Python collections that are backended by sqlite3 DB and are compatible with the built-in collections



Python collections that are backended by sqlite3 DB and are compatible with the built-in collections


$ pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/osoken/sqlitecollections.git


To run tests, type checking and linting locally, we use tox. It will run pytest, mypy and black on python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. Install them via the following commands:

$ git clone [email protected]:osoken/sqlitecollections.git
$ cd sqlitecollections
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source ./.venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[dev]

then, run tests:

$ tox

Compatibility policy

We aim to implement containers that are as compatible as possible with the built-in containers, but we have a few implementations that intentionally behave differently.

  • Any member in the container cannot be mutated directly. If you want to mutate any member, mutate it via temporary variable then write it back.
from sqlitecollections import Dict

x = Dict(a=[]) # create {"a": []}
x["a"].append("b")  # try to mutate the empty list
print(x["a"])  # not ["b"] but []

temp = x["a"]  # temporarily substitute the list to a variable
temp.append("b")  # mutate the temporary variable
x["a"] = temp  # then, write it back
print(x["a"])  # now, we get ["b"]
  • Dict's item order is guaranteed to be insertion order not only for python 3.7 and upper but for all versions.
  • fromkeys class method is not provided.
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