model with skgpytorch
# Import packages
import torch
from regdata import NonStat2D
from gpytorch .kernels import RBFKernel , ScaleKernel
from skgpytorch .models import ExactGPRegressor
from skgpytorch .metrics import mean_squared_error
# Hyperparameters
n_iters = 100
# Load data
datafunc = NonStat2D (backend = "torch" )
X_train , y_train , X_test = map (lambda x : x .to (torch .float32 ), datafunc .get_data ())
y_test = datafunc .f (X_test [:, 0 ], X_test [:, 1 ]).to (torch .float32 )
# Define a kernel
kernel = ScaleKernel (RBFKernel (ard_num_dims = X_train .shape [1 ]))
# Define a model
model = ExactGPRegressor (X_train , y_train , kernel , device = 'cpu' )
# Train the model
model .fit (n_iters = n_iters , random_state = seed )
# Predict the distribution
pred_dist = model .predict (X_train , y_train , X_test )
# Compute RMSE and/or NLPD
mse = mean_squared_error (pred_dist , y_test , squared = False )
nlpd = neg_log_posterior_density (pred_dist , y_test )
model with skgpytorch
# Import packages
import torch
from regdata import NonStat2D
from nsgptorch .kernels import rbf
from skgpytorch .models import ExactNSGPRegressor
from skgpytorch .metrics import mean_squared_error
# Hyperparameters
n_iters = 100
# Load data
datafunc = NonStat2D (backend = "torch" )
X_train , y_train , X_test = map (lambda x : x .to (torch .float32 ), datafunc .get_data ())
y_test = datafunc .f (X_test [:, 0 ], X_test [:, 1 ]).to (torch .float32 )
# Define a kernel list for each dimension
kernel_list = [rbf , rbf ]
# Define inducing points for each dimension (must be none if not applicable)
inducing_points = [None , None ]
# Define a model
model = ExactNSGPRegressor (kernel_list , input_dim = 2 , inducing_points , device = 'cpu' )
# Train the model
model .fit (X_train , y_train , n_iters = n_iters , random_state = seed )
# Predict the distribution
pred_dist = model .predict (X_train , y_train , X_test )
# Compute RMSE and/or NLPD
mse = mean_squared_error (pred_dist , y_test , squared = False )
nlpd = neg_log_posterior_density (pred_dist , y_test )
Each kernel is 1D
Multiply kernels to each other
Compute distance once and save it
Update skgpytorch to use 1 std instead of 0.1
Do something about mean learning of gpytorch for comparison