ShinRL: A Library for Evaluating RL Algorithms from Theoretical and Practical Perspectives

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ShinRL: A Library for Evaluating RL Algorithms from Theoretical and Practical Perspectives

ShinRL is an open-source JAX library specialized for the evaluation of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Please take a look at the paper for details.


QuickStart Try ShinRL at: experiments/QuickStart.ipynb.

import gym
from shinrl import DiscreteViSolver
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# make an env & a config
env = gym.make("ShinPendulum-v0")
config = DiscreteViSolver.DefaultConfig(explore="eps_greedy", approx="nn", steps_per_epoch=10000)

# make mixins
mixins = DiscreteViSolver.make_mixins(env, config)
# mixins == [DeepRlStepMixIn, QTargetMixIn, TbInitMixIn, NetActMixIn, NetInitMixIn, ShinExploreMixIn, ShinEvalMixIn, DiscreteViSolver]

# (optional) arrange mixins
# mixins.insert(2, UserDefinedMixIn)

# make & run a solver
dqn_solver = DiscreteViSolver.factory(env, config, mixins)

# plot performance
returns = dqn_solver.scalars["Return"]
plt.plot(returns["x"], returns["y"])

# plot learned q-values  (act == 0)
q0 = dqn_solver.tb_dict["Q"][:, 0]
env.plot_S(q0, title="Learned")

# plot oracle q-values  (act == 0)
q0 = env.calc_q(dqn_solver.tb_dict["ExploitPolicy"])[:, 0]
env.plot_S(q0, title="Oracle")

# plot optimal q-values  (act == 0)
q0 = env.calc_optimal_q()[:, 0]
env.plot_S(q0, title="Optimal")

Pendulum Example

Key Modules


ShinRL consists of two main modules:

  • ShinEnv: Implement relatively small MDP environments with access to the oracle quantities.
  • Solver: Solve the environments (e.g., finding the optimal policy) with specified algorithms.

🔬 ShinEnv for Oracle Analysis

  • ShinEnv provides small environments with oracle methods that can compute exact quantities:

    • calc_q computes a Q-value table containing all possible state-action pairs given a policy.
    • calc_optimal_q computes the optimal Q-value table.
    • calc_visit calculates state visitation frequency table, for a given policy.
    • calc_return is a shortcut for computing exact undiscounted returns for a given policy.
  • Some environments support continuous action space and image observation. See the following table and shinrl/envs/ for the available environments.

Environment Dicrete action Continuous action Image Observation Tuple Observation
ShinMaze ✔️ ✔️
ShinMountainCar-v0 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ShinPendulum-v0 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
ShinCartPole-v0 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

🏭 Flexible Solver by MixIn


  • A "mixin" is a class which defines and implements a single feature. ShinRL's solvers are instantiated by mixing some mixins.
  • By arranging mixins, you can easily implement your own idea on the ShinRL's code base. See experiments/QuickStart.ipynb for example.
  • The following code demonstrates how different mixins turn into "value iteration" and "deep Q learning":
import gym
from shinrl import DiscreteViSolver

env = gym.make("ShinPendulum-v0")

# run value iteration (dynamic programming)
config = DiscreteViSolver.DefaultConfig(approx="tabular", explore="oracle")
mixins = DiscreteViSolver.make_mixins(env, config)
# mixins == [TabularDpStepMixIn, QTargetMixIn, TbInitMixIn, ShinExploreMixIn, ShinEvalMixIn, DiscreteViSolver]
vi_solver = DiscreteViSolver.factory(env, config, mixins)

# run deep Q learning 
config = DiscreteViSolver.DefaultConfig(approx="nn", explore="eps_greedy")
mixins = DiscreteViSolver.make_mixins(env, config)  
# mixins == [DeepRlStepMixIn, QTargetMixIn, TbInitMixIn, NetActMixIn, NetInitMixIn, ShinExploreMixIn, ShinEvalMixIn, DiscreteViSolver]
dql_solver = DiscreteViSolver.factory(env, config, mixins)

# ShinRL also provides deep RL solvers with OpenAI Gym environment supports.
env = gym.make("CartPole-v0")
mixins = DiscreteViSolver.make_mixins(env, config)  
# mixins == [DeepRlStepMixIn, QTargetMixIn, TargetMixIn, NetActMixIn, NetInitMixIn, GymExploreMixIn, GymEvalMixIn, DiscreteViSolver]
dql_solver = DiscreteViSolver.factory(env, config, mixins)


git clone [email protected]:omron-sinicx/ShinRL.git
cd ShinRL
pip install -e .


cd ShinRL
make test


cd ShinRL
make format


cd ShinRL
docker-compose up


# Neurips DRL WS 2021 version
    author = {Kitamura, Toshinori and Yonetani, Ryo},
    title = {ShinRL: A Library for Evaluating RL Algorithms from Theoretical and Practical Perspectives},
    year = {2021},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the NeurIPS Deep RL Workshop},

# Arxiv version
    author = {Kitamura, Toshinori and Yonetani, Ryo},
    title = {ShinRL: A Library for Evaluating RL Algorithms from Theoretical and Practical Perspectives},
    year = {2021},
    url = {},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.04123},
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