level interface which allows displaying Web-based documents to users. To install this module type the below command in the terminal. pip install webbrowser Wikipedia: It is used to fetch a variety of information from the Wikipedia website. To install this module type the below command in the terminal. pip install wikipedia Methods used for Virtual Assistant

  1. Speak Method Speak Method will help us in taking the voice from the machine. Here is the code explanation of Speak Method Python3

def speak(audio):

engine = pyttsx3.init()
# getter method(gets the current value
# of engine property)
voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
# setter method .[0]=male voice and 
# [1]=female voice in set Property.
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)
# Method for the speaking of the the assistant
# Blocks while processing all the currently
# queued commands
  1. Take query method This method will check for the condition. If the condition is true it will return output. We can add any number if conditions for it and if the condition satisfy we will get the desired output.


def Take_query():

# calling the Hello function for 
# making it more interactive
# This loop is infinite as it will take
# our queries continuously until and unless
# we do not say bye to exit or terminate 
# the program
    # taking the query and making it into
    # lower case so that most of the times 
    # query matches and we get the perfect 
    # output
    query = takeCommand().lower()
    if "open geeksforgeeks" in query:
        speak("Opening GeeksforGeeks ")
        # in the open method we just to give the link
        # of the website and it automatically open 
        # it in your default browser"")
    elif "open google" in query:
        speak("Opening Google ")"")
    elif "which day it is" in query:
    elif "tell me the time" in query:
    # this will exit and terminate the program
    elif "bye" in query:
        speak("Bye. Check Out GFG for more exicting things")
    elif "from wikipedia" in query:
        # if any one wants to have a information
        # from wikipedia
        speak("Checking the wikipedia ")
        query = query.replace("wikipedia", "")
        # it will give the summary of 4 lines from 
        # wikipedia we can increase and decrease 
        # it also.
        result = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=4)
        speak("According to wikipedia")
    elif "tell me your name" in query:
        speak("I am Jarvis. Your deskstop Assistant")
  1. takeCommand method This method is for taking the commands and recognizing the command from the speech_Recognition module


this method is for taking the commands

and recognizing the command from the

speech_Recognition module we will use

the recongizer method for recognizing

def takeCommand():

r = sr.Recognizer()

# from the speech_Recognition module 
# we will use the Microphone module
# for listening the command
with sr.Microphone() as source:
    # seconds of non-speaking audio before 
    # a phrase is considered complete
    r.pause_threshold = 0.7
    audio = r.listen(source)
    # Now we will be using the try and catch
    # method so that if sound is recognized 
    # it is good else we will have exception 
    # handling
        # for Listening the command in indian
        # english we can also use 'hi-In' 
        # for hindi recognizing
        Query = r.recognize_google(audio, language='en-in')
        print("the command is printed=", Query)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Say that again sir")
        return "None"
    return Query

*)tellTime method Python3


def tellTime(self):

This method will give the time

time = str(
  # the time will be displayed like this "2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630"
# nd then after slicing we can get time
hour = time[11:13]
min = time[14:16]
self.Speak(self, "The time is sir" + hour + "Hours and" + min + "Minutes")     

""" This method will take time and slice it "2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630" from 11 to 12 for hour and 14-15 for min and then speak function will be called and then it will speak the current time """ 4) Hello method This is just used to greet the user with a hello message.


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