Bulk Downloader for Reddit


PyPI version license

saveddit is a bulk media downloader for reddit

pip3 install saveddit

Setting up authorization



These registrations will authorize you to use the Reddit and Imgur APIs to download publicly available information.

User configuration

The first time you run saveddit, you will see something like this:

[email protected]:~$ saveddit
Retrieving configuration from ~/.saveddit/user_config.yaml file
No configuration file found.
Creating one. Please edit ~/.saveddit/user_config.yaml with valid credentials.
  • Open the generated ~/.saveddit/user_config.yaml
  • Update the client IDs and secrets from the previous step
  • If you plan on using the user API, add your reddit username as well
imgur_client_id: ''
reddit_client_id: ''
reddit_client_secret: ''
reddit_username: ''

Download from Subreddit

[email protected]:~$ saveddit subreddit -h
Retrieving configuration from /Users/pranav/.saveddit/user_config.yaml file

usage: saveddit subreddit [-h] [-f categories [categories ...]] [-l post_limit] [--skip-comments] [--skip-meta] [--skip-videos] -o output_path subreddits [subreddits ...]

positional arguments:
  subreddits            Names of subreddits to download, e.g., AskReddit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f categories [categories ...]
                        Categories of posts to download (default: ['hot', 'new', 'rising', 'controversial', 'top', 'gilded'])
  -l post_limit         Limit the number of submissions downloaded in each category (default: None, i.e., all submissions)
  --skip-comments       When true, saveddit will not save comments to a comments.json file
  --skip-meta           When true, saveddit will not save meta to a submission.json file on submissions
  --skip-videos         When true, saveddit will not download videos (e.g., gfycat, redgifs, youtube, v.redd.it links)
  -o output_path        Directory where saveddit will save downloaded content

Example Usage: Download the hottest 15 posts each from /r/pics and /r/aww

[email protected]:~$ saveddit subreddit pics aww -f hot -l 5 -o ~/Desktop

You can download from multiple subreddits and use multiple filters:

[email protected]:~$ saveddit subreddit funny AskReddit -f hot top new rising -l 5 -o ~/Downloads/Reddit/.

Download from User's page

[email protected]:~$ saveddit user -h
Retrieving configuration from /Users/pranav/.saveddit/user_config.yaml file

usage: saveddit user [-h] users [users ...] {saved,gilded,submitted,upvoted,comments} ...

positional arguments:
  users                 Names of users to download, e.g., Poem_for_your_sprog

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Example Usage: Download top 10 comments submissions by user

saveddit user "Poem_for_your_sprog" comments -s top -l 10 -o ~/Desktop

Example Output

[email protected]:~$ tree ~/Downloads/www.reddit.com
├── r
│   └── aww
│       └── new
│           ├── 000_We_decided_to_foster_a_litter_of...
│           │   ├── comments.json
│           │   ├── files
│           │   │   └── 7fjt2gkp32s61.jpg
│           │   └── submission.json
│           ├── 001_Besties_
│           │   ├── comments.json
│           │   ├── files
│           │   │   └── zklpm1qo32s61.jpg
│           │   └── submission.json
│           ├── 002_My_cat_dice_with_his_best_friend...
│           │   ├── comments.json
│           │   ├── files
│           │   │   └── av3yrbmo32s61.jpg
│           │   └── submission.json
│           ├── 003_Digging_makes_her_the_happiest_
│           │   ├── comments.json
│           │   ├── files
│           │   │   └── zjw5f3yl32s61.jpg
│           │   └── submission.json
│           └── 004_Our_beloved_pup_needs_some_help_...
│               ├── comments.json
│               ├── files
│               │   ├── 66su4i9b32s61.mp4
│               │   ├── 66su4i9b32s61_audio.mp4
│               │   └── 66su4i9b32s61_video.mp4
│               └── submission.json
└── u
    └── Poem_for_your_sprog
        └── gilded
            ├── 000_Comment__The_guy_was_the_biggest_deal_an...
            │   └── comments.json
            ├── 001_Comment__tl_dr_life_is_long_Journey_s_h...
            │   └── comments.json
            ├── 002_Comment_From_Northwind_mine_to_Talos_shr...
            │   └── comments.json
            ├── 003_Comment__I_feel_terrible_having_people_j...
            │   └── comments.json
            └── 004_Comment_I_often_stop_a_time_or_two_At_...
                └── comments.json

21 directories, 22 files
(saveddit_prod) (base)

Supported Links:

  • Direct links to images or videos, e.g., .png, .jpg, .mp4, .gif etc.
  • Reddit galleries reddit.com/gallery/...
  • Reddit videos v.redd.it/...
  • Gfycat links gfycat.com/...
  • Redgif links redgifs.com/...
  • Imgur images imgur.com/...
  • Imgur albums imgur.com/a/... and imgur.com/gallery/...
  • Youtube links youtube.com/... and yout.be/...
  • These sites supported by youtube-dl
  • Self posts
  • For all other cases, saveddit will simply fetch the HTML of the URL


Contributions are welcome, have a look at the CONTRIBUTING.md document for more information.


The project is available under the MIT license.

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