







  • 解决了生成的图像中的高频伪影问题。
  • 它易于训练,并能直接达到论文所述的效果。
  • 进一步减少生成器网络的参数数量。(现在生成器大小 8.17Mb)
  • 尽可能多地使用来自BD电影的新的高质量的风格数据。




你咋不敢跟旅长干一架呢!→旅长我给你跪下了 名场面



  • 安装基本环境
!pip install -r codes/PaddleGAN-develop/requirements.txt
  • 导入基本环境
import paddle 
import os 
import sys 
from ppgan.apps import AnimeGANPredictor



from ppgan.apps import AnimeGANPredictor
import cv2

predictor = AnimeGANPredictor('',None,)
video_src = 'codes/videos/liyunlong/格式工厂混流 亮剑-03+亮剑-03+亮剑-04 00_00_23-.mp4'
video_ = cv2.VideoCapture(video_src)
video_name_ = os.path.basename(video_src)
total_frames = video_.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
fps_ = video_.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
print("video {}, fps:{}, total frames:{}...".format(video_name_, fps_, total_frames))
frame_count_ = 0
save_per_frames = 1
dst_dir = 'codes/videos/liyunlong/'
out_video = cv2.VideoWriter('{}/hayao_{}'.format(dst_dir, video_name_),
                                cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX'), int(fps_),
                                (int(video_.get(3)), int(video_.get(4))))
print('now begin...')
while True:
    ret_, frame_ = video_.read()
    if not ret_:  # or len(fps_list_) == 0:
        print('end of video...')
    result_frame = predictor.anime_image_only(frame_)
    if frame_count_ % save_per_frames == 0:
    frame_count_ = frame_count_ + 1
    if frame_count_ % 100 == 0:
        print("{}/{} processed...".format(frame_count_, int(total_frames)), flush=False)



# 合并生成的视频和之前分离的音频:
!ffmpeg -i codes/videos/liyunlong/hayao_格式工厂混流 亮剑-03+亮剑-03+亮剑-04 00_00_23-.mp4 -i codes/videos/liyunlong/音频1.aac -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental codes/videos/liyunlong/李云龙二次元化.mp4


  • 更换你喜欢的视频
  • 更换其他paddle预训练好的模型
  • 甚至可以尝试自己动手训练定制化的模型!


PaddleGAN 的基础上做了些微小的改动,鸣谢.

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